I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 167 Everyone uses their own methods

"Here he comes, he comes, the real master finally appears."

"Is that guy the Seven of Spades?"

"It's so calm. It feels like walking."

In Beiyin Mountain, the sniper that players have been waiting for finally appears.

A "player" shrouded in a black robe appeared leisurely in everyone's field of vision and walked toward the top of the mountain.

The only one who appears here at this moment and dares to step into the Yin Eclipse Sanren's lair is the 7 of Spades.


"Strange, why do I always feel like something is wrong?"

"That guy Qi Tianming is not so stubborn. Is this guy so reckless?"

Unlike the vast majority of spectators who don’t know the details of the 7 of Spades, Yu-Gi-Oh! Qi Tianming’s super powers are almost fully understood.

That bastard's ability specializes in consciousness and is not good at frontal combat at all.

Now he went up the mountain in a daze. Did he gain new abilities after killing the 7 of Hearts?

No wonder the aura on this guy's body has changed. If it weren't for his body or Qi Tianming's body, Yu-Gi-Oh! would almost doubt whether he had recognized the wrong person?

It seems that Qi Tianming gained a lot after killing the 7 of Hearts!

It's like a new person.


"Young man, it's not too late to turn back now."

"It would be good to live a few more days."

A statue made of clay appeared in front of the man in black robe, completely blocking his way.

"Yin Eclipse Sanren? It's been such a long time!"

"Why don't you listen to my advice and give up this evil path you are on!"

"Isn't it good to be a good person?"

The man in black robe had no intention of stopping and continued walking towards the statue.

"Crack, click!"

The moment he passed by, the statue made of clay shattered into pieces.

The next moment, more than a dozen clay statues appeared in front of them.

"Young man, you unexpectedly attacked my old man. You really don't have martial ethics."

"Something's wrong, something's wrong with you."

"When you spoke just now, you used the power of sound waves."

"This is definitely not the ability of Card 7."

The voice of Yin Eclipse Sanren is extremely gloomy, although after each round of shuffling, the abilities of the ownerless cards will change randomly.

But after a new round of games starts, the abilities of the cards are completely fixed and will not change at all.

The Yin Eclipse Sanren knew very well the abilities of the card with the number seven in this round of the game, and there was no power of sound at all.

"Huh, hide your head and show your tail. Just let me see who you really are?"

"Come out!"

The clay statue reached forward to grab it, and the next moment, the space around the man in black robe seemed to be distorted.

This is not a real spatial distortion, but just a visual deviation caused by the refraction of surrounding light.

"Zi la!"

The black robe disintegrated inch by inch and turned into countless flying catkins. The person hidden under the black robe finally revealed his true face.

He looked like "Qi Tianming".


"Awesome, really awesome!"

"Before, I only knew that your superpower was to control the material field, but I never thought that you were so proficient in it."

"If I hadn't protected my whole body with my spirituality, what was shattered just now was not just my clothes, but my body."

"Like poles repel each other, and opposite poles attract each other. I often use this magnetic field method, but it's a little worse than you, Sanren!"

"Qi Tianming" greatly admired Yin Xisanren's methods.

The Yin Eclipse Sanren seemed to be just grabbing it lightly, but it actually changed the magnetic pole of the material field within a radius of 100 meters.

The surrounding material field suddenly exerted a terrifying attraction on "Qi Tianming".

If he hadn't used his spirituality to cut off the pull of the surrounding environment on the physical cells, he would have turned into blood foam.

"Young man, you still dare to play tricks in front of me!"

"You really think that my old eyesight is so dim that I can't see that you are not Qi Tianming at all?"

"Things that don't know whether to live or die."

"Then I'll give you a ride!"

"Burial in dust!"

The clay statue seemed to be dissatisfied with someone. The next moment, he waved his hand at "Qi Tianming".

Following the actions of the Yin Eclipse Sanren, the dust floating in the air suddenly gained a terrifying acceleration.


Billions of dust turned into a khaki-yellow beam of light, which instantly hit "Qi Tianming".


At the moment when the yellow beam of light was about to hit "Qi Tianming", layers of sound waves rippled across the latter's body, seemingly trying to reduce the power of the beam of light.

But the dust was too much and too small, and the defensive shield composed of sound waves was still penetrated, and "Qi Tianming" was directly knocked hundreds of meters away.

However, facing this result, Yin Eclipse Sanren frowned slightly.

Because the attack just now did not achieve the desired effect at all,

If the attack really works, the terrifying penetrating power of billions of dust will directly turn the flesh and blood of living creatures into mud and water.

There will be no knock-up effect at all.



"Qi Tianming" crashed heavily at the foot of the mountain. However, at this time, he was no longer "Qi Tianming", but turned into a humanoid monster made entirely of gray bones.

The humanoid monster has layers of bone armor growing all over its body. This is the reason why it has not been turned into mud and water, because now it has no flesh and blood at all.


"I went and saw something wrong. This guy is just a clone of his ability?"

"It's a bit weird. It feels like it's more than just a clone of the ability."

"Yin Eclipse Sanren said that this guy is not Qi Tianming, then who is he?"

