
"You deserve it, you deserve it!"

In the spacecraft laboratory, Chen Qi, who had finished his retreat, tried his best to transform the "Primordial String" into information power.

The next moment, all kinds of external information came pouring in.

And this information, without exception, is all the outside world's various perceptions of Chen Qi.

When he first traveled through the insect world, Chen Qi turned into an electronic body and enveloped the entire superhero headquarters.

At that time, anyone in the city who talked about "The Flash" would be aware of it by Chen Qi.

Now that Chen Qi has linked information authority, although he cannot reach this level of detail.

But he can still sense the "hot discussion" about him from the outside world.

This is because authority inherently permeates heaven and earth, regardless of distance or distance.

Information authority is even more special and can interfere with all information in the world.

If you think of information authority as an airtight network that spreads all over the world.

Then Chen Qi now has some authority on this network.

Although there is not much that can be done, you can still "check some comments" on information related to yourself.

In fact, compared to the name God Killer, which is only spread in a small area.

Chen Qi's name as the reincarnated immortal is even more famous.

But this does not require the use of information power at all. The "immovable heart" controlled by the immeasurable immortal can naturally perceive this kind of cognition.

It can even refine these cognitions and enhance the power of the immeasurable immortals.

In just three months, Chen Qi didn't do anything, and his mind became three points stronger.

But after Chen Qi became a reincarnated immortal, his mind, or the infinite immortal, was also shackled.

Although the mind of the past has been shaped into an immeasurable immortal, it has not been sealed and finalized.

Therefore, the [immovable mind] at that time would not reject anyone who came.

As long as the outside world knows Chen Qi, it can be turned into his own strength.

This may seem great, but it can cause serious digestive problems, easily breed impurities, and make your mind unstable.

Chen Qi didn't show up before because he practiced the Wisdom Fire Sea.

Even if there are some impurities, they are completely burned away.

This is actually a bit uneconomical.

Compared with the insignificant increase in the power of the mind, the sea of ​​​​wisdom is obviously more precious.

After training to the Silver Apostle level at the Tianwu Curse Academy.

Everyone will choose to be single-minded when it comes to polishing the power of their mind.

No longer use the [immovable heart] arbitrarily to refine the various perceptions of the outside world about oneself.

Compared to Chen Qi, a genius who has perfected his internal cultivation and is about to start sprinting towards external cultivation.

Those students who were stuck in the [Fire Sea of ​​Wisdom] turned to pursuing the power of constantly polishing their minds, dreaming of [practicing falsehoods to become true].

Even like Chen Qi, the reputation he trumpets is really solid.

But this is also not an easy task, just because it is not dangerous compared to [Sea of ​​Wisdom Fire].

Everyone just persevered.

But once the practice becomes real, the mind will be shackles, and it can only refine and absorb the corresponding cognition.

Chen Qi is like this now. His [Infinite Immortal] can only absorb the knowledge of "reincarnated immortal".

As for other cognitions, [Infinite Immortal] is already qualified to reject them and can forcibly dispel them and exclude them.

Before that, the mind couldn't do it at all, and could only "don't reject anyone who comes."

It can be said that after the mental training became real, some of the "flaws" in the past disappeared.

In the past, various "inconforming" cognitions from the outside world were all kinds of external demons to the mind.

If it could be completely kept out of the house, no one would be stupid enough to put it in the house and then fight to the death.

Now that the Immortal Immeasurable has the ability to refuse, this is a qualitative change.

"The name God Killer is quite resounding."

"It would be a pity to completely scatter those perceptions and let them be annihilated by the world."

"So I chose to turn it into a mask!"

Having the ability to say no also means being able to make your own choices.

Chen Qi didn't care at all about the various misunderstandings from the outside world, such as "divine hero", "cultivation genius", "alchemy genius", etc.

But the title of God Killer is quite special.

So Chen Qi planned to "keep" it.

In the spiritual fairyland, as Chen Qi made a decision, the golden infinite immortal pointed his finger.

The next moment, a mask as black as ink appeared in the fairyland.

MoKan Wuliang Immortal behaved quite casually, but he used the power of the fire sea of ​​wisdom to activate [Wisdom·Creation out of Nothing].

Only then did the [God Killer] mask truly come into being.

