Dragon City, The Beginning Internet Cafe.

"This one lost again."

Looking at the word "failure" on the computer screen, the young Internet Cafe Boss sighed helplessly.

"If I lose again, I will fall to the black iron."

Liu Haoming is very distressed. Bronze is his last stubbornness. If the rank really falls to the black iron Not to mention that he would be ridiculed by old classmates such as Li Zhengkang and Lin Ming, even he himself could not stand it.

After all, he has played the League for nine years.

"It would be great if there is a small generation who can take me to the top."

Thinking in his heart, Liu Haoming unconsciously cast his eyes on Luo Xiaolu in front of him.

The little girl is obviously already fascinated by playing the survival game at this time. Her graceful and slender body is even straighter than a javelin, and she keeps her eyes on the game interface.

A distance of four or five meters away, Liu Haoming can clearly see some changes in the details of the game. For example, it was still night in the game when he watched it just now. Luo Xiaolu controlled the game characters to sleep and waited for the zombie to come and die automatically. But after a game of League is over, the time in her game will go from night to day, and then to night, one day will pass.

Liu Haoming has also played survival-type games, so he understands that games like Time Flow Speed ​​are often very fast, maybe a week in the Kung Fu game of a meal, and the main line of the game The task is to live to the first few days, or to build a high level shelter.

"Only young girls have the patience to play such games, and I can't play it anymore."

Liu Haoming thought to himself, staring at Luo Xiaolu's computer. After two times, seeing that the sky in her game was about to light up again, he turned his gaze back out of interest.

In Internet Cafe, there is no young generation who can take him to the top, only a little girl who is obsessed with survival games.

"The ten thousand zhang high building is flat on the ground. You can only rely on yourself for the score. Come on, even if you can't get silver, you can't fall to the black iron."

Sip a sip of wolfberry water and continue on the road of single row.

Ahri shrank twice in his arms, seeming to cheer on his master.

Tonight, it’s still a long time.



When the first rays of dawn penetrated the clouds and the light cover fell on the ground, Luo Xiaolu walked out of the villa's gate.

Zeng Fugui, Yuan Juan and the others also happened to come out of the tube building.

"Sister Lu, good morning!"

They greeted Luo Xiaolu with smiles. Last night, they had the most solid and comfortable sleep since they crossed to another world. Stay in the refuge without worrying about a sudden zombie attack, which makes their gratitude to Luo Xiaolu more and more so.

"Good morning."

Luo Xiaolu also said hello to them, and then reluctantly looked back at the villa.

She only slept in this villa for two nights. Originally, she wanted to wait until she reunited with her family and the whole family moved in. But now, she has to say goodbye to it.

Luo Xiaolu waved his hand, and the big villa disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

"Sister Lu, what are you..."

Zeng Fugui and the others are amazed.

"I took it back to the system mall." Luo Xiaolu replied, "To upgrade the refuge last night, I consumed almost the same amount of gold coins on my body, so I will save a little bit of expenses in the future."


Everyone is hearing this with strange expressions. Luo Xiaolu is an out-and-out Ms Perfect image in their mind. She is so rich that she doesn't even bother to pick up a treasure chest on the side of the road.

However, even with such a rich Luo Xiaolu, there is a day to save money?

"Sister Lu, did you have an economic burden to accommodate us?" the online novelist wryly asked.

Luo Xiaolu shook his head slightly: "This burden is nothing. Since I am the savior, I naturally have to bear the corresponding responsibility and mission."

Yuan Juanqiang said with a smile: "It's okay to recycle the villa. Sister Lu can still live in the tube building with us..."

"The tube building must also be recycled."

Luo Xiaolu continued to shake his head, Yuan Juan’s face The smile suddenly stiffened with embarrassment.

"When others come today, we will take the World Tree house as our own residence, and there are many trees around."

Luo Xiaolu is not that gold coin can’t turn around, but After a long talk with Li Chunfeng last night, she decided to follow Li Chunfeng's suggestion, not to keep others as rice worms, but to find enough things for them to do.

Although she has no idea of ​​building a new country in another world as a feudal empress, she does not know when the Level 10 refuge will be built. Before that, she must properly arrange all those who come to her people.

If other people start to build simple wood houses to live in after they come to the refuge, but they see themselves living in luxury villas, they will inevitably have strange thoughts in their hearts.

Li Chunfeng solemnly warned her last night that the most complicated thing in the world is the human mind. As the manager of the refuge, she has to learn to control everyone's mind, so Luo Xiaolu decided to sell the villa and the tube building. Let's share the joys and sorrows with everyone.


Yuan Juan laughed dryly:

"It doesn’t matter if the tube building is recycled. There is no need for things like this kind of house. Waste gold coins to buy, we can build it ourselves."

Zeng Fugui and the others echoed everything.

Although they are very reluctant to recycle the tube building, it is rare to live in such a good house in another world, but this is Luo Xiaolu's meaning, the whole refuge is hers, and they naturally have to obey unconditionally .

Following Luo Xiaolu waved her hand, the tube building that had only lived for one night was recovered by her to the system mall.

At this time, the world channel and the regional channels were both noisy. Many people rushed to post, saying that they had reached the edge of the mask, but the mask was so hard that they couldn’t get in. Ask Luo Xiaolu now. There is no time to meet them.

Although Luo Xiaolu posted last night to tell everyone not to rush at night, it is easy to encounter zombie, but there is a group of guys who are not afraid of death. Arrived in time.

【The east side of the refuge is being attacked by humans. There are a total of 327 people on the east side, unable to conquer the refuge. 】

【The south side of the refuge is being attacked by humans. There are a total of 140 people on the south side, unable to conquer the refuge. 】


The system sends a light curtain reminder that someone with strong curiosity launches an attack on the mask and wants to try whether the hardness of the mask is high enough.

Luo Xiaolu closed her eyes, and a small map suddenly popped up on her iris. By observing this small map, she could clearly sense the distribution of people in all directions of the shelter.

At this moment, there are more than 800 people around the refuge. If there are more people, it can even reach the scale of 1,000 people enough to conquer the refuge.

"Those who have already arrived, wait for a while, and don’t attack the mask anymore. It will be very troublesome if the mask breaks."

Luo Xiaolu is in Post a statement in the world channel.

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