"Stupid, if it's not the 7 of spades, then it can only be the 7 of hearts!"

"Things seem to be getting more and more interesting."

This incident on the battlefield completely aroused the emotions of the spectators.

Out of trust in the strength of the Yin Eclipse Sanren, no one believed that any player could attack them head-on.

Everyone was originally disappointed with the choice of "Qi Tianming", but unexpectedly they were mistaken.

This is a "variable". I don't know what the strength of this new one is.

But being able to kill it and disguise it as the Seven of Spades should be more worth looking forward to.


"How can this be?"

"The 7 of Spades actually died, and even his body was devoured and manipulated."

"That guy actually lost to someone else in the battle of consciousness?"

Among all the spectators present, the one who was most shocked was none other than Yu-Gi-Oh.

It's really because Qi Tianming's attack is almost a dimensionality-reducing blow to the players.

How could he lose?

But the fact is before our eyes, this guy even lost his bones to others.

"Damn it, you know my secret 7 of hearts, right?"

Realizing this problem, Yu-Gi-Oh! looked at Chen Qi with an evil look in his eyes.

He began to search for Chen Qi's true identity, and his purpose was obviously not simple.


"Hey, the old guy is really awesome!"

"Although this form is suitable for fighting, it's really ugly!"

"Time is running out, let's fight quickly!"

Click, click, click, Chen Qi moved his unfamiliar body.

At this time, he was like a gray-bone monster, not even half human.

As early as when the news that Yin Eclipse Sanren was going to be promoted became known to everyone, Chen Qi knew that this battle would definitely "get a lot of attention".

Even if he wins in the end, he may not be able to escape the concentrated attacks of "narrow-minded" players.

This is very possible.

Players will never sit back and watch a player more powerful than Yin Eclipse Sanren appear.

Out of caution and safety considerations, Chen Qi made a plan to send only clones to fight.

As for how to solve the problem of ultra-long-distance clone control, of course it is through the [Information Sea].

At that level, distance in the physical world simply does not exist.

As for the current body, it was formed after immortal cells devoured Qi Tianming's corpse, and it only has three abilities.

[Sound], [Poison of Life], [Skeleton].

For some reason, Chen Qi did not give the ability of his card to the clone.


"[Bone Wings]!"

Click, click, click, a pair of gray bone wings grew and extended from Chen Qi's body.

The next moment, he flapped his wings and flew into the air.

"[Sound Cannon]!"

Buzzing, Chen Qi's skeletal arms began to change and reorganize, eventually turning into two rapid-fire cannons with fifty barrels each.

The next moment, bang bang bang!

The gun barrel rotated, and supersonic sonic bombs poured towards Beiyin Mountain at a speed of 300 rounds per second.


There seemed to be a devil roaring in the air, and in the next moment, the sonic bomb directly hit the clay statue, tearing it into pieces.

And this was just the beginning. As Chen Qi vibrated his bone wings and moved at high speed in the sky, the entire Beiyin Mountain began to withstand his bombardment.

"Boom boom boom!"

The moment the sonic bomb hit the mountain, the terrifying vibration waves directly tore apart the surface soil and spread toward the interior of the mountain.

In the blink of an eye, Beiyin Mountain was covered with thousands of bullet points.

Although each crater is only two meters in diameter, the accumulation of such a large number can be regarded as giving the entire Beiyin Mountain a facelift.


"Little tricks!"

"Rock blast!"

Although clay figurines have been destroyed hundreds of times by Chen Qi, the latter are still popping up like mushrooms after a rain.

As more than a dozen clay figurine statues were mixed together, a clay giant more than ten meters tall appeared.

This scene also happened throughout Beiyin Mountain. In the blink of an eye, the number of clay giants had reached hundreds.

The next moment, these tall clay giants grabbed huge rocks and threw them towards the gray-bone monster in the sky.


Hundreds of rock cannonballs flew towards Chen Qi at supersonic speed, and during this short flight, the material field of the rock cannonballs continued to tear apart, manifesting itself on the reality level.

Then the huge rock cannonball began to split into two, then split into four, and finally turned into tens of thousands of small stone balls flying at high speed.

In the blink of an eye, millions of small stone balls completely flooded Chen Qi in the sky.


The gray bone monster that Chen Qi transformed into was shattered instantly, and countless bone powder scattered on the ground.

But such outstanding results did not make the Yin Eclipse Sanren any happy.

Because as the bone powder fell to the ground, some of the original skeletons in Beiyin Mountain were instantly swallowed up and turned into small white-bone spiders.

Hundreds of thousands of white-bone spiders gathered together like a tide, eventually turning into a gray-bone giant tens of meters tall.


"Dong dong dong!"

Without hesitation, the huge skeleton giant once again attacked Beiyin Mountain.

Its current size is so heavy that the ground trembles violently with every step it takes.

"Heh, was the sonic bomb attack just now to explore the structure of the mountain?"

"The white bone spider just now was originally used to mark the breaking point."

"Now I want to use resonance to destroy the entire mountain. It's a good idea."

"But you are looking down on me, the Yin Eclipse Sanren!"

