This sentence made the bloodsucker devil lord angry with the three corpse gods.

Did Liu Haoming feel a deep insult to Bloodsucker Devil Lord? I don’t know, anyway, he was deeply insulted!

I am such a strong attack, even if I let Xuan Country Number One Person Tan Duanya come, I would not dare to take it, you actually said I was weak?

You actually said that I was perfunctory?

You actually said that I insulted you?

Who insults whom, bastard!

"The dead duck has a hard beak, I see when you can pretend to be with me!"

Bloodsucker Devil Lord said angrily, expecting that the opponent is only trying to be strong, decisively using the suction power of the blood domain Ascend to the greatest extent, don’t let the other party’s blood essence absorb light and promise not to stop.

"bang! !"

Under the powerful suction of the blood domain, hundreds of corpses of monsters that have turned into corpses instantly shattered into dust, only the hair returned. Retained, the hair of the demon's head was felt from a distance, and the flesh of the demon was rotten to make mud and dust. When True Blood was terrifying, it was extremely fishy.

Liu Haoming can't see such an unfavorable picture for children. At this moment, except for the Bloodsucker Devil Lord in the sky, he almost sees Marksai, and this mosaic is still in color. He brings a sense of psychedelic, and at the same time, there is an inexplicable comedy effect. Looking at the mosaics, it is as if someone is singing in his ear with a big loudspeaker:

Good luck to you , Good luck brings joy and love...


[You were attacked by blood sucking, HP-1]

[HP+ 1]



Even if the Bloodsucker Devil Lord has maximized the formidable power of the blood domain, it still can’t be sucked Liu Haoming's defense caused him one point per second.

Liu Haoming didn’t even feel the change. He saw that the Bloodsucker Devil Lord was still making a blood-sucking attack. He couldn’t help but coldly snorted again: "I told you that this weak attack is not effective for me, can’t you hear me? Do you understand human language?"

Bloodsucker Devil Lord angered him: "Shut up!"

"Do you think I don’t know, you must be working hard now, right? , You can’t fool me! I’m going to suck you up!"

Liu Haoming: "..."

He wants to ask the Bloodsucker Devil Lord, where are you? I can see that I have been working hard?

The belly button or the butt eye?

Liu Haoming didn’t know that in order to support the movement of the blood domain, the Bloodsucker Devil Lord was suffering a huge loss of spiritual power, so every word he said at this time was extremely suppressed, and it sounded like gnashing teeth.

"No one has ever been able to persist for twenty seconds in the realm of blood. I will see if your mouth is soft or hard after twenty seconds!"

Bloodsucker Devil The Lord thought fiercely, staring at the mysterious young man who was shrouded in red glow below.

In a blink of an eye, ten seconds passed.

Twenty seconds passed.


One minute past.

Bloodsucker Devil Lord: "!!!"

Why can he hold on for so long!

Why can't he stay soft!

"Could it be that my blood domain really doesn't work for him, he didn't talk hard with me?"

Bloodsucker Devil Lord suddenly thought of this in his mind, dumbfounded Confused again.

The facts will not deceive people. The young man below is indeed unscathed. There is no sign of blood loss on his body. On the contrary, Qi Sea is almost drained because he has supported the realm of blood for a long time.

"Could it be that his spiritual power cultivation base is far stronger than mine, so the realm of blood can't suck his blood?"

Bloodsucker Devil Lord came to a horrified conclusion.

He thought of the deaths of more than 600 monsters Transcender and four Monster Gods in the Cave of Devil Gods, and suddenly felt that the other party had a profound mystery, but... Is there such a powerhouse in the world?

The spiritual power cultivation base is so high that you can't suck blood, isn't it terrifying than Gods of Anitquity!

Such a powerhouse, even if it is a folk Transcender living in seclusion, it is impossible to hear of it myself!

Wait! Civil Transcender?

Bloodsucker Devil Lord divine light flashed, I remembered that various countries were trying their best to find a boy from Xuan Country some time ago. It is said that the boy not only possesses the terrifying power of killing Sovereign Zhen with a single sword, but also With a handsome face that embarrassed all creatures.

Handsome appearance... Didn't it happen to be a High Level number with this boy?

Thinking of this, the Bloodsucker Devil Lord thought carefully and was terrified.

When he first heard the rumors of Sovereign Zhen, he only laughed at it as a joke, and didn't take seriously at all. He felt that this was a rumor deliberately spread by the Eastern countries, and the countries increasingly distort the truth. .

If you think about it, you can understand that Sovereign Zhen’s Divine Spark is a pinnacle even in Gods of Anitquity. How could someone strike him in a flash?

Are you god?

So, the rumors about the Xuan Country teenager must be rumors—until the last second, the Bloodsucker Devil Lord thought so, but now, he has resisted his two big moves in the face. Liu Haoming, he finally changed his mind.

"...speak frankly, I actually don't want to bully you, a little bat monster is pitiful, so let me first let you three tricks... and then kill you after three tricks."


The young man's previous words echoed in his ears, like Death God's urging murmur, a frightening chill rushed from his back.

"It turns out that he is not arrogant and ignorant, but really has the strength to force my three moves. The brave is fearless. After the three moves, it is time for him to kill me!"

The Bloodsucker Devil Lord understood, but was also silent.

next moment, he put away the realm of blood.

This trick obviously can't deal with him, and if you continue to support it, it will drain Qi Sea.


Looking at the shining red glow on Bloodsucker Devil Lord's body gradually subsided and disappeared, Liu Haoming's expression was calm and watery.

In order to encourage the Bloodsucker Devil Lord to attack more powerfully, he preached in a calm tone:

"You have wasted two precious phone meetings, only left The last resort, I hope you don't let me down, because after the 3rd move, you won't have any chance."

Bloodsucker Devil Lord hearing this no longer felt angry, his face was full of solemn solemnity.

After understanding Liu Haoming’s details, he already knew that the opponent was not mocking himself, but speak frankly. Even Sovereign Zhen could be killed instantly by him. Once he waited for him to slash that sword against himself , I may really have no chance.

"The last resort, I will definitely kill you!"

Bloodsucker Devil Lord popped a word from his teeth: "Betting on my life, I must Kill you!"

Liu Haoming was happy in his heart, secretly thought right right! That's it!

Come on! Holding the consciousness of killing me to play your most powerful move, don't leave a little bit of your hand!

"Who wouldn't say beautiful things?"

His heart secretly returns to secret joy, but he is coldly snorted on the surface: "I'm afraid that your 3rd move is still as weak as the previous two moves. "

Bloodsucker Devil Lord made his answer with practical actions. He opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and suddenly roared:



An overclocking sound wave swept out of his mouth.

He bet his life on the last 3rd move!

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