"Because I didn't report to the government, I was shot and killed?"

Liu Haoming startled, didn't expect to hide the awakening ability, it is so serious!

It seems that to answer his confusion, the netizens at the back post:

"Transcender has power beyond ordinary people. The bomb equivalent to walking can pose a serious threat to people’s safety. , The country naturally has to strictly control them."

"I heard that after Transcender’s awakening ability, they will be forced to enter an extraordinary university for further study by the country. They must stay for four years before they can come out."

"An extraordinary university is called a university. It is actually a prison for Transcender, where they will be brainwashed and re-education through labor until the danger is completely eliminated."

"And, wait After they came out of extraordinary universities, they seemed to be public officials of the country, and they were well paid. These seem to be very good on the surface. In fact, they are all born and desperate. They are not fighting against international arms dealers or fighting against international arms dealers. The evil transcendent organization desperately has no personal freedom at all. It is more dangerous than the mercenaries in Africa."

"So, you don’t need to envy Transcender. Transcender should envy us. They are beautiful on the surface. In fact, Only they know how miserable they have been."

"Well said, Transcender is so miserable. Fortunately, I am not Transcender."

"Fortunately I am not either, speak frankly, even The chance of awakening power is presented to me, and I won’t want it either!"


After reading the replies from netizens, Liu Haoming fell into a life of suspicion .

Li Zhengkang said that Transcender does not need to be sentenced for murder? Are the golden scales Li Zhengkang talking about in the pool? Li Zhengkang said that the king should not be insulted?

Hey guys, Transcender has been so hot!

After pondering for a while, he felt that something was wrong. The situation of Transcender was described on the Internet as too serious. After a little rational analysis, you will know that if the country really uses these methods to control Transcender, the Transcenders must have already revealed it. The pole rebelled.

"You can't believe or believe all the comments on the Internet. For the sake of safety, you still have to consult a professional person."

Thinking of this, Liu Haoming turned on the phone and found that A so-called professional person.



Capital, in the training hall of the Military Administration Office.

Dong Xue sat cross-legged in the corner, concentrating on studying Heaven Dipper Avenue in his hands, and the surrounding Transcenders are doing the same thing as her.

After the Great Minister of War handed over the incredible Heaven Dipper Avenue to them half an hour ago, they didn't know what to do with them, and suddenly left in a hurry, letting everyone master the cultivation technique by themselves.

But everyone didn't get his signal, so they didn't dare to start the cultivation rashly, but simply read and analyzed the cultivation technique.

The more you analyze Heaven Dipper Avenue, the more shocked Dong Xue's mood is. There is no doubt that the person who created this cultivation technique must be peerless genius, a record that has never been approached and will The kind of genius who never be approached again!

"If I cultivate this cultivation technique to the Great Ascension Realm world, I will definitely catch up with the Blessed Life Predecessor!"

Dong Xue thought, unconsciously. In the ruins of Japan, the peerless boy who instantly killed Sovereign Zhen with a sword has become the target she will pursue in her entire life.

At this moment, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang "ding dong".

Dong Xue's excitement was disturbed, and he took out his mobile phone.

Unexpectedly, the person who sent me a message was Liu Haoming, an old classmate who had not been in contact for at least six years.

"If the Great Minister of War did not release a temporary mission tonight, I must have had dinner with him and Li Zhengkang and went home by this time."

Dong Xue sighed. Secretly, click to open the dialog box.

The message sent by this old classmate was not long, only one sentence, but it was a bit strange:

"Dong Xue, is it necessary to be imprisoned by the state if he awakens his extraordinary powers" Ah?"

"Why are you asking this?" Dong Xue asked suspiciously.

Liu Haoming perfunctorily said: "Don’t do anything, just ask with curiosity."

Dong Xue understands that 80% of old classmates are interested in Transcender, which is normal. Most ordinary persons have a strong curiosity about Transcender.

In the past, many junior high school classmates even asked themselves to go to their homes to help them test to see if they were also awakened. Dong Xue had already taken it off.

"It’s not a must Zhao’an, Transcender can also choose to be a private Transcender, register with the government, and then sign several agreement documents, promising not to use the power in public places, and carry it around the body for 24 hours The positioning device is registered by the government every once in a while, and then you can live like an ordinary person."

Dong Xue patiently answered him.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this."

Liu Haoming looked thoughtful, it seems that the sand sculpture netizens are alarmist.

"I still have a question. In case I awakened the supernatural power and didn't tell the government to conceal it, will the government kill me if it finds out?"

Dong Xue: "..."

"If you have not committed a huge crime, you will not be shot. At most it will only be a verbal criticism." Dong Xue typed.

"Ok, then I can rest assured."


Dong Xue frowned, what can you worry about?

Could it be...

"Are you awakening extraordinary powers?" She realized something was wrong and asked.

"No, no!"

Liu Haoming quickly denied it.

"I just ask casually, in case one day suddenly wakes up the power, I also have to prepare."

Dong Xue: "..."

This This old classmate is really whimsical, and I don't want to think about it, how can the ability awaken so easily...

Wait! It seems really possible?

She looked towards Heaven Dipper Avenue in her hand, and Tan Duanya's words just sounded in her mind.

Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, the state will promote this cultivation technique to the people and create a glorious era of extraordinary excellence for all people.

At that time, Liu Haoming will become a Transcender with the light of this cultivation technique.



"Since concealing extraordinary powers will not be punished, what am I worried about?"

In the Internet Cafe, Liu Haoming took a breath.

After talking with professional people, his worries were completely relieved.

"In the next period of time, as long as I don’t perform powers in public, others will not know that I am a Transcender. Try to keep a low profile."

Liu Haoming secretly decided, after all, he The awakening tonight was too sudden, and I was not ready to become an alien.

Ahri, who witnessed the host's series of operations next to him, unconsciously flashed a touch of worry in his eyes.

It learned part of the owner's secret, and vaguely understood some inside stories, and knew the seriousness of the matter.

Has the master started to awaken initially?

This is not good news.

I must become the master’s number one pet before the master is fully awakened, otherwise...

"little fellow, we won't stay up late tonight, go upstairs and sleep."

Liu Haoming picked up Small Fox and said to it.

He is not in the mood to play games tonight.

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