In the early morning, Yuanfang brought a basket to Xia Wanan's breakfast as usual.

But today is a bit unusual. He knocked on the door for a long time, and there was no response in the room. Yuan Fang had a bad premonition, and regardless of etiquette, leg raised kicked the door open.

"Her Highness the Princess..."

His voice stopped abruptly, and the room was empty, and no silhouette was seen.

"Her Highness the Princess!"

Yuanfang is anxious: "Come on, the fourth Princess is missing, quickly find the fourth Princess!"

The originally neat and orderly barracks suddenly became noisy and chaotic, and all the soldiers were dispatched to cover the mountains and plains to find Xia Wanan's whereabouts.


At this moment, Xia Wanan, who was worried about by the soldiers, was flying between famous mountains and rivers.

She returned to the imperial mausoleum this time. In fact, she only wanted to pack her personal clothes and start the journey of cultivation. She didn't expect Jia Youde to walk right into a trap, which was a surprise to her.

After solving Jia Youde, she went out completely.

The mysterious immortal hiding behind the scenes brings her an unprecedented sense of crisis, which is not at the same level as the original Jananfeng.

In Mo Julu's memory, she clearly realized how far she was from the opponent, at least before she could smashing void, she was definitely not his opponent.

She must raise her strength to be the same realm as him before the mysterious immortal destroys the Great Xia Dynasty. Only in this way can she pull strongly against a crazy tide and save the Xia Dynasty. Only in this way can she complete the test of the Internet Cafe Boss. Task.

So, she decided to go far away and make full use of the help provided by Internet Cafe Boss to go farther and sign more arrivals.

【It is detected that the player's current location is Xiyue Huashan, do you sign in here? 】

【Xiyue Huashan sign in successfully, reward the player for 40 years of cultivation base. 】

【Heaven's Line sign in successfully, reward the player Tianyuan Sword Art. 】

【Ancient Battlefield sign-in successfully, rewards the player's heart of killing. 】


Xia Wanan is like a tireless sign-in machine, moving towards Great Xia Dynasty westward all the way forward, constantly looking for scenic spots and historical sites to sign in. cultivation 征途 a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again, there is no destination and no end.

Just as Xia Wanan was desperately increasing cultivation base for the impending crisis of subjugation, in the Great Xia Imperial Palace, Xia Qingshan ushered in the darkest day of his life.

The incident of assassin’s invasion of the Imperial Palace last night brought him an extremely heavy blow. The group of black clothed persons had planned a long time ago. All the concubines and heirs in the Palace were all killed, as if they wanted to bring the Xia Dynasty down from the inside.

Xia Qingshan not only lost his beloved queen, but other princes and Princesses also lost their lives in this storm. He almost became a lonely person overnight.

There was no spare time for him to grieve. Early that morning, he received a bad news in the ruined palace.

"Your Majesty, the major event is not good! The four-nation coalition officially started the invasion war. The number of enemy troops is as many as one million. The border defense line of our country is in an emergency, and it is urgent to send more reinforcements!"

Shangshu of the Ministry of War rushed to report.

Xia Qingshan is hearing this face as gray as death, scratching his hair in pain.

"One million army, where is the one million army! Where do I have so many troops to increase!"

"Emperor Zhou, Emperor Qin, Emperor Qi, Emperor Han, You are determined to put me to death!"

The Armed Forces Shangshu hesitated to say: "Your Majesty..."

"Stop talking, order the three armies, let All the soldiers will not retreat! Even if only the last one is left to die, we must kill the enemy!"


Shangshu of the Ministry of War was silent for a moment: " This small official obeys."

He walked out of the ruined palace, and a haze enveloped him.

He smelled the taste of the country’s subjugation. The Great Xia Dynasty was already at the forefront of the country’s disaster. At the critical moment, as Lord of a Country, Emperor Xia could not give any effective instructions. On the contrary, he was about to collapse and crazily. A sign that the country is about to die.

After the Shangshu of the Ministry of War left, not long after, Eunuch Liu also hurriedly ran to report the bad news:

"Your Majesty, the leader of Yuan Fang who guards the imperial tomb just sent back an urgent news, saying Four Princess suddenly disappeared!"

"Four Princess?"

Xia Qingshan was taken aback, and it took a long time to realize:

"Xia Wanan is missing? "

In fact, when the Zhou Dynasty broke off the engagement two days ago, he should have sent someone to bring Xia Wan'an back from the imperial tomb, but he deliberately ignored this daughter and completely ignored her.

"If you go missing, go missing!" Xia Qingshan icily said: "I don't even care about my life and death, so how can I have time to control her!"

"She and her The mother and queen are equally fate. If she agreed to marry Zhou Qian in the court that day, maybe the Zhou Dynasty would not declare war on us. If the Zhou Dynasty did not declare war, other dynasties would not declare war, and things would not become what it is today. This way."

"Speaking of speaking, all the causes of the disaster are all on her. It would be good for her to die. If she is not dead, I will give her death personally!!"

Eunuch Liu hearing this, trembling in fear, quickly retreated.

In the evening, Xia Qingshan held a grand funeral for Jananfeng regardless of the emergency situation on the front line, and ordered the whole country to mourn for seven days, even the frontline soldiers, and even expropriated them from civilians in the name of war. The taxation of the next ten years, this action once caused distractions in the military, and the people complained.

All the ministers came to persuade him, saying that now the national crisis is at the forefront, let Xia Di take the fight against foreign enemies as the important task, not to mobilize the crowd for a funeral, let alone squeeze and exploit the people at this stall.

The most important point is that everyone knows how Jia Nanfeng died. The more grand you hold her funeral, the more you express your resentment towards the mysterious powerhouse, in case she gets angry What should I do if I come to kill you?

Xia Qingshan didn't care about the advice of the ministers, insisted on going his own way, and even executed several ministers in order to establish his prestige.

He actually had the confidence in his heart, and he was sure that mysterious powerhouse would not kill himself. If she wanted to kill herself, she wouldn't be able to save her last night.



"It seems that my Imperial Father must toss the Xia Dynasty to subdue the country."

In a village and town, watching the officers and soldiers wearing plain clothes forcibly collecting taxes from the people from house to house, an anger of anger arose from the bottom of Xia Wanan's heart.

She originally hoped that Xia Qingshan could stabilize the situation, delay the disaster of the country as far as possible, and give her time to increase cultivation base.

But she didn’t expect that Xia Qingshan was so stupid that she levied a tax for ten years at a time. Didn’t this push the people on the road to the end? Before the four-nation coalition came in, he himself Let's play and destroy the country first.

If I had known that Xia Qingshan would do this, Xia Wanan would rather not save him last night. This kind of emperor might as well die as alive.

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