I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 141 Game Internal Test

"What, we got lost?"

Wang Jiade's words shocked Sun Lecheng and the two of them.

For apprentices in the other world, what ordinary people call "disorientation" is absolutely impossible to happen to them.

And once this happens, there is only one possibility.

They encountered "something special."

This includes, but is not limited to, various Feng Shui arrays and geomagnetic fields.

"Old Wang is right. This is indeed the fourth time we have seen this statue of the giant steel bird."

"What kind of extraordinary species is this bird? How come it has never been seen in illustrated books?"

Huang Xingyan walked around the statue of the giant steel bird several times. This thing looked natural, as if it grew out of the ground.

No trace of artificial casting can be seen at all.

If I guessed correctly, this must have used some kind of super power.

"This bird is indeed a bit strange. It looks like some kind of large raptor, but I don't remember any raptor with a crown on its head."

"What should we do next?"

Sun Lecheng touched the statue out of curiosity. The next moment, a chill suddenly rose in his heart, as if he was about to be in disaster.


A bolt of thunder swept across, and Sun Lecheng instantly lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he found that he had been wrapped into a rice dumpling.


"I, what's wrong with me?"

"What happened before?"

Sun Lecheng raised his neck with difficulty and looked around.

But he found himself lying in a wide square, and his two good brothers were wearing helmets and indulging in virtual games.

The reason why he was so sure was because the helmet was clearly marked with the four characters "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds".

Isn't this the game that adult asked them to play?


"you're awake?"

"You are lucky, King Kestrel is kind-hearted and will spare your life!"

"Of course the main reason is that the invitation letter in your hand saved your life."

"Otherwise I should be dealing with your remains now!"

Talonno looked at Sun Lecheng curiously. Is this the legendary apprentice in the other world?

They look no different from ordinary people!

Lord Kestrel King just passed by him, and he was almost delayed. He was too weak.

Sun Lecheng didn't know that Talonno looked down on him so much, otherwise he would have to let this ordinary person know what the dignity of an apprentice is.

"Who are you?"

"Where is this?"

"Who is Lord Kestrel King?"

Sun Lecheng endured the severe pain all over his body and carefully asked.

He had already glared at his two companions several times, but unfortunately they were unaware and still indulged in the game.

"I am the big boss's most capable subordinate, and I am now responsible for the operation of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds"."

"As for Lord Kestrel King, the reason why you are in such misery now is because you touched its statue."

"It would be troublesome for me to explain the specific situation to you. You can verify it yourself with your two partners."

Talonno impatiently threw a gaming helmet to Sun Lecheng.

He had wasted more than two hours here waiting for this guy to wake up.

"Just an ordinary person, you, you"

Seeing Talonno's leaving figure, Sun Lecheng almost fainted from anger.

Fortunately, he quickly realized his current situation and felt calm instantly.

After looking around, I found that there were only three of them in this metal square.

Sun Lecheng couldn't help but put on the gaming helmet with difficulty.

But such a slight movement caused dozens of wounds and lacerations.

If he hadn't been strong-willed, he would have screamed in pain.

Sun Lecheng couldn't help but wonder if his current body was still intact.


"Welcome to the superpower teaching game "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds", please create your game character."

The moment he put on the helmet, Sun Lecheng felt a wave of waves sweep through his brain.

Having played virtual games before, he didn't offer any resistance.

During the apprenticeship stage, due to his enhanced spirituality, Sun Lecheng was still sensitive to [virtual games] invading his brain.

However, that's all. Unless they are spiritually awakened, the apprentices still cannot resist the invasion of [Brain Jailbreak] technology.

"Create a game character!"

With a thought in his mind, Sun Lecheng created a game character using himself as a template.

The next process is no different from the virtual games circulating on the market. Obviously, the developers of the game have no intention of being new and different.

After clicking a dozen confirmations in a row, the payment page finally appeared.

"Please pay yourself for a piece of knowledge!"

Faced with this option, Sun Lecheng hesitated for a while.

But soon, he began to project a piece of knowledge in his memory and made payment.

This is a course on the appreciation of the art of bronze inscriptions in 15 ancient characters.

Apart from making the writing of the gold inscriptions more beautiful, it has no other effect.

Sun Lecheng was curious whether the knowledge he gave could meet the payment standards.