Chen Qi's inspiration for this operation came from his viscount canonization document.

As his mind became stronger, Chen Qi discovered a strange phenomenon.

That's what Wuliang Immortal received. There was actually very little knowledge about [Imperial Viscount].

This is obviously not consistent with reality.

Now in the entire world, who doesn’t know his title of Imperial Viscount?

But the knowledge received from Wuliang Immortal was pitiful.

Not even 1/10000.

After some research, Chen Qi finally discovered the truth.

The outside world's various perceptions of his Imperial Viscount were swallowed up by the canonization document issued by the Tongtian Empire.

This discovery really shocked Chen Qi.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Chen Qi has always known that canonization documents have the effect of suppressing luck.

But this is obviously the inner ring world, completely isolated from the outer ring world.

Not to mention that the power of the Tongtian Empire cannot be transmitted here at all. The key is that Chen Qi has not completed the last step of canonization and does not enjoy the protection of the empire's luck.

So how does Wendu help him suppress his luck?

And if the canonization document can absorb the outside world's knowledge of [Imperial Viscount], it can be transformed into some kind of protective power.

This is completely understandable.

After discovering this mystery, Chen Qi naturally conducted relevant research.

Now he wanted to retain the title of [God Killer], so he thought of his previous research results.

Thus, the [God Killer] mask was born.

"It's a pity that because of the blockade of the Sword of Judgment, my name as the God-Slayer is not loud enough."

"Otherwise, this mask will not only appear in the spiritual dimension, but will actually appear in the world."

"That's all, you can't be too greedy."

"Anyway, this God-Slayer's reputation was earned for nothing."

"I didn't expect that one day I would take the blame for the dog."

Chen Qi did all this randomly to verify past research.

As for the purpose of the God-Slayer Mask, Chen Qi really didn't know.

You can't kill gods anymore, right?

In the inner ring world now, there are not many living gods, and they can even be regarded as cherishing and protecting animals.

"The Earth Goddess has indeed been completely banned."

"The Earth Goddess Church is gone too!"

"After the third step of becoming a Silver Apostle, it has become more and more convenient for me to surf the Internet."

Information rights are constantly shaking, but this is Chen Qi conducting a [keyword] search.

Although Chen Qi was able to do this before, he relied on the ability of the Tianji Master, or the Tianji fragments.

If one day the fragments of the secret disappear.

Chen Qi could only stare at the sea of ​​information.

This is not Chen Qi's unfounded worries and paranoia about being persecuted.

Chen Qi has not forgotten that his fragment of the secret is still branded as the spider mother of the secret!

Although that little branding only has a little "deceiving" effect.

But the other party is the Heavenly Secret Spider Mother, and she might have methods that Chen Qi couldn't imagine.

Now that Chen Qi is connected to the information authority, it is equivalent to obtaining a super-large [Tianji Fragment].

Even if you encounter the Heavenly Secret Spider Mother again, you don’t have to worry about being kicked out of the cauldron.

If Chen Qi had not promised Brother Lu Mingqiu, he would definitely report a wave of spider mothers in the future.

He really wants to throw away the piece of heavenly secret now.

Of course, even if Chen Qi has access to information rights, he cannot be too wasteful.

Tianji's responsibility will not disappear just because Chen Qi changes the carrier.

He is now also searching for information in the sea of ​​information.

If you act recklessly and pry into other people's secrets, you will still become enemies if you should.

What is the difference between using information power and using fragments of secrets?

That is, the former is more [original], and the extent to which it can be achieved depends entirely on Chen Qi's own performance.

Chen Qi needs to program himself in order to exert the power of information authority.

The interior of the Tianji fragment has long been semi-automated, and even has various built-in programs.

Although the user cannot be said to be a fool to operate it, it is indeed easier to get started and can even be understood with a little knowledge.

If not, Chen Qi is a powerful Tianji master with rich experience.

He imagined that it was not easy to control information power so easily now.

Chen Qi's use of information authority now is purely to verify his cultivation results.

After all, if he wants to get more information, he can log in to [Nantianmen].

After going through the experiment, Chen Qi confirmed that the Earth Goddess incident was completely overturned, and once again transformed the information authority into the [Primordial String].

So Chen Qi looked plain and simple again.

