I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 151 The Contract Disappears

In the blink of an eye, Trilis has spent two days in prison.

Until she walked out of the metal castle, Trilis still felt as if she was living in a dream.

It's all so unreal.

In the past two days, apart from occasionally asking her some questions, 7 of Hearts often forgot about her.

It was as if she had completely lost her value and was no longer worth caring about.

This kind of indifference made Trilis feel humiliated, but at the same time she was secretly grateful.

At least she should have survived.

Although I don’t know what agreement this guy reached with Lord Milton, the result is probably good.

Just this morning, the Nuris Federation sent someone a courier.

Chen Qi smiled happily when he opened the courier, and casually removed the ability mark placed on Cuilis.

Then Triris was kicked out.

The moment she left the metal castle, Cuilis felt like she was in another world.

Perhaps the blow she suffered this time was so great that she became confused about the future.

As for revenge on the Seven of Hearts?

She is not stupid enough to continue to seek death.

Not to mention that she has not fully understood Chen Qi's strength until now. Lord Milton alone would not allow it.

That guy was actually chosen by Lord Milton.



When Cuilis left the Farfadil mining area, she was not alone.

At her feet, there was a whimpering black dog that turned back three times with each step.

This guy was much worse than Trilis. After the big blood-red bird woke up, one of its dog ears was eaten directly.

It was Chen Qi who persuaded Xiao Hong, otherwise the Kestrel King's bad character in the past would have definitely left the Dog of Death's two dog eyes intact.

"What's the name? It's all your fault for what happened this time."

"Stupid dog, you are a blessing in disguise this time. At least the blood conflict is resolved."

"Next, just follow me, or I'll break your four legs!"

Triris, who was upset by the barking of the dog, kicked the Death Dog hard.

The latter's face was full of shock. Why did this woman change her heart? She wasn't very good to her before.

"Hmph, you only have a little bloodline ability left now. What else can it be used for except for breeding?"

"I used to be able to extract at least 2 points of psychic energy from your bloodline every year, but now I can't get even a little bit out of you even if I drain you dry!"

"Now that it's useless, let's put ourselves in the right position!"

"I really suffered a big loss this time!"

The more Trilis thought about it, the more aggrieved she became, and she kicked the dog of death hard again.

The downgraded Death Dog put up a fight and decided to run away from the woman, whereupon he was severely punished.

Cuilisi, who has regained her strength, does not dare to challenge Chen Qi again, but she is more than enough to suppress a dog.

Trilis has decided to put a 200-pound collar on this dog when she returns.

If she wasn't worried about being "taken advantage of" by others, Cuilis would have planned to sell the dog through federal channels!

The reason why we didn't do this before was because the power of the game was needed to balance the bloodline of this piece of shit.

Once the Death Dog at that time left the Blue Taro Country, it would inevitably die suddenly, and even its bloodline power would not be preserved.

Although this guy is now useless, the remaining bloodline power is stable.

In this way, this bitch can escape from the Blue Taro Country.

Unfortunately, before Trilis could "make a decision," the dog of death that she had just suppressed disappeared.

A ray of red light fell from the sky and took the bitch away.

The moment the red light appeared, Trilis instinctively wanted to attack.

But out of some scruples, she hesitated.

Then the dog of death was taken away directly!


"Asshole, what the hell is this? How dare you bully me?"

In the sky, a bloody monster with wings, hands and feet was galloping away carrying a dog of death.

Cuillis found out that the red figure was not the kestrel queen, and she was absolutely furious!

The reason why she hesitated just now was that she mistakenly thought that the red light was the big red bird.

After all, King Kestrel had just eaten the ear of the Dog of Death, so he might be hungry again.

It depends on the owner to beat a dog, let alone a bird?

It would be strange for Cuilisi, who had just suffered a big loss at the hands of Chen Qi, not to be afraid.

But just for this short hesitation, she was intercepted.

This cannot be tolerated!

The angry Trilis directly used her superpower to chase the monster flying at high speed.

Under her feet, a layer of smooth ice continued to spread, and the movement was not slow at all.


"Hahaha, great harvest, really great harvest!"

"Milton is really open-minded."

Inside the metal castle, Chen Qi didn't care at all about Cuilis' departure and was happily looking at the spoils of war.

Chen Qi's negotiation with Milton that day went smoothly beyond expectations.

After seeing that the person on the call was changed to Chen Qi, Milton was just curious and asked the reason.

Chen Qi told him honestly that Cuilisi had been captured.