"Payment successful!"

It's incredible, or surprisingly generous, that he succeeded in paying.

Is that gentleman still a conscientious businessman?

After the payment was successful, Sun Lecheng felt his vision begin to change, and the next moment, he appeared in a passenger plane.


"Old Sun, you actually woke up?"

"Great, I thought you were dead."

Huang Xingyan's voice brought Sun Lecheng back to his senses. He looked around the entire cabin and found that Wang Jiade was also here.

"Old Wang, what exactly is going on?"

"Why was I wrapped into a rice dumpling?"

"And how is this game?"

Impatiently, Sun Lecheng began to ask his two friends.

After meeting these two people, although it was only in the game, Sun Lecheng's inner panic finally dissipated a little.

"Hey, Old Sun, you are so reckless!"

"The original form of that statue is really an extraordinary life."

"We didn't see what happened. The opponent's speed was too fast."

"Anyway, after a burst of thunder, we both flew ten meters away, and you turned into a blood gourd."

"Fortunately, Talenno, who is in charge of game operations, arrived in time, otherwise you would have bled to death."

Wang Jiade scolded Sun Lecheng. It was so thrilling at the time, and his life was hanging by a thread.

If it weren't for those three invitations, they would have been torn to pieces by that extraordinary bird.

"I, I didn't expect that either!"

Facing the scoldings from the two of them, Sun Lecheng looked sad. It was obvious that he was the one who was hurt the most!

"Old Sun, I think you haven't seen our current situation clearly."

"Look at the name of this game, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds."

"This Blue Taro Country is a desperate place for us!"

"If we don't have the awareness to face death all the time, I'm afraid we won't live long even if we become players."

Huang Xingyan, who had played several rounds of the game, let out a long sigh, and Wang Jiade nodded in agreement.

"Stop saying anything, the game begins!"

"You should experience it first!"

Beep beep beep, an alarm suddenly sounded inside the passenger plane.

A group of armed NPCs appeared in front of the three people. As the cabin door slowly opened, these NPCs jumped out.

Only then did Sun Lecheng realize that he was dressed exactly the same as those NPCs.

Without hesitation, Wang Jiade and Huang Xingyan also jumped down.

Although Sun Lecheng was confused, he also jumped out.


"The country below is actually Blue Taro?"

Sun Lecheng, who fell from a high altitude, finally saw the landscape below clearly. It was an island hanging alone in the sea.

As we get closer to the ground, various familiar buildings come into view.

Then there was a snap, and Sun Lecheng's vision turned black and he fell into a pulp.

Although Sun Lecheng opened his parachute this time, the timing was too late and he was too close to the ground, so he landed directly in the mud.

Ten minutes later, Sun Lecheng looked embarrassed when he saw Wang Jiade and Wang Jiade who were also dead.

They appeared on the passenger plane again, and a new round of the game began again.

"Old Sun, it's okay, you'll get used to it if you die a few times!"

"There are only three of us players in the game now. Once we die, the game will restart."

"For us, this is an opportunity to seize the opportunity!"

"Once other apprentices join the game, the game duration and difficulty will definitely skyrocket."

Wang Jiade and the two comforted Sun Lecheng and got used to it.


A new round of the game began, and the three jumped down again.

This time, Sun Lecheng successfully landed in a city.

Well, Sun Lecheng finally discovered that the game map looked like the entire Blue Taro Kingdom from a high altitude, but after landing, it was limited to one city.

I don’t know if it’s because the number of players is currently small and no other maps have been opened, or if the game’s servers can only support these.


After landing, Sun Lecheng's red light flashed and was marked as an "intruder".

Then he was chased by a LV1 player (NPC).

Faced with superpowers for the first time, Sun Lecheng died miserably even though he was fully armed and armed.

After two more rounds of games, Sun Lecheng finally tested out the range of LV1's skills, which was only 10 meters.

So under his careful planning, he finally succeeded in killing a player in the fourth round of the game and obtained the card.

At the moment he gained superpowers, Sun Lecheng almost cried with joy.

After taking on player identity, he is no longer considered an intruder.

Unfortunately, he was targeted by other players (NPCs) who wanted to steal his cards.

Sun Lecheng, who experienced a superpower battle for the first time, died tragically again.

So just like that, rounds of games continued to unfold.