The moment the earth trembled, Yin Eclipse Sanren had already understood everything.

Compared with his experience in many battles, the 7 of Hearts technique is still too raw.

"Crack, bang!"

Under the control of Yin Eclipse Sanren, the material field of the entire Beiyin Mountain has undergone slight changes.

In reality, the resonance frequency that someone had previously locked was completely disrupted, and the structure of the mountain experienced unexpected deformations.

But as the attacking party, Chen Qi has an inherent advantage.

Even though Yin Eclipse Sanren tried his best to remedy the situation, he could only save more than 700 of the most important nodes of the mountain.

Yin Eclipse Sanren chose to give up the remaining unimportant scraps. In fact, the power he could use now was limited, so protecting them all was not worth the gain.


Three huge cracks began to spread in Beiyin Mountain. Unfortunately, they were blocked everywhere and had to split everywhere, turning into more and smaller cracks.

"Clatter, crash, crash!"

A mountain collapsed and thousands of boulders rolled down. This was the final result of Chen Qi's attack.

Compared with the huge mountain body of Beiyin Mountain, this damage is really insignificant.


Although the attack effect was not ideal, the skeleton giant's forward speed not only did not stop, but instantly exceeded twice the speed of sound.

If you look closely, you will find that the skeletal giant's feet have turned into special spring structures. Pieces of bone armor continuously transform the vibration force into forward thrust.


The skeleton giant used the earth as a catapult and projected himself directly to somewhere in Beiyin Mountain.

There, an oval-shaped boulder is absorbing starlight, and it must be the true body of Yin Eclipse Sanren.

But before that, this place was completely hidden by the distorted material field of Yin Eclipse Sanren.

The technique used was clearly derived from a method inherited from Earth Master.

As early as during the previous high-altitude bombardment, Chen Qi wanted to locate the true form of the Yin Eclipse Sanren.

The result was that nothing was found. Even with starlight guidance, the specific location could not be completely locked.

Considering that the super power of Yin Eclipse Sanren is the material field, Chen Qi began to explore the earth's magnetic field and finally found a clue.

I have to say that the Yin Eclipse Sanren did not live in vain for so many years. If Chen Qi hadn't been very talented in earth master training, I really wouldn't have seen him using the earth master's methods.

But now that Chen Qi has seen the clues, it will be easy to handle!

Chen Qi's next resonance attack was certainly not an attempt to destroy Beiyin Mountain. He was not so arrogant.

If the Yin Eclipse Sanren were such a dish, the onlookers outside would have already taken action.

He just wanted to destroy the Earth Master's secret technique exerted by Yin Eclipse Sanren by shattering specific mountain structures and confirm his true identity.

As a result, Yin Eclipse Sanren, who didn't know Chen Qi's true identity, made a small misjudgment.

The nodes he gave up were what Chen Qi really wanted to destroy.

So as the mountain nodes were broken, Chen Qi used an extremely subtle method to crack the hidden methods imposed by the Yin Eclipse Sanren.

It can be said that this point alone can prove that in terms of Earth Master inheritance, Yin Eclipse Sanren and Chen Qi are not at the same level at all.

This old thing is just relying on time and learning by rote.

And this little mistake is enough to tip the battle situation.


"Crush it to me!"

The skeleton giant weighing more than ten tons crashed into the oval boulder at twice the speed of sound.

Even if the latter is as hard as diamond, Chen Qi is confident that he can crush it.

Because his current body structure is filled with terrifying vibration waves, it is simply like a giant hammer vibrating at high frequency.

The special properties of bones allowed Chen Qi to completely get rid of the shackles of flesh and blood, and he did not have to worry about 800 self-inflicted injuries.

However, what is incredible is that as Chen Qi got closer to the oval boulder, his speed began to decrease rapidly.

It was as if there was an invisible net in the air, dragging the skeleton giant tightly.

In the end, the skeleton giant was like amber solidified in the air, completely losing its forward momentum.

"Seven of Hearts, I didn't expect you to have mastered the Earth Master's inheritance, and even have a deeper understanding of the material field than I expected."

"If you can break through my previous hiding methods, you can barely let me take another look at you."

"But it's a bit naive to want to go against me with just this method."

"Let's put it this way, the strength gap between us is infinite!"

"I can only use 1/10 of my strength now. Even so, no one watching the excitement outside dares to jump out."

"As long as I think about it, even if your attack is only a millimeter away from me, it will never land on me."

"End it!"

An old face appeared on the surface of the oval boulder, and a figure as black as carbon walked out of the boulder.

Black as carbon, this is really not a description, but the clone of Yin Eclipse Sanren's ability, which is just a ball of graphite.

This black figure is the real ability clone of Yin Eclipse Sanren.

From beginning to end, those who fought against Chen Qi were just some manipulated clay puppets.

The black figure walked up to the skeletal giant and slowly stretched out his fingertips.

And the moment the black fingertips came into contact with the skeletal giant, the latter instantly disintegrated from the material field level.

That familiar feeling allowed Chen Qi to experience a big rupture in person.

It was only then that the air flow brought about by the high-speed movement of the skeletal giant slowly blew through.

Just took away a piece of dust.

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