Milton was not angry at all after hearing the news. Instead, he became very interested.

He asked Chen Qi to prove it.

Then Chen Qi gestured at Cuillis, allowing Milton on the other end of the communicator to witness Cuillis' "absence" with his own eyes.

Milton's next attitude is called enthusiasm.

There was no need for Chen Qi to make any requests himself. Milton directly asked Chen Qi what he still lacked and whether he needed help.

Facing such a warm-hearted old man, Chen Qi naturally opened his mouth!

Unfortunately, Milton agreed without hesitation at all.

He also stated that this is only the first tranche of investment assistance, and more will be added depending on subsequent developments.

Milton's generosity made Chen Qi wonder if he was too short-sighted and wanted too little.

But he can't regret it right away, that would be too disrespectful.

Facing such a forthright Milton, the two of them naturally became happier as they chatted.

From beginning to end, they never mentioned the issue of Trilis' disposal.

This is a tacit understanding between both parties.


"Old fox", this was Chen Qi's judgment of Milton after the chat.

"Talents are rare", this is Milton's evaluation of Chen Qi!

It was said that the lion opened his mouth, but in fact Chen Qi only asked for two things from Milton.

One is to have complete knowledge about conjuration. It is best to give him a copy of the textbook from the Conjuration Academy.

As for the second requirement, it is [Psychic Capsule].

Milton expressed his admiration for Chen Qi's request for complete spell knowledge.

This is the potential talent he needs to find.

But the second request made Milton a little surprised and even hesitant.

But when he heard that Chen Qi only needed an empty psychic capsule, he readily agreed.

From this, Chen Qi came to the conclusion that the value of psychic energy must be extremely huge, and it may be a strategic resource between countries.

Otherwise Milton would not have hesitated.

But it has to be said that the big man does things with ease. In just two days, Milton sent someone to deliver the psychic capsule and spell teaching materials.

After Chen Qi inspected it, he found that the goods were genuine and without any falsehood.

Since the other party is so open about things, Chen Qi will naturally not be ashamed.

There was no use in keeping Triris, so he let it go.

As a bonus, Chen Qi also asked her to take away the big black dog.

This piece of shit can't be punished to death. It would be a pity if Xiao Hong eats it.

It's a pity that Chen Qi doesn't know what happened after Cuillis left. The poor dog of death really had a terrible fate.


"Is this the psychic capsule?"

"Such a small thing can store 1,000 points of energy. And this is the smallest model. The larger ones can even store 1 million points of energy."

"It's a bit surprising."

Chen Qi held a golden capsule the size of a bean on his fingertips and looked at it carefully.

The reason why this little thing is golden is because the material used to make it comes from gold. It is a very magical gold extract.

But Chen Qi didn't know what the specific material was.

What Milton came with was just an instruction manual.

The use of the psychic capsule is very simple, just use spiritual assimilation.

Chen Qi carefully probed his spirituality into it, and everything went smoothly without any obstacles.

"What a complicated spell structure!"

"It's simply woven together with spells."

The space inside the capsule is not large, and can even be called tiny.

But such a small space can hold 1,000 points of spiritual energy, and magic is naturally used in this.

According to the instruction manual, there are three main types of spells used to refine psychic capsules.

They are [Storage Technique], [Compression Technique], and [Protection Technique].

But if you think that's all, you'd be underestimating this thing.

Because its most fundamental core is a [curse]!


Mantra, mantra, incantation, mantra, decree, Turing.

The law of mantra is a more advanced form than mantra, and it is beyond the control of extraordinary people.

Generally speaking, only the Master stage can master the spell.

As for the incantation, it is exclusive to the Silver Apostle.

Like the structure of [curse], the curse is also formed from three ancient characters.

But the difference is that the choice of ancient characters for the curse includes [Jomon], [Doumulu script], and [divine script].

To be more precise, the curse is one of these three special ancient characters, combined with two of the other 12 ancient characters.

The above knowledge comes from the "Encyclopedia of Basic Knowledge of Spells" that Milton just sent.

This is not one book, but a dozen thick volumes.

It records in detail the root construction methods of 70 kinds of spells, as well as 35 kinds of lower-level spells that can be used by extraordinary people.

Lower level, intermediate level, advanced level, special level, these are the classification of spell levels in the Encyclopedia of Basic Knowledge of Spells.


The "Encyclopedia of Basic Knowledge of Spells" sent by Milton is the most public version, that is, the unified version published by the World Government.

