I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 198 Death Curse

"Quick, quick, quick, there is an elite monster ahead."

"First come, first served, no one else can get ahead of you."

"After killing this monster, we can gain another special psychic power!"

Zhu Yi, who was walking at the front, spotted the target first. The next moment, the other four people in the team formed a fighting order and surrounded him.

As for Chen Qi, he is of course responsible for keeping watch to prevent others from coming to snatch monsters.

Although captain Yuan Chengji said this was to take care of "Sunuo" who was "severely injured and has not recovered", he might not be guarding against Chen Qi.

This is not because he is worried about Chen Qi making a sneak attack, but because he is worried about him taking advantage of the chaos to steal the gems.

If this guy hadn't been shameless and the relationship between the two colleges had always been good, he really wouldn't have wanted to take "Suno" in.


Chen Qi was well aware of this precaution, but he didn't care at all.

On the contrary, he is very satisfied with his current treatment.

Although he is a high-level transcendent, even though he has taught himself the "Encyclopedia of Basic Knowledge of Spells".

However, different spell schools have completely different styles of using spells.

The more Chen Qi takes action, the more risks he will be exposed to.

Now is a good time to "watch the battle" and see the methods of students from regular spell schools.


Whether it is wild monsters or Yuan Chengji and others, they have no habit of speaking harshly in battle, and they start fighting whenever they meet.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, spells were flying and figures were flying, making it very lively.

"It should be the testing stage now. The spells used are basically low-level spells with the least power but the fastest attack."

"Well, let's start getting serious."

"The cooperation is very tacit, and the rhythm of control and attack is very good. It must have been practiced for a long time beforehand."

"Oh, I'm starting to use medium spells, but it seems to have been personally adjusted to better suit everyone's combat characteristics."

"The next step should be the nirvana. It is indeed an advanced spell, but it is a spell I have never seen before. It seems to be more powerful than what is shown in the Basic Knowledge Encyclopedia."

"It takes 1 minute and 35 seconds, just so-so!"

Chen Qi watched the six directions while commenting on the battlefield in his mind.

Generally speaking, the five students from the Purple Shirt Curse Academy are slightly better than Chen Qi in spell application skills, and they have their own uniqueness.

But their attacks always seemed a little too petty.

If it were Chen Qi who directly hit him with a high-level spell like ping ping ping ping pong, the wild monster would be reduced to gray in a few seconds at most.

But considering the pitiful [Psychic Energy Reserve] of these guys, this pick-and-search fighting method is still understandable.


Even if a transcendent reaches a high level, he can capture spiritual energy by himself.

But as for efficiency, Chen Qi can't bear that kind of hardship anyway.

Even though the major spell academies have various secret techniques, their capture efficiency is at most one or two times that of Chen Qi.

Capturing two or three points of psychic energy every day is not enough for daily practice. How much can be saved over time?

Chen Qi found the curse mark of [Energy Storage Technique] on these five people.

This is a special spell recorded in the Encyclopedia of Basic Knowledge of Spells.

Extraordinary people can store the captured spiritual energy in it, but they can only store about 30 points at most.

Chen Qi, who has a psychic capsule, is naturally too lazy to practice this thing.

But this spell is a compulsory spell for every student.

In order to pretend to be flawless, Chen Qi could only spend a few minutes practicing hastily.

This kind of spell with only six incantations is really simple for Chen Qi.


"You haven't practiced the enchantment technique yet? Either you can't learn it or you're not qualified to have access to it!"

From beginning to end, none of the five Yuan Chengjis used barrier techniques in the battle.

Even if there were several dangers, they only used other spells to defend themselves.

Then the answer is obvious, these guys don't know how to enchant at all.

It can be said that in just one short battle, Chen Qi had already seen through most of the five people in the Purple Shirt Curse Academy.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the help of enchantment alone, Chen Qi dared to fight 1V5 and won surely.

It seems that the extraordinary beings in the outside world are not as powerful as I thought.

Even if I lose the power of the card in the future, I will not become a weak scumbag by messing around outside.

Although the demon Gutav is still alive and well and "Game of Kings" has not yet been cleared, Chen Qi has already begun to prepare for the day when he leaves the Blue Taro Kingdom.

The outcome of some things has been determined long ago.

During the recent 10 days of avoiding natural disasters, Chen Qi was not idle at all.

He injected the golden extraordinary blood into the immortal cells.

