Tan Duanya: "..."

In his state of mind, Rao was surprised by this sentence when he was caught off guard.

He didn't know. Dong Xue said this sentence for a reason. She remembered that Liu Haoming had a private chat with her on WeChat two days ago and asked her if she would be shot by the country for concealing extraordinary powers.

At the time, Dong Xue was only ridiculous and funny about the problem of his old classmate’s unfathomable mystery. However, now that the Great Minister of War personally releases the task with him as the target, Dong Xue can’t help but not think about it anymore. She has a faint heart. clear comprehension, I think Liu Haoming has committed a terribly serious crime 80% of the time.

"Great Minister of War, as far as I know, Liu Haoming is not a bad guy...what did he do?"

Dong Xue hesitated to speak, he wanted to be an old classmate Say something nice to justify, but before you know the truth, many things are not easy to say.

The Great Minister of War stared at Dong Xue for a moment, and saw a look of concern on her face, relaxed in her heart.

It seems that the relationship between her and Lord of Domain's classmates is still good, which is very beneficial to them and also very important.

From Li Zhengkang's ability to repeatedly date Lord of Domain who never went out, we can see that he is quite concerned about this ordinary friendship between classmates.

Obviously it is the terrifying existence of destroying heaven extinguishing earth at the touch of a finger, but in front of the classmates, it is plain and ordinary, maintaining a peaceful and stable daily life in its own way...Lord of Domain, it is really unpredictable.


"It is not to kill him."

Tan Duanya shook his head: "It is to protect him."

" For some reasons that cannot be said, Liu Haoming is of incomparable importance to Xuan Country, and we must make sure that he is safe and sound!"

hearing this, the look of concern on Dong Xue's face gradually turned into amazement.

Liu Haoming? Your old classmate who is addicted to games is so ordinary that he can no longer be ordinary? Is it so important to Xuan Country?

"We learned that Liu Haoming will travel to Mount Mang in West Xinjiang with Li Zhengkang tomorrow. They are most likely to encounter sudden situations on the way, and all you and Lingwei have to do is to enter where he is. The tour group, follow closely to protect his safety 24 hours a day, and prevent all suspicious people from approaching him."

"This is the task content?"

"That's it."

Dong Xue was silent for a while, Ling Wei's two smart eyes were full of suspiciousness. This is the strangest mission she has encountered since joining the Ministry of Transcendent Affairs, just like traveling on an order.

"Great Minister of War, can I ask why Liu Haoming is so important to Xuan Country?" Dong Xue asked suddenly.


Tan Duaya refused.

Since Lord of Domain did not reveal his identity with Dong Xue in the relics of Sovereign Zhen, it means that he did not want his classmates to know his true identity, so Tan Duanya would naturally not follow him.

"You only need to know that this matter is a high level secret of Xuan Country, and you do not have the authority to understand it yet."

"Dong Xue, the reason for this assignment Here you are, it's all because of your relationship with Liu Haoming's classmates. This gives you more advantages than others and can perform tasks more conveniently." Tan Duaya said.

"What about me?" Lingwei asked curiously: "Liu Haoming and I are not classmates, why do you call me?"

Tan Duanya was paused, he was not embarrassed to tell Lingwei , You are just a buy one get one free gift.

"You are in charge of Dong Xue's deputy. In addition to Liu Haoming, you also have to look after Li Zhengkang, and you are both female, so it is easier for them to be less suspicious."


Dong Xue repeats this sentence. They don't understand this sentence very well. They are protecting Liu Haoming, but not harming him. Why should they lower their guard?

In this regard, Tan Duiya gave an explanation:

"During the mission, you should contact Liu Haoming as normal travelers or friends, and never reveal your intentions. , Let alone interfere with anything he wants to do."

Ling’s tiny expression looked thoughtful, and she understood what Tan Duanya meant, that she told them to hide and pretend. She is no stranger to tasks of this nature.

Dong Xue hesitantly said: "However, Liu Haoming knows my Transcender identity and also knows that I work in a state agency..."

"It's okay." Tan Suiya interrupted She: "No matter where you work, you have the right to travel. You only need to act too deliberately and let him know that you are here for him."

Tan Duanya knows it well, Lord of Domain is omnipotent. He arranged for Dong Xue to perform the task and was impossible to hide from him, but Lord of Domain knows that they can’t be brazen on their side. They still have to do superficial effort. This is what he got from contact with Lord of Domain so far. The conclusion drawn.

Dong Xue took a deep breath: "I understand, please rest assured that Great Minister of War, I will finish this mission with spare no effort!"

Lingwei followed:" The same is true for me. I must spare no effort to complete the mission!"

Tan Duanya was nodded, adding: "This mission is extraordinary. It is the highest level you have performed since you joined the Ministry of Transcendent Affairs. Mission, Minister Lu will lead all Ministry of Transcendent Affairs members to cooperate with you secretly, and you must not lose!"

As soon as these words came out, Dong Xue and Lingwei were startled again. They thought they were the only ones. Two people perform this task, and didn't expect the entire Ministry of Transcendent Affairs to be dispatched.

You need to know that even if the ruins of Sovereign Zhen threatened the safety of the whole world, Xuan Country only sent a small team of them.

Since the establishment of the Ministry of Transcendent Affairs in Xuan Country, it has never happened that the entire Ministry of Transcendent Affairs performed a certain task together. Such an unprecedented battle made both of them feel embarrassed and understand that Great The Minister of War's previous statement that Liu Haoming is incomparable to Xuan Country is not a false statement.

"You should go back and make preparations. You don't need to participate in the cultivated on Heaven Dipper Avenue. Later I will arrange for you to enter the tour group and send you the detailed plan of the mission." Tan Duya said.

Dong Xue and Lingwei obeyed the instructions and got up to leave.

Looking at the silhouette of the two girls leaving, Tan Duanya's eyes were meaningful.

He has fulfilled his promise to Dong Xue and asked her to meet with "Blessed Life Predecessor". As for Dong Xue, does he know that the person she will protect next is "Blessed Life Predecessor", then It depends on "Blessed Life Predecessor" if you want to let her know.

Tan Duanya is an old man with rich experience, and he understands that Dong Xue is so attached to Blessed Life Predecessor, except for thanking him for his life-saving grace and wanting to persuade him to join the Ministry of Transcendent Affairs. Girl thinking.

It's just that her little girl's mind is destined to fail.

For an existence like Lord of Domain, all love, sorrow and joy in the world are as small as dust in his eyes, not worth mentioning.



After leaving Tan Dianya’s office, Lingwei really couldn’t restrain his curiosity and asked: "Sister Dong Xue, you Is this classmate who are you? Why should the Ministry of Transcendent Affairs be dispatched to protect him?"

Dong Xue shook his head: "I don’t know. After graduating from high school, I haven’t seen him for many years. Up."

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