Speaking, Bi Fang's extremely ugly face showed a penetrating smile.

Lu Haoran had a bad hunch, and was about to act, but he saw that Bi Fang's body quickly faded and his whole body evaporated under his eyelids.

This scene is very The Weird even in Lu Haoran's eyes. He quickly rushed forward, but it was too late. The place where Bi Fang was standing just now only left a set of clothes, no silhouette, and Even the fluctuation of spiritual power disappeared thoroughly.

"What conspiracy are they brewing?"

Lu Haoran leaned over and picked up the clothes, both incomprehensible and worried, with the body temperature left by Bi Fang still remaining on it.

"Must pry something out of those two Transcender mouths!"



After lunch, Liu Haoming and the others leave the Tongfu Inn.

Huang Xing fulfilled his duties as a tour guide and continued to lead the crowd to tour the ancient town of Xijiang. During this period, he had been terrified and feared that Wu Lun would appear in front of them again to make trouble.

On one side is the son of the richest man in Xijiang City, on the other side is a tourist who is suspected of Transcender, on both sides he can not afford to offend.

Fortunately, after a whole afternoon, Wu Lun and his followers did not show up again.

Before taking the bus back to the farmhouse, Huang Xing really relaxed. He felt that Wu Lun’s previous statement that he would spend one million to buy foxes was probably just a whim. After he came out of the government, he calmed down a bit and stopped treating Liu Haoming’s foxes. Obsessed.

This is normal. Most of the rich second generations are like this. They may harass a certain young model in the last second, and accompany a star in the next second. There is a wife in the rich world. No matter how new it is, it’s difficult to stay focused on something for a long time.

The above are just reasons Huang Xing made up for himself. He absolutely would not have thought that the reason why Wu Lun did not appear was because he never had the chance to appear again.

The journey is long. In order to pass the time, Liu Haoming invited Ling Wei to open the black to fight pesticides. Ling Wei heart and teeth bite, giving up the chance to accompany the gentleman.

Liu Haoming's journey today is generally quite satisfactory. Although Wu Lun's strange team appeared in the middle, it did not have much impact on him. At best, it can only be regarded as a small episode.

This makes him have several points of anticipation for the journey of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Back at the farmhouse, Lady Boss has already prepared a sumptuous meal to welcome everyone. Jiang Yuqing has returned to school and Liu Haoming never saw her again.

At the end of the dinner, everyone first went back to the house and took a shower. Then, at Li Zhengkang’s suggestion, Liu Haoming, Dong Xue, and Ling Wei went to the basement to play mahjong with him. Liu Haoming was still lucky Very good, won more than fifty dollars.

The mahjong table didn't leave until ten o'clock in the evening, and the full and busy day came to an end.

Returning to the house in the evening, Dong Xue and Lingwei got in touch with Lu Haoran one after another. Lu Haoran told them all the big fish that Wu Lun had caught today.

"Bi Fang did not know that he used a sorcery, and it evaporated out of thin air before my eyes." Lu Haoran said in a low voice on the other side of the communication device.

"The other two Transcender companions who were caught were very hard-talking about death. No matter what interrogation method we used, we could not get any valuable information from them."

When talking about interrogation matters, Lu Haoran's tone was somewhat helpless.

Chenlong and Wu Tianli are both outlaws, and they are loyal to Bi Fang to the point of putting life and death out of their lives, and because they are Transcender, not only ordinary means can’t let them relax, even hypnosis Extraordinary methods such as dreaming, dreaming, and soul searching are also not effective.

The two gathered all the spirit strength in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. If they insist on searching for the soul, it will only destroy their Sea of ​​Consciousness and turn them into the living dead.

"Although the interrogation has no results for the time being, there is still a Transcender named Lin Fengxiang in their team, whereabouts unknown. According to the survey data, Lin Fengxiang is a spiritual Transcender. I suspect Liu Haoming yesterday The evil spirit that was wiped out late at the farmhouse is Lin Fengxiang's Spiritual Body!" Lu Haoran said his own judgment.

"Since yesterday, the four of them have established an inextricably linked causal relationship with Liu Haoming. The reason is absolutely impossible because it is as simple as a coincidence. They must be planning a shocking conspiracy!"

"Unsurprisingly, Bi Fang will find Liu Haoming again in the future. You must keep your spirits up in the following journey. If there are more suspicious personnel approaching Liu Haoming, you tell me immediately and I will dispatch immediately. Reinforcement."



Dong Xue and Lingwei responded solemnly.


Communication ends.

Dong Xue has been unable to calm down for a long time.

After being in contact with Liu Haoming for two days, she seemed to gradually understand the extraordinary things about Liu Haoming, but in fact, she didn’t understand Liu Haoming more and more, and she came into contact with him The longer, the more I think he is mysterious, like a mystery.

Dong Xue is not the only person who has been unable to calm down for a long time, and Lingwei is the same.

The little girl lay on the bed tossing and thinking about it, but she couldn't understand it. Liu Haoming, who is so valued by the Ministry of Transcendent Affairs, looks so handsome and handsome. Why is it so cute to play games?

How many points did you lose with yourself during the day? ?

The more I think, the more angry!


Early the next morning.

Just like yesterday, Huang Xing wakes up the tourists early and plays the role of an alarm clock.

Today is the second day of everyone's journey. The destination is not the ancient town of Xijiang on the first day, but the Museum of Xijiang.

Xijiang Museum covers a huge area, and it stores various ancient objects of commemorative significance. Huang Xing leads tourists to visit while explaining the historical stories of those objects. Everyone seems to understand but not understand. Jue Li, anyway, just take a photo and punch in.

Liu Haoming didn't have much interest in museums, but in order to make him look sociable, he also took pictures with everyone to commemorate him. Almost all of them took pictures when they came down in the morning.

Waiting until noon, Huang Xing took the tourists to the nearby aquarium to see the aquatic animals for an afternoon.

Everyone did not return to the farmhouse for dinner that night, but ate at the hotel outside. After eating, they rushed to the Xijiang Grand Theater to enjoy a large-scale Water Element performance inside.

This Water Element performance brought an extremely shocking visual impact to Liu Haoming, and he was amazed. He felt that today's journey was only wonderful at night, and he wanted to sleep if he was bored in the morning and afternoon.

At nine o'clock in the evening, everyone took the bus back to the farmhouse.

The moment they walked into the small courtyard of the farmhouse, Dong Xue and Lingwei felt incredible. They couldn't believe that today's trip would be so smooth!

They used to be full of energy and were always prepared to deal with emergencies. When they visited the aquarium in the afternoon, they even secretly guarded against which Transcender changed the aquatic animals inside. They didn’t expect an accident in the end. I didn't even touch it.

This feeling is like a full strength attack hitting cotton.

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