The six people are the people Luo Xiaolu can trust at present, as it should be by rights became her team in managing the shelter, and their performance today made Luo Xiaolu very satisfied.

The six people are Zeng Fugui, Yuan Juan, Internet novelist Sun Shun, chef Zhang Wei, veteran Yue Ziquan, and company white-collar Zheng Yiming.

The content of this conference is mainly about managing the shelter. After dinner, Luo Xiaolu and them came to a clearing in the forest and went straight to the subject and said:

"Refuge Now that there are more people, there are many aspects that need to be considered. I need everyone to help me."

"Sister Lu doesn’t need to be polite with us. Whatever we need to do, despite the orders, our life is deer. Sister rescued it, whether it was going to Blade Mountain or going to the fire sea, it was incumbent!"

All six people answered impassionedly.

Luo Xiaolu hearing this is really not polite with them. After considering the wording, tell them his plan:

"From today, the shelter everyday all will There are a large number of people coming in, and my dream is to hope that someday soon, all human beings from other worlds can enter the shelter to live."

Everyone was shocked by hearing this, didn't expect Luo Xiaolu's ambition is so great that it would be crazy to accommodate more than 50,000 people a day. If all humans are taken into the refuge... How big should the refuge be by then? ?

The most important thing is that by that time, all human beings will be subjects loyal to Luo Xiaolu.

This is the most thought-provoking place. Just imagine what happens when all human beings are loyal to the same person? Wouldn't an unprecedented Hegemon country be in sight!

The leader of this Hegemon country, without any suspense, must be Sister Lu, and only Sister Lu, and once Sister Lu becomes the leader, he and the others will be...the founding fathers!

the thoughts got to this point, Zeng Fugui and the others suddenly breathed a little bit shortly. I never dreamed that a nobody like myself could usher in such an opportunity!


Luo Xiaolu didn’t know what the six people were thinking at this time, so he continued according to the plan he thought of:

"Big Brother Yue, you are A veteran, I want you to form a 5,000-strong army to patrol around the refuge in shifts to eliminate all the zombies and protect those who come to the refuge."

"No problem! Evening. I'll go to the camp to choose people, and I will definitely create a group of the most elite troops for Sister Lu!"

Yue Ziquan responded solemnly, with a straight waist.

Luo Xiaolu slowly nodded, leaving him the affairs of the army, and then looked towards Zhang Wei and said: "Big brother Zhang, I want you to take care of the food and drink in the refuge, how many can you find? Hundreds of people who know how to cook form a kitchen division team to provide you with three meals a day. You need what ingredients you need."

"Sister Lu, don’t worry, just leave it to me. I promise everyone to eat and drink every day!"

Zhang Wei patted his chest to make sure.

Luo Xiaolu is naturally at ease with him, his pork stewed vermicelli tonight is cooked very well.

She then looked towards Zeng Fugui, Zheng Yiming, and Sun Shun, and said: "Fugui big brother, Sun Shun big brother, Yiming big brother, you three will lead the remaining people to build camps in the refuge Housing, organize carpenters and architects, it is best to have a clear division of labor, listen to the advice of those professional architects, and then the shelter will continue to come, no matter how many houses are built, it’s not too much ."

"Okay, we will go to the Loyalty Channel to convene carpenters and architects in a while!"

Zeng Fugui, Zheng Yiming, and Sun Shun also voiced this task. Take it.

Luo Xiaolu stopped talking. She understood that the task of building a residence for the three of them was the most complicated and difficult. She hesitated and didn't say much in the end.

She actually doesn’t understand anything. It’s not good to say too much. She can only give the people below what she thinks up to do. As for what she can do, it all depends on their abilities. NS.

If you can do it well, then everyone will be happy, if you do it badly, Luo Xiaolu will have to find another group of people to do it.

"Sister Lu, what am I doing then?"

Seeing Luo Xiaolu but not mentioning herself, Yuan Juan couldn't help asking.

"Sister Juan, you join me in recruiting people who come and defect. You will select two to three thousand people from the camp to be responsible for maintaining order on the scene tomorrow and guiding others."



Luo Xiaolu didn’t know that when she posted various tasks to the management team, the more than 50,000 people who came to her today were in the world channel for She created a huge wave of momentum! It is not an exaggeration to say that a bomb was detonated.

Just like the psychology of sharing and showing off in the Moments on Mercury before, many people did not rush to eat immediately after getting the pork stewed vermicelli, but took pictures and sent them to the world channel. With text description:

"Sister Deer is very good, not only protects our safety, but also provides us with a sumptuous meal!"

Countless people are starving with bark and weeds. People at dinner, the moment they saw this kind of post, their mentality exploded immediately!

Everyone also traveled to other worlds to survive, all starting from the same starting point, but what are we eating? What are you eating?

Mainly, this kind of posts are not one or two, but thousands of them!

Tens of thousands of posts with photos of pork stewed vermicelli appeared on the world channel at the same time, bringing a hard to describe mental shock to the world. Human beings are magical, and they have never suffered from a lack of trouble. Uneven, thinking that tens of thousands of people are now eating and drinking in the refuge of Luo Xiaolu, but they can only chew the roots of wild plants in the wild of danger lurks on every side, and their mentality cannot be kept balanced anyway.

"I'm so greedy, I forget what pork is like, I really want to taste a piece!"

"Jealousy made me lose my mind, I have to say that you are so lucky , I can meet with Sister Lu, I can’t even see the shadow of the mask here!"

"I'm hungry, I really want to eat, wu wu wu."

"Unexpectedly, my dignified chairman Ali Gaba would one day be greeted by a bowl of pork stewed vermicelli, hehe, the fate of this fortune plays with people."

"Why let me see these photos , Can't stand it!"


The comment area is full of wailing. Everyone who can't eat pork stewed vermicelli is full of jealousy and envy, and his heart is full of unwillingness.

Then, next moment, something that made them even more envious and jealous happened.

I don’t know who started it, so I posted a screenshot of the 100 gold coin in the status bar on the world channel, with the words saying:

"My current wealth should be crowded enough Have you entered the global Forbes rich list?"

Under the background that the world generally only has single-digit gold coins, this hundred gold coin equivalent to the millionaires of the 1970s is triggered by this. The effect is undoubtedly a sensation, and it was immediately topped as a hot post.

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