"I still want to be on board."

Looking at the silhouette of the other party who can be said to have fled, Liu Haoming secretly said.

After that, he stopped paying attention to this a little weird girl, opened the small broken station, and watched the show with his pets.


Xia Wanan stood in front of the No. 1 machine referred to by Internet Cafe Boss. No one knew how ashamed she was at the moment.

When she thought of the meaning of the Boss that she had just misinterpreted, and she was ready to realize her consciousness, she wanted to die in embarrassment, wishing to dig out the three rooms and one hall with her toes, and did not have the courage to continue the conversation with the Boss.

"Boss actually made me hang on this thing for one night..."

After the strong sense of shame in my heart faded, Xia Wanan gradually calmed down, and her eyes fell faintly in front of her. Fluorescent strange square.

She doesn’t know what this cube is for. There are more than one hundred cubes like this in Internet Cafe. Only the cube in front of her and the cube in front of the boss are lit up. She faintly feels that the cube is Some kind of powerful Great Immortal device may bring her chance.

"But, how should I use it? How should I use it?"

Xia Wanan didn’t understand. She was born in Cangxuan continent and had never been exposed to technology products. I don't know what a computer is.

As for asking Internet Cafe Boss...Due to her previous misunderstanding, she no longer has the courage to talk to Boss.

After hesitating for a while, in the end, she hardened her scalp and decided to imitate the posture of Internet Cafe Boss, pulling out the gaming chair and sitting in front of the cube.

As she sat down, the square screen suddenly changed and flickered, and a scene of a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses fighting together appeared on the battlefield.

In the screen, there are soldiers covered in blood, there are Great Generals standing on the sword, there are emperors in imperial robes, and there are cultivators flying through the skies or escaping through the ground... each of them They all exuded an extremely majestic and tragic imposing manner, and rushed to Xia Wanan's face, shocking her soul.

Without waiting for Xia Wanan to come back to his senses, two rows of fonts made of blood and fire slowly emerged on the battlefield:

[Welcome to the game of dynasty hegemony. ]

[Please put on headphones. 】

"A game of dynasty hegemony?"

Xia Wanan was stunned. She knew every word on the screen, but when they were combined, she couldn't understand it.

"What is a headset? How to wear it?"

It seems that Xia Wanan is different from the previous guests. She is a pure computer idiot. Suddenly there is a voice in her. There was a sound in her ears, guiding her to reach for the earphone next to her.

Xia Wanan followed the instructions and put the headphones cautiously on her head.


The moment when the earphones were put on, Xia Wanan only felt her brain trembling, and an irresistible force forcibly stripped her soul.

She plunged into darkness immediately before her eyes.

"This anime looks like Interesting."

In front of the counter, Liu Haoming did not notice the abnormality of the guests. He was looking for the next episode in the list of massive episodes. .

"Tokyo Foods..."

"little darling, how about we look at this?"


Ahri responded positively to the owner, his head was like a chicken pecking at rice.


Xia Wanan eyes slowly opened.

She is already not in that mysterious Internet Cafe, but in a dreamy space filled with blue fluorescence.

"Does that cube Immortal Artifact teleport me to other areas."

Xia Wanan calmly analyzes her own situation. Her psychological quality is far superior to ordinary people, especially when she has seen unfathomable After Internet Cafe Boss, her mind became more calm and calm, and it was almost impossible for her to lose self-control.

【You have entered the game, please select the gender of the character.

[Male. ]


【Hermaphrodite. ]

At this time, four consecutive rows of light curtains popped out in front of her eyes.

Xia Wanan pondered for a long time, and silently reached out to choose [Female].

Although I don’t know what game Internet Cafe Boss lets me play, I can’t go wrong with choosing a gender I’m familiar with.

【Successful gender selection, please pinch a face for the game character, or use the original appearance. ]

Another row of light curtains popped up.

A female model without facial features emerged in front of Xia Wanan.

"Pinch your face..."

Xia Wanan tried to pinch the female model, and found that the model was soft to the touch, a bit like mud. If you want to pinch a decent face, I don’t know what to do How much time is spent.

Internet Cafe Boss gave her only one night. This is a great opportunity she has never had before. She doesn't want to spend her time on insignificant aspects.

So, she chose [Use the body shape].

The female model is full of flesh and blood, and within a short time, it becomes exactly the same as Xia Wan'an. Both height and clothing are completely the same.

Xia Wanan was surprised when she saw this. She hesitated for a moment. She stretched out her hand to lift the model's skirt, and she found a mole on the inner thigh of her, no different from her mole.

This discovery made Xia Wanan quite uneasy. Why can the model be simulated exactly the same for such a private part?

Are you naked in front of Internet Cafe Boss?

Without waiting for her to deliberate further, another row of light curtains popped up:

[Pinch the face to complete, release the main task, and become the first empress in the Great Xia Dynasty since the ages, The completion of the mission rewards the player with the Human Sovereign sword. 】

"Become a Great Xia Dynasty empress!"

Xia Wanan was taken aback by the content of the mission, but before she could respond, the next moment, the feeling of soul withdrawal once again It heard that she was plunged into darkness once again.



I don't know how long she has been in the dark, Xia Wanan Youyou opened her eyes.

The familiar scene of Nagato Palace caught her eyes, and a great hall was empty, and moonlight poured out like a waterfall from the door, adding coolness to this cold palace.

"Am I back again?"

Xia Wan was surprised and suspicious.

The experience of this night can only be described as "bizarre". She went around all the way and finally returned to Nagato Palace, which made her feel like a dream, very unreal.

Just when she doubted whether the previous experience was a dream or not--

A row of light curtains suddenly popped up:

[Detected that the player’s current location is Great Xia Dynasty Longmen Palace, do you sign in here? ]

[Note: A place can only be checked in once a day, and the reward items are different according to the check-in location. 】

"Not a dream!"

Xia Wanan was moved, and this light curtain directly dispelled her doubts.

But what does the so-called sign-in mean?

Xia Wanan can’t understand, so she can only practice, click [Yes].

【Nagato Palace sign in successfully, reward the player with a Small Revitalizing Pill. ]

[Note: A Small Revitalizing Pill can grow the cultivation base for 30 years. 】

Next moment, an item column pops up on Xia Wanan’s iris, and a silver white medicine pill lies quietly in the item column.

"This gives me a reward of Small Revitalizing Pill?!"

Xia Wanan's pupils couldn't help but enlarge and couldn't believe it.

The main reason is that this Small Revitalizing Pill is too easy to come, it is easier than eating and drinking water, and the medicine efficacy is beyond her imagination!

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