It's a pity that the bloodline capture device can only be used once, and it will be completely broken the moment it is used up, without even a chance to study the fragments.

After the golden extraordinary blood is injected into the immortal cells, it is like a big shark falling into a small pond, it is too tossing.

In order to help the longevity cells completely digest the golden blood, Chen Qi used the furnace nine times in a row.

It can be said that due to this incident, Chen Qi's Baicao Pills were directly consumed 1/3.

Fortunately, the effect of "reshaping" did not disappoint Chen Qi.

After nine times of refining, a blood jade card exuding golden light spots was born.

And Chen Qi finally knew the ability of the golden bloodline, [Death Curse].


This skill sounds powerful, but it is really powerful.

However, this skill does not curse people to death, but curses the "dead people".

This is not cursing the dead, but only cursing the "dead past!"

After being exposed to the sea of ​​information, Chen Qi always had a question in his heart.

Why in the sea of ​​information, there is no information structure that life itself loses due to entropy increase.

Either it doesn't exist or I haven't discovered it.

Considering the vastness and depth of the information sea, Chen Qi always thought it was a problem of his own ability.

After all, he now only knows "one concept" about the information sea, but knows nothing about the rest.

This is the disadvantage of not having relevant inheritance.

The reason why Chen Qi chose the golden bloodline No. 07 is because it is related to the curse.

Chen Qi wanted to use this to pry into the mystery of the "curse" and see if it involved the soul dimension.

Facts have proved that Chen Qi made the right bet.

At least the [Death Curse] he currently masters involves the soul dimension.


Although it is very incredible, it is a bit too coincidental.

But Chen Qi relied on [Death Curse] to successfully answer the question, "Where did the information structure lost due to the increase in entropy of life go?"

At least he has now found the information structure that humans have lost due to entropy.

They were all swallowed up by the "Shadow of Soul".

Chen Qi used the [Death Curse] to successfully explore his consciousness into the soul dimension.

Then he saw countless "past selves".

Unfortunately, the integrity of the golden bloodline is only 3%, and Chen Qi can only see himself three years ago at most.

But it was enough to shock him.

Because he was "incomparably real" in the soul dimension, at that moment, Chen Qi thought that he had reversed time and saw his past self.

It can be said that even if the [Death Curse] only has this effect, Chen Qi is satisfied.

But the magic of [Death Curse] is far more than that.

The activation of the death curse is very simple. As long as Chen Qi obtains an object from the past that the "cursed" once held, Chen Qi can use some kind of connection to attack the [Soul Shadow] of the cursed.

Once the shadow of the soul is "tampered with", corresponding changes will appear on the "cursed".

Unless the cursed person can correct the tampered shadow of his soul, the curse he suffers will never be lifted.

After learning the specific effects of [Death Curse], Chen Qi was really shocked by its weird attack method.

This thing should be called "Poison of the Past"!

It’s so weird, so mysterious!

Is this the power of golden blood?


Chen Qi could only see himself in the shadow of his soul within three years.

In other words, because the integrity of the bloodline is only 3%.

If Chen Qi wants to curse someone else, he can only collect objects that the other person has used within three years.

Of course, the spiritual energy and spirituality required to activate gold-level skills are also massive. At least with Chen Qi's current spiritual energy reserve, it is far from enough.

Fortunately, Chen Qi didn't intend to curse Gutafu.

This is not because Chen Qi is "kindhearted", but because the devil has no soul at all.

Even the ancestral demon has an imperfect soul due to the existence of a black hole in the soul.

Their broken souls simply cannot leave a shadow in the three-dimensional world.

The above knowledge comes from the Encyclopedia of Demonic Knowledge presented by Yu Wenyong, keep it true!

So don't look at it. Chen Qi has mastered a powerful "curse technique", but it is really useless now.

However, Chen Qi is not without gains. On the contrary, his gains are priceless.

After understanding the mystery of the Soul Shadow, Chen Qi was finally no longer at a loss about the third ability of the Ancestral Demon.

This is enough.

As for how to kill the demon Gutafu, Chen Qi has his own way!


"Hahaha, what a big gem."

"The special spiritual energy here seems to be related to flames. Zhu Yi, it's yours!"

After the monster died, a fiery red gem was left behind.

This is the spiritual crystal that allows the extraordinary beings to fight for their heads.

Extraordinary beings can establish a special connection with the corresponding spiritual energy by refining it.

