After a brief hesitation, Xia Wanan decided to follow the group of black clothed persons heading to Ganquan Palace.

The Hall of Nourishing the Heart where Emperor Xia is located must have many Imperial Family enshrines and protections. It’s not easy for a black clothed person to be disadvantaged to Emperor Xia for a while. As for Xia Jiangyin, his life and death are not important, and Xia Wanan cared more about Jananfeng than him, after all, her purpose tonight was originally Jananfeng.

There are only four black clothed persons in this team. As soon as they arrived at Ganquan Palace, they announced their intentions and roared:

"Jiananfeng, die quickly! "

tone barely fell, one of the black clothed persons shot a huge palm print at Ganquan Palace.

In the next instant, Xia Wanan saw a bright sword glow rising from the Ganquan Palace.


The palm print was cut off, and a huge Ganquan Palace burst into dust in this wave of terrifying confrontation.

"who is the newcomer!"

In the smoke and dust, a middle-aged man held a sword in front of Janan Feng, and the ice condensed his eyes on four black clothed persons in the air.

"Jiananfeng really had expert protection by his side, and killed the two of them together!"

The black clothed person was not surprised by the existence of the middle-aged man, and immediately rushed to him. Siege, every shot is the fiercest and most fierce killer move. It urges one's own spiritual power to the extreme, and lifts the flying sand running stone violent wind erupted around. Only a few strands of the aftermath of the battle are leaked, and the nearby palaces will bear it. Unable to burst into pieces one after another, following in the footsteps of Ganquan Palace.

"There is assassin! Come on!"

"Help! Help!"

The court ladies were terrified and screamed again and again, Desperate to fly to the distance to escape.

They have never seen such a horrible assassin in their lives, and they brazenly broke into the Imperial Palace to assassinate Queen Empress, have they put the imperial family in their eyes? Could the sky fall? !


Xia Wanan was hiding in the dark, watching the four black clothed persons and middle-aged man fighting against each other intently, and silently judged their strength range in her heart.

She got the memories of the Northern Sea sect dísciple a few days ago, so she recognized at a glance that the middle-aged man who protected Janan wind was the Northern Sea sect master Jia Youde.

"Didn’t it mean that Jia Youde is closing the Life and Death Trial and attacking the elder state, why did he appear here?"

Xia Wanan was a little surprised. , Once brought her a sense of crisis, after all, the powerhouse of the old age is the existence of the entire Cangxuan continent pinnacle, which can be called invincible.

"Did he successfully retreat and has already passed through?"

"But how do I feel that he is so weak? The powerhouse in the old world shouldn't be unrivalled throughout the world like my grandfather. Well, Jia Youde can't even deal with the four black clothed persons who trifling in front of him."

Xia Wanan began to doubt whether Jia Youde really broke through to the old age, if it can be invincible in the whole world She would never believe it.

Xia Wanan didn’t know that although the four black clothed persons were not in the old age, they were all one of the very best Peak powerhouses in the world. Jia Youde had just reached the old age and his cultivation base was unstable and he had to be distracted. Protecting her daughter, in this case, it can be tied with one enemy and four battles, which is already very difficult.


"Who are you!"

In the battlefield, Jia Youde fought fiercely with four black clothed persons, and asked in a cold voice.

Actually, he knew the identities of the four people a little bit in his heart. Looking at the Cangxuan continent, the powerhouse whose cultivation base reached this realm can be counted on one's fingers, but he wanted to hear the other party's acknowledgment.

"The dead, you don't need to know too much."

A black clothed person disdains to answer, and adds another sentence at the end:

"Only this , You are far from the Su Changcun of the year."

This remark immediately let Jia Youde fly into a rage out of humiliation, but he restrained his temper and did not attack, and he was the one who protected his daughter’s safety. The current priorities.

"Your goal is only Xia Di, and Xia Chao Guoyun has nothing to do with my daughter. How about giving up? I am willing to send an Earth Grade martial skill." Jia Youde said in a negotiated tone.

"Earth Grade martial skill? Heaven Grade martial skill can still be considered."

The black clothed person said, the attack and kill moves in his hand became more and more fierce.

Jia Youde almost yelled at hearing this. Heaven Grade martial skill is only available in Secret Realm. Even if he is the head of the Northern Sea, he can’t produce Heaven Grade martial skill.

"South Wind, let me deal with these four people. Go to the Yangxin Hall. At present, only the Yangxin Hall is the safest in the entire Imperial Palace."

Jia You De sounded transmission to his daughter and told her to flee first, worrying that the battle would continue to be delayed and that the two of them would suffer accidents in the end.

Jian Nanfeng understands what he means, and knows that it is not difficult to get out of the father's cultivation base. The person who is really at risk is himself.

"Father, you must be careful, I'll find an offering to help you!"

Leaving a sound transmission, Jian Nanfeng immediately turned and flew towards the Hall of Yangxin.

"Want to escape? How easy is it!"

The black clothed person is coldly snorted, and he has to jump over Jia Youde to hunt down Jananfeng.

"Northern Sea Cangming Sword!"

Jia Youde unreservedly exploded spiritual power, cut out a formidable power blow, and forcibly intercepted four people.

However, one of the black clothed persons suddenly performed some kind of The Weird movement method, and saw that his figure was distorted and blurred, and the next moment appeared ten meters away behind Jia Youde.

"Shrinking the Earth into an Inch! You are the Elder Deer of the Star Pavilion!"

Jia Youde was shocked and recognized him from the movement method performed by the opponent The origin.

"What if I know who I am, I am going to kill your daughter now."

Mo Julu didn't care, and threw a mocking sentence to chase after Jananfeng who had just escaped. direction.


Jia Youde is desperate and wants to stop him.

"The person who should stop is you."

The other three black clothed persons coldly smiled, doing all they can to entangle Jia Youde.

Previously, Jia Youde tried their best to stop them, now it is their turn to try their best to stop Jia Youde, and the roles of the two parties are exchanged.



At this time, Xia Wanan, who had been hiding in the dark to observe the enemy’s situation, finally couldn’t sit still, and used Azure Dragon to swim in the sky. Rising up, use extreme speed to chase Mo Julu and Janan Feng.

"Jiananfeng can only die in my hands, no one can kill Jananfeng except me!"

Xia Wanan's beautiful within both eyes revealed a bone-coldness.


Jia Youde and the others who were fighting on the ground noticed the movement and raised their heads, only to see a black clothed person with a face covered in the air. Flashing past, the speed is as fast as streamers, leaving behind a series of afterimages.

"We have another reinforcement here. Are you surprised or surprised?"

Three black clothed persons mocked Jia Youde: "Even if there is an Imperial from Xia Dynasty Family worship, your daughter must die tonight."

Jia Youde only felt a heart sinking to the bottom, and a deep sense of despair enveloped him. He didn’t understand. He Obviously, I have already reached the elder stage, but why is it still so weak? When the crisis came, he couldn't even keep his daughter.

"Damn you guys!!"

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