Xia Wanan shook her head and spoke to Jananfeng with her true identity for the first time:

"What qualifications do you have to ask me to promise you something? Two things."

Jiananfeng’s face is even more desperate, tears rushing from his eyes, begging:

"Xia Wanan, I admit that I am indeed sorry for you and Your mother, it’s right for you to seek revenge from me now, but the grievances between us have nothing to do with others. If you have any grudges, just hit me, don’t involve Xia Qi and Jiang Yin, even more how, they are still in name. Your big brother younger sister!"

Xia Wanan sneered again and again: "Your son and daughter deserve to be heartbroken, but I don't deserve it anymore."

"Back then, you smashed the Imperial Father When I put my mother’s queen into the cold palace, did my mother beg you not to get involved with me, and how did you do it?"

"It’s none of my business!" Jananfeng tried his best to explain: It’s not my intention that you and Su Feng entered the cold palace together, you can’t count this account on me too!"

"Your Majesty didn’t like your mother and queen back then. It was all because of your grandfather. For this reason, Your Majesty was forced to make Su Feng the queen..."

"Shut up."

Xia Wanan interrupted her: "I am not interested in knowing the past. I only I want to tell you all the grievances and entanglements, and you should not have a fluke. Whether it is you, Xia Jiangyin, Xia Qi, and even your father, Jia Youde, I'm impossible to let it go."

"You...you are so cruel!"

Jiananfeng burst into tears, and never felt desperate like this.

"Then you can always help your Imperial Father!" she suddenly shouted.

"Xia Country is now suffering from the crisis of subjugation wind and rain. Your strength is so strong. With your help, Your Majesty will surely survive this crisis!"

"I You don't need to worry about the Imperial Father's affairs." Xia Wanan said indifferently.

"I will naturally give him a decent way to die. At least, it will be more decent than you."

"You want to kill your father?!"

Jiananfeng's eyes widened.

She knew that Xia Wanan would definitely make a big fuss to vent her resentment, but she didn't expect her mind to be so vicious.

Xia Wanan did not speak, neither affirmed nor denied.

"As the lord of the harem, I am also considered your mother and queen in name. You killed mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, and you were so deprived of your conscience to be called a human being. I fought with you!"

Jia Nanfeng's expression gradually changed from despair to anger, and he slammed into Xia Wan'an with a roar, hoping that she could give herself a subconsciously counterattack, and not to torture and humiliate herself too much.

Unfortunately, her abacus was empty.

Xia Wananyu probed her hand lightly, grabbed her neck easily, and lifted her up in the air.

Looking at the other person's painful struggle, she said word by word: "You are the one who calls people in vain."

"Soul search, Dafa."


Xia Wanan didn’t want to get Jananfeng’s memory, but used the soul-searching Dafa to obliterate her soul inch by inch. This kind of soul-shattering pain is far greater than Lingchi a thousand times, and it will also make Jia Nanfeng the soul flew away and scattered was completely annihilated, and even the hope of reincarnation was cut off to her.


The heart-wrenching screams resounded through the Hall of Nourishing the Heart, very stern, and only stopped after a long time.

Xia Wanan threw away the cold corpse in her hands, just like throwing away rubbish.

She originally thought that when she avenged Jananfeng, she would be very happy, but now that Jananfeng is dead in her hands, she doesn't have that happy feeling, and her heart is completely empty.

From today, there is no enemy in the world who can make her hate in the bones.

Stayed alone in the Hall of Nourishing the Heart for a while, after a little calm, Xia Wanan waved her hand, put away the spiritual power mask, and jumped out of the Hall of Nourishing Heart.

Xia Di and the others saw the silhouette of her leaving, as if realizing something, they rushed into the Hall of Nurturing Heart.

I saw Jananfeng lying alone on the cold floor tiles, eyes closed, his expression grim and painful, as if he had suffered some inhuman torture before his death.

"Southern Wind..."

Xia Qingshan screamed, and quickly stepped forward and hugged his queen tightly, tears gushing out of his eyes uncontrollably.

"Nanfeng, I'm sorry, I can't protect you..."

"Who did I provoke and why did I treat me like this!"

The Imperial Family worshippers stood silently beside them, and they understood the desperate mood of Xia Qingshan at this time that the mansion was about to fall on all sides. The mysterious person who killed the queen was the existence of their Great Xia Dynasty absolutely cannot afford to offend.



After flying out of the Hall of Yangxin, Xia Wanan did not leave the Imperial Palace immediately, but went to Yichuan Palace where Xia Qi was located.

When she arrived, Xia Qi was hiding under the bed shiver coldly with a group of court ladies, lest assassin kill him.

Xia Wanan didn't have much hatred for Xia Qi, so she didn't torture her too much like the queen tortured her, she just slapped her lightly and happily, as for the court ladies, she didn't hurt any of them.

Then she went to the East Palace where Xia Jiangyin lived, but this time she was gone.

Xia Jiangyin was killed by the previous group of black clothed persons long ago. At this time, his body and head were separated and fell into a pool of blood. There is no need for Xia Wanan to do anything.

At this point, the night of revenge tonight has come to an end. Xia Wanan has no one to kill, leaving the Imperial Palace alone, just like when she came, alone.



A round of red sun slowly rises into the sky, and the night is shining brightly.

The four emperors of Zhou, Qin, Qi, and Han are all sitting in the imperial study room of the Imperial Palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty. This scene is unprecedented in Cangxuan continent.

However, even when the four Great Emperor kings gathered together, sitting on the main seat was a middle-aged man with a veiled face and a thin body. He looked out the window and remained silent.

The atmosphere of the entire imperial study room was silent with the silence of the masked man, and everyone's breathing was clearly audible.

I don’t know how long it has been silent. Suddenly, a black eagle inflamed its wings to fly past the window. He has been caught in his hands.

He took off the letterbox from the black eagle's calf and presented it to the masked man on the theme: "Master immortal, this is the information returned from the meticulous work we planted in the Great Xia Imperial Palace."


The breathing rhythm of the four emperors suddenly became unstable. They knew that if the plan went well last night, there would be no need for flying eagles to spread the letter, because the Imperial Family they sent will be provided by themselves. Emperor Xia's head returned to his life.

And now the Imperial Family worshippers have not come back. What they have returned is just a meticulous letter. Isn't it a side statement that the plan has failed?

The masked man reached out and took the letterbox, spreading the letter in front of him.

After a while, he neither too fast nor too slow said:

"The decapitation operation failed."


"How could it fail? Our four great dynasties have obviously sent so many worships!"

The four emperors were not calm, and were in an uproar.

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