From then on, the supernatural being's spirit can capture this kind of spiritual energy on its own.

But this is not enough to promote the extraordinary person to the master.

If a transcendent wants to be promoted to a controller, he must also master the secret of this spiritual power.

That is, ordinary spiritual energy can be converted into this type of special spiritual energy.

Only in this way can one become a qualified controller.

As for how to convert ordinary spiritual energy into special functions, this involves the spiritual energy conversion formula.

And this is exactly what Chen Qi lacks.

If there hadn't been such an incident as the invasion of the legal world, perhaps there would still be something to look forward to from Brother Milton.

But now, Chen Qi can only rely on himself first!


"Su Nuo, don't be disappointed. Next time I encounter a suitable psychic crystal, I will give it to you first!"

Seeing Chen Qi staring at the gem in Zhu Yi's hand, Yuan Chengji hurriedly drew a big cake for Chen Qi.

The competition among extraordinary people is quite fierce now, and it is always good to have more than one manpower.

At worst, the next time you encounter a mob, give the gems you exploded to this guy.

Generally speaking, the more powerful the monster, the larger the psychic crystal that is born after its death.

Establishing a connection with special spiritual energy by refining spiritual energy crystals does not mean that it will definitely be successful after refining.

The larger the psychic crystal, the higher the probability of success.

As for the "little gems" born from monsters, one can only search for monsters of the same type all over the mountains and plains, and the little they add adds up to a lot.

Chen Qi naturally didn't care about Yuan Chengji's pie.

Now even if the card is sealed, his spirit can still sense the 424 extraordinary bloodlines that make up the fragments of authority.

Correspondingly, his spirituality has already reacted with the spiritual energy released by the 424 extraordinary bloodlines, so there is no need to do anything more.

Therefore, as long as Chen Qi can obtain the spiritual energy transformation formula and decipher the secret of the synthesis of special spiritual energy, he can become the controller.

What Chen Qi is worried about now is whether he should spend a huge amount of time mastering 424 special psychic powers before being promoted to a controller.

The promotion of the controller is not only the synthesis of special psychic powers, but also involves [spiritual sublimation].

In other words, before spiritual sublimation, extraordinary people can master a variety of special spiritual powers.

But Chen Qi is also very lacking in knowledge in this area.

There is no choice but to "return to the old business" and harvest another wave of "big fat sheep".


Due to Chen Qi's indifference and non-competition, he naturally integrated into Yuan Chengji's team in just a few days.

Perhaps it was because Chen Qi had been used as free labor before, which made several people feel quite sorry.

After some discussion, the five people decided that when they encountered a suitable gemstone during the second day of hunting, they would hand it over to "Suno" for refining.

Unfortunately, when they woke up the next day, the five of them suddenly discovered to their horror that "Sunuo" was gone.

"No, something is very wrong. How could the five of us sleep at the same time?"

"I feel like I'm dreaming, but I can't remember what the dream was."

"Me too, it's so strange! With our strength, we can completely control dreams, how could we not remember it?"

"No, we must have been plotted."

There are no pure fools among those who can cultivate to the level of high-level transcendent beings.

Thinking of the disappearance of "Sunuo", how could they not guess the truth.

Damn it, I was tricked by this kid pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

But the strange thing is that after the five people checked, they found that not only were there no abnormalities in themselves, but even the gems they had harvested before had not been stolen.

This is a little weird.


"Captain, you are well informed. What is going on?"

"What did that bastard Suno do to us?"

Zhu Yi and the other four looked at Yuan Chengji nervously. The unknown was the scariest thing.

"If my guess is correct, the guy we met before is not Suno from Blackwater College at all."

"Except for outsiders like us, the only life in the legal world is the demons and the apostle players."

"With our strength, we can't even get into the eyes of the devil."

"In this way, the identity of that person will be revealed."

"The Suno from before must be one of the four apostle players!"

"The biggest possibility is the 7 of Hearts. According to the academy's information, this person is not only a player, but also a transcendent."

"But I never expected that this person would cultivate to the level of a high-level transcendent."

"You have to know that he has only been a player for a year."

"And what was stolen from us should be our memories of studying and living in the academy."

"To that person, that's where our value lies."

Yuan Chengji muttered to himself in a daze.

Of course, this is not because he has any sequelae, but because he was struck by someone's terrible talent.

It only took one year to train from an apprentice to a high-level transcendent. Is this still a human being?

Compared to that, who are we?

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