"I have finally stood firm on the third step of the Silver Apostle."

"Next, I just need to control more power fluctuations before I can move to the fourth step."

"Generally speaking, in this world, every time you restrain 10 fluctuations of authority, it is regarded as stepping onto a higher level."

"If you want to become a weaver, you need to climb at least 10 steps on the ladder."

After his cultivation was completely consolidated, Chen Qi began to plan his next training plan.

The current fourth step of the Silver Apostles were the big guys in Chen Qi's eyes before.

That layer of [powerful] filter is completely lost.

"The extraordinary bloodline family in Aztar Stone Forest is still a little bit useless."

"Even the most powerful member of the Newkin family has only stepped onto the fifth level of the ladder."

"Those who have survived now, even the most powerful Wang Guji, have only stepped onto the fourth level of the ladder."

"In the past, I thought the fourth step of Silver Apostle was very mysterious, but now it seems like nothing more than that."

"Of course, there are really powerful ones too!"

"For example, Senior Sister Jiang, she is definitely on the 10th step."

Chen Qi did a little calculation and combined his current [talent] with his attainments in various powers.

It only took him a year and a half to surpass Wang Guji and others.

Of course, Chen Qi needs to take care of all three, and this time may be extended a little longer.

But it will never be more than two years.

This may seem like an exaggeration, but it's not at all.

After all, Chen Qi has restored the [Heavenly Status], and the [Primordial String] has a natural advantage in constricting the power band.

The only thing Chen Qi needs to consider is that the three powers go hand in hand to avoid imbalance.

After all, spiritual restraint authority affects the entire body of life.

Chen Qi needs to use his body of energy to carry the mark of authority.

That is to say, Chen Qi's energy body is extremely powerful, otherwise he would not dare to take the risk of reining in the three powers.

"There is no need to worry about cultivation."

"Let me take a breath first!"

"Since I was busy repairing myself, I haven't paid attention to the situation in the other world for a long time!"

"Everyone should be okay? You're not out of your mind, are you?"

After each round of hard training, Chen Qi would have some fun and relax.

This time was no exception, and he casually logged into [Nantianmen].

"[The Kingdom of Droa and the Kingdom of Iblis reached an agreement to end the endless war between the two parties.]"

On the Nantianmen website, the huge title kept flashing.

Chen Qi took a look and found that this news had been pinned to the top for half a month.

This shows how important it is.

And this is indeed the case.

The end of the war between the two sides marked the official entry into the early preparation stage of the Tianwu Conjuration Academy's "Utopia" plan.

Otherwise, it is just a piece of peace negotiation news. Nantianmen has a lot of blockbuster news, and it would have been brushed off long ago.

"Not in a hurry!"

"We, those in charge of school regulations, can only enter the venue in the middle and late stages of the plan!"

"The Kingdom of Droa must first unify its domestic thinking and then adjust its domestic Feng Shui pattern."

"After that, it is even more necessary to unite the three talents of heaven, earth and man to stimulate the destiny to the extreme."

"At that time it will be our turn to enter the arena and attack the great powers in one fell swoop!"

"And our entrance marks the fate of the Tianwu Conjuration Academy and the Kingdom of Droa."

"In this matter, Tianwu Conjuration Academy can't just go its own way. We have to deal with the other nine super conjuring academies."

Chen Qi casually clicked a like below the news.

If Chen Qi saw this news before, he would definitely have a sense of urgency in his heart.

But now, his expression is extremely calm.

Without him, Chen Qi has completely broken all constraints.

His strength can improve by leaps and bounds again.

"[Heartbroken! Another old man passed away!]"

Chen Qi scrolled down the news and an obituary appeared in his eyes.

The moment he saw this news, Chen Qi frowned.

He actually knew this person who died.

Fortunately, they were just acquaintances and did not owe Chen Qi any favors.

Otherwise, Chen Qi would really be extremely sad.

"Damn it, it's only been three years since I left the academy!"

"Why have so many fallen?"

Although Chen Qi had long known that the old masters were going to be robbed, he even hid from the academy because he was afraid of being implicated.

But Chen Qi never expected that he would find nine obituaries with just a casual search.

This is too many deaths.

With great solemnity, Chen Qi began to check the causes of death of these old people.