Compared with the textbooks developed by major colleges and universities, it is naturally a bit mediocre and ordinary.

But there is no doubt about the correctness of various standards.

Its classification of spell levels is a common standard in the entire world.

According to the "Encyclopedia of Basic Knowledge of Spells", the composition of lower-level spells is composed of 1 to 9 [spells] as the core, combined with 12 ancient characters in varying numbers.

For example, the message letter is based on a curse and is paired with [Yun Wen] and [Clay Wen].

Of course, if the structure of the spell is sophisticated enough and the number of core spells is a multiple of 3, it does not need to be combined with other ancient characters.

For example, Chen Qi's [Spiritual Eye Technique] only uses three spells.

Lower-level spells are also divided into low, middle and high levels based on the number of spells used.

[Spiritual Eye Technique] is the most powerful of the low-level spells.

For medium spells, you need to use 4 to 6 spells.

As for advanced spells, the number of spells used has reached 7-9.

The 35 low-level spells sent by Milton include 20 low-level spells, 10 medium-level spells, and 5 high-level spells.

As for the intermediate spells that can only be used by the controller, they are not within the scope of this transaction at all.

Probably only when Chen Qi becomes the controller will Milton be eager to provide sponsorship again.


"This wave of blood gains has finally made up for some of my shortcomings in spell knowledge."

"This guy Milton is really willing to spend money."

"But considering that the Tongtian Empire stands behind it, once a player passes the level, the old guy will definitely make more."

With the refining completed, the psychic capsule turned into a golden mark and blended into the palm of Chen Qi's right hand.

Next, Chen Qi only needs to inject spiritual energy into it, and it can be preserved for a long time. It is really convenient and fast.

The reason why Chen Qi asked Milton for the spiritual energy capsule was naturally to solve the problem of insufficient spiritual energy carrying capacity.

Strictly speaking, Cuilisi failed because Chen Qi used 30 points of psychic energy to knock her out.

If the colorful butterflies formed by the communication technique do not have enough numbers, they will not be able to set off a storm in the sea of ​​information.

Chen Qi cannot hide in the Fadil Mining Area forever. Once he leaves here, Xiaobai's rechargeable Pokémon will be ineffective.

Chen Qi originally wanted to ask for the secret method to open up psychic organs, but considering the "risk", he chose the psychic capsule instead.

The current 1,000 points of spiritual energy storage space is enough for Chen Qi to squander.

Xiaobai can only capture a dozen points of psychic energy every day now, and Chen Qi can't pretend to be dissatisfied!


After completing the transaction with Milton, Chen Qi started studying hard again.

More than a dozen thick volumes of "Basic Knowledge of Spells" were enough for Chen Qi to digest for a while.

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and two more days passed. It was already July 3rd, and there were only 12 days left before the Hundred Demons Night Parade.

During the two days that Chen Qi stayed behind closed doors, the Fadil Mining Area was extremely harmonious and peaceful.

Perhaps because they had seen real superpower battles, no matter what their thoughts, the apprentices began to work harder in "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds".

It's a pity that they have been harvested and can no longer provide Chen Qi with much new knowledge.

If Chen Qi hadn't planned to be a lawful person for a while, he would have stopped playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

In fact, Chen Qi was also thinking about the safety of these apprentices. He was definitely not so evil that he planned to close the training class when he saw that there was no profit to be made.

Trilis had destroyed half of the mining area before.

The next opponents will only become stronger. If they are not careful, all these guys will turn into ashes.

Poor apprentices who are struggling in the game don't know that their beautiful life will soon end.

Compared with the stability and harmony here at Chen Qi, the surging undercurrent among the players finally broke out after fermenting for a period of time.

Although Chen Qi had been vaguely aware of it before, he didn't expect that it was actually the Lawmen who had internal problems first.

Just today, Chen Qi, who had been obsessed with studying, was awakened.

He was shocked to find that the contract that bound the card skills had disappeared.


When joining the Order, Chen Qi signed a contract.

"NO.1 [The lawful ones cannot attack each other]."

"NO.2 [Don't reveal companion information to betrayers]."

This is a necessary procedure for joining the lawful people. The existence of the contract is also a major foundation for the stable existence of the lawful people.

The constraints of this contract are very unique, and they are actually imposed on the cards.

Even if Chen Qi is promoted to LV3, it will still exist.

But just now, it disappeared.

There is only one answer. The player with the contract ability was killed.

The trust among the lawful ones is completely gone!

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