Luo Xiaolu was sprayed by so many people for the first time, and the little girl was really a little frightened, so he quickly deleted the post.

"It seems that everyone has the same concept as I did before. They all think that there are two systems impossible. I don't know if Internet Cafe Boss only chose me or others."

She pondered silently.

"gu lu lu ~"

Finally, the hunger from her belly interrupted her contemplation.

She just remembered that she hadn’t eaten for two days. Just now, she was very nervous and secreted all kinds of adrenal hormones in the Internet Cafe. She didn’t think anything was wrong. Now she relaxes and feels hungry. It came turbulently like mountains and seas, making her dizzy and eyes blurred and she couldn't stand still.

"I'm so hungry, go find something to eat first."

Luo Xiaolu rubbed his stomach weakly, and took a step in any direction, looking for some wild fruits. Food full of food.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she took two steps, she tripped over something and fell to the ground with a sound of "Ouch".

"Why am I still so unlucky?"

She squashed her mouth and felt very aggrieved. She obviously added the attribute point to her luck and said, can this not change her life? .

Then next moment, she saw a shiny iron box in the grass, and that was what tripped her up just now.

"This is...Silver Treasure Chest!"

Luo Xiaolu was taken aback, overjoyed by the reaction!

Treasure chests are very rare and rare items in the wild. Living supplies can be randomly drawn from them. In the past ten days, Luo Xiaolu has listened to others discussing treasure chests on the world channel and regional channels.

But unfortunately, she has never personally opened a treasure chest. She only saw her teammates open it twice, and those two times were all worthless rubbish, causing something next to her. She was deemed by her teammates to be the lone star of the evil spirits who hadn't done it, and she was determined to expel her.

"Internet Cafe Boss bless, I hope I won’t drive out the garbage again this time, give me something to eat, please!"

Luo Xiaolu worshipped the two against the sky Down, then nervously stretched his hand to the treasure chest and opened it forcefully.

[Protagonist's halo trigger]


A group of white light burst out from the box, and Luo Xiaolu, who was stimulated by the dazzling light, could not be straight Seeing, she saw light and shadow flying out of the treasure chest.

[Civilization System: You get 100 catties of rice, 50 catties of pork, 30 catties of beef, 60 catties of cabbage, 40 breads, 15 boxes of purified water, and 20 ham sausages. Twenty bags of instant noodles, 20 boxes of compressed biscuits...]

[Civilization System: You...too much...]

The white light gradually goes out.

Looking at the hills of food beside the treasure chest, Luo Xiaolu's mouth couldn't close in surprise.

"A lot!"

"It seems that I have really changed my life. Fortunately, one box can open so much food. Twenty attribute points are not in vain. !"

After came back to his senses, Luo Xiaolu jumped happily, and his gratitude to Internet Cafe Boss also exploded.

She understands that if it weren't for Internet Cafe Boss to give her twenty attribute points to add to her luck, she would never have been able to get so many good things out of the treasure chest based on her unlucky luck.

"I'm welcome to start!"

Luo Xiaolu wiped off the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and threw himself toward the food hill, just like a hungry man on the bread.

Because of the lack of kitchen utensils, the pork and vegetables that came out couldn’t be processed. She couldn’t wait to process the ingredients. She chewed on the bread and biscuits. It looks so cute.

After a while, she was full of food and drink, and she only felt that she was wrapped in a huge sense of happiness.

It's really not easy to have a full stomach in another world.

After a short period of fullness and happiness, Luo Xiaolu began to think about the next action plan.

She opened the taskbar of the Internet Cafe system, and it clearly stated that the main line is to build a Level 10 refuge and become a savior for all mankind. Only by doing this will she be rewarded for sending all mankind. Return to Mercury and bring back all the humans who died in the survival game.

"Level 10 refuge? Is there a level of refuge? How to build it?"

Luo Xiaolu was confused, she first opened the shopping mall bar of the civilization system and sold it inside It's all living supplies and munitions, each item is clearly priced, and no refuge is mentioned.

Then she opened the shopping mall bar of the Internet Cafe system again, but she didn't know it. This look was enough to shock her for a whole year!

I saw in the shopping mall column of the Internet Cafe system, there are all incredible products:

【storage bag: the price is one hundred gold coins, you can carry ten cubes with you The living thing cannot be stored.

Bamboo Dragonfly: The price is three hundred gold coins, and it can fly on the head.


Thorn fence: The price is a thousand gold coins, which can actively cause piercing damage to intruders.


Meat bomb war chariot: priced at five thousand gold coins, the most outrageous off-road war chariot, you can go anywhere by sea, land and air. You can go wherever you want.

Unlimited bullet submachine gun: priced at 10,000 gold coins, just like its name, this is a submachine gun that can shoot infinitely.



"These things, like Doraemon’s small pockets, are all impossible items in reality! "

Luo Xiaolu's big beautiful eyes are full of shock.

Soon, she realized that she was viewing the sky from the bottom of a well and said something wrong. To be precise, these things did not exist in her world, but not necessarily in other worlds. NS.

"It turns out that the shopping mall in the system is the biggest boost that Internet Cafe Boss gives me!"

She suddenly realized that at this time, she realized that the civilized system is better than Internet Cafe. How stupid is the idea of ​​a more powerful system.

Compared with a civilized system that only sells ordinary items, the Internet Cafe system that sells Divine Immortal items is obviously more powerful!

If you can buy all the Divine Immortal items, this alien world will be no threat to you.

"However, the product Divine Item of the Internet Cafe system is magical, but it is also really expensive..."

Luo Xiaolu sticks out his tongue, feeling a sense of powerlessness spontaneously .

The cheapest goods of the Internet Cafe system are hundreds of gold coins. Hundreds of gold coins are a very large asset. According to Luo Xiaolu, every time a low-level zombie is killed, civilization The system will reward a gold coin, which is the only way for all human beings to obtain gold coin in another world.

One hundred gold coins will kill one hundred zombies. The difficulty can be imagined.

Luo Xiaolu opened the treasure chest and revealed a lot of food, but even if all these foods are sold to the civilization system for recycling, they can only sell for less than a hundred gold coins.

"So many gold coins, where can I get them."

Little girl sighed then said, even if she knew she couldn’t afford the goods in the Internet Cafe system, But still continue to browse down.

The lower the price of the goods, the more expensive and the more amazing the effect. Luo Xiaolu even saw Death Substituting Talisman, which can withstand fatal injuries, as well as hospital buildings, residential houses and so on. The price is too expensive to sell.

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