As a result, the causes of their deaths were varied and completely different.

Some people die from obsession.

Someone died from a recurrence of an old injury.

Some even died while fighting others.

The most exaggerated one actually died in the hands of the disaster star.

Of course, the cause of death of the three old true legends was also marked "unknown".

The college is still investigating.

"Is this the backlash of luck?"

"Everything is not going well, all the hidden dangers are erupting at the same time, and even if you drink cold water, your teeth will be clenched."

"It's hard to be the true successor of one of the top ten super spell academies!"

Chen Qi is now a brand new true legend!

I believe it won't be long before the college issues a notice to him to take up his post.

But to be honest, Chen Qi is not only not panicking at all, but also looking forward to it.

After all, once he has a job, it means he will be exposed to the real inner world.

Rather than like now, like a blind man touching an elephant, he can only piece it together bit by bit.

Skipping these sentimental obituaries, Chen Qi continued to read past news.

Then a piece of news with a huge number of comments and likes caught his eye.

[The Tengu Clan is in internal strife, and Yin Yun Sheng is missing. 】

"[Deputy gang leader Yin Kun won the big position, and young gang leader Yin Tianxiao fled.]"

"I'll go, it won't be easy!"

"This Viscount has been wandering around the world for so long, and finally saw the legendary feud between the wealthy families, and turned against him!"

Seeing Yin Tianxiao's bad luck, Chen Qi immediately became energetic.

Because of the Poseidon's Ring, Chen Qi accidentally entered the battlefield.

If it weren't for the help of the big octopus, he would have suffered a big loss without being promoted to the Silver Apostle at that time.

Now that this guy is unlucky, Chen Qi is naturally happy.

Unlike Chen Qi who wanted to see Yin Tianxiao's jokes, other melon-eaters in the club were more concerned about the internal strife of the Tengu Gang.

After all, these guys are too arrogant.

The members of the Tengu Gang are more arrogant than the top ten super magic academies when they go out.

For those who didn’t know, I thought the inner world was owned by the Tengu Gang!

Of course, the Tengu Gang can be so arrogant.

It's also because the major forces in the world don't want to be like a psychopath.

When normal people meet a mad dog, they always go around.

Unless the mad dog refuses to let go, then it can only be beaten to death.

However, although the Tengu Gang is crazy, their brains have never lost their connection.

So they have survived until now.

But this time it was completely different.

Yin Kun has gone crazy. He is in charge of the Tengu Gang. You can imagine that he will definitely have fun in the future.

This cancer in the other world is finally about to explode!

"Well, there seems to be something wrong with Yin Kun's brain."

"He actually entered the Aztar Stone Forest?"

"Could it be that he was the second source of pollution who was with the holy beast Tengu at that time?"

Chen Qi looked through Yin Kun's information, and then saw the classic scene where he traveled across hundreds of countries and made countless extraordinary people call him daddy.

But what Chen Qi is more concerned about is why Yin Kun became like this.

In order to confirm whether his guess was correct, Chen Qi consulted the information of the five extraordinary bloodline families.

Sure enough, Yin Kun really appeared in Azita Stone Forest.

And his hobby of calling people daddy started in the Aztar Stone Forest.

In this way, the changes in Yin Kun must be related to the holy beast Tengu.

According to rumors, the holy beast Tengu looks very much like a zombie dog.

But when Chen Qi saw Erha, this guy didn't look like a zombie at all.

Combined with the fact that the holy beast Tengu devoured the members of Hell Song, Chen Qi guessed some truth.

But this seems to be of little value. After all, the holy beast Tengu fell into the gap between time and space. Whether it can see him again in this life is a question.

After casually leaving a string of gloating comments under the news, Chen Qi continued to browse past news.

All I can say is that the world outside is very exciting. Without him, Chen Zijue, the world would still go on the same way.

For example, a few months ago, a giant ghost ship appeared in the sea somewhere in the inner world.

According to eyewitnesses, the ghost ship was an aerospace aircraft carrier.

But how is this possible?

If this thing really existed, let alone say it was a ghost ship, even if it was a real ghost ship.

The major kingdoms that are tightening their belts and working hard to build aerospace aircraft carriers have already rushed forward.

What's more, there is still a Dark Star Empire in the inner ring world.

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