In the 9th round of the game, Sun Lecheng used his super power to kill a player for the first time and got the second card. He chose fusion.

In the thirteenth round of the game, Sun Lecheng discovered that there is a tetrahedron gem in the game, which can improve game skills.

And to improve your skills, you need to conduct guidance and design yourself, which is really amazing.

In the 15th round of the game, Sun Lecheng met Wang Jiade. The two sides had a friendly discussion, and he was defeated again.

As his game experience becomes more and more abundant, Sun Lecheng has finally figured out the game rules of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds".

In this game, players have two routes.

One is a law-abiding person, and the other is a traitor.

In the Lawful Route, players can only develop one type of card, mainly using tetrahedral gems to upgrade their skills.

As for the Betrayer route, it involves devouring and fusing other cards to create super power combinations.

Sun Lecheng has tried both routes and reached the end of both routes.

In the 27th round of the game, he chose to become a lawful one and successfully upgraded his card to LV5 with gems.

That's right, the pinnacle of skills in this game is LV5.

Then he encountered the super big BOSS and died completely without even seeing anything.

In the next few rounds, Sun Lecheng would die like this.

Then he realized that he had been killed in a plot.

This "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" simply does not have the ability of the LV6 apostle level.

It makes sense to think about it. If the player who developed this game was an apostle, he would have no need to deal with their group of apprentices.

After that, Sun Lecheng changed his game route and started playing Betrayer.

Various combinations of superpowers are what he yearns for.

Then he discovered that the Betrayer's game was much more difficult than that of the Lawful.

Only by upgrading the core card to LV2 can he integrate the next card.

By analogy, the second card is fused at LV3, and the third card is fused at LV4.

The explanation given by the game is that only the core cards are powerful enough to complete the devouring of other cards.

Sun Lecheng knows that there are also betrayers in [Game of Kings], so this is likely to be the fusion rule of game cards in reality.

The LV5 stage of the Betrayer is the most difficult because it requires the complete fusion of four cards to construct the [Apostle Arms].

At this level, Sun Lecheng was stuck for ten rounds, and finally succeeded once by relying on luck.

The reason for this is because although the betrayer will not encounter a super BOSS on the road or encounter a plot kill, he will trigger [Judgment].

This is a very special setting. The betrayer only has a 10% chance of passing the trial.

If he fails to pass the trial, he will naturally die.

Even if you are lucky enough to pass the trial, you will encounter [shuffle].

That is to say, the cards that have been fused will be forced to be split. It can be said that after a round of hard work, only one LV4 core card is left in the blink of an eye.

This setting reminds Sun Lecheng of Judgment Day in the Game of Kings.

Even if the betrayers in reality are lucky enough to escape the [King's Judgment], under the influence of the shuffling mechanism, there should still be only one LV4 core card left.

Sun Lecheng's only success in "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" was that he luckily organized the Apostle Armed Forces before triggering [Judgment] and successfully promoted to LV5.

Unfortunately, not long after he became a LV5 betrayer, the [Judgment] was triggered and he was completely dead.

Sun Lecheng seriously doubted that this was also a plot kill, because according to the game settings, if a LV5 betrayer passes the [Trial], he can be promoted to LV6.

There's obviously no way the game will let them pass.

During the forty-ninth round of the game, Sun Lecheng "triggered the anti-addiction alarm" and was directly kicked off the game.

When he took off his helmet, he realized that a day and a night had passed.

At this time, his body was extremely weak, and he was only half a breath away from "returning to the light".

Sun Lecheng was only seriously injured before, but now he has not received any water for a day and a night, and is on the verge of death.

If we play a few more rounds of the game, it is estimated that the first dead player in "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" will be born.


Within half an hour, Wang Jiade and Huang Xingyan went offline one after another, and then they discovered that their good brother Sun Lecheng was almost cold.

Fortunately, their cry for help alerted Talonno, who gave them half a soldier's ration pill rather distressedly, finally bringing Sun Lecheng back from the brink of death.

In the metal castle, Chen Qi witnessed everything that happened. The half of the soldier's ration pills were deducted from King Kestrel's rations because of his kindness.

The game has just been in closed beta, and it still needs feedback from three people.

What's more, if there is one less coolie, who will recruit people to promote the game "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds"?

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