"Well, that's what I said."

The mustache officers and soldiers were nodded, and no longer entangled in the fake Chen Xin killing Jiang Liu.

Fake Chen Xin then took out a bottle of medicinal liquid from his pocket and poured it on Jiang Liu’s corpse. The moment the corpse and the medicinal liquid came into contact, it dissolved and evaporated. In less than a few seconds, the whole corpse Together with the blood all over the ground, all disappeared thoroughly.

"I didn't kill you just now, but you escaped by chance. This time, you didn't even have any scum left. It depends on how you live."

Fake Chen Xin said indifferently. , Deep in one's heart, faintly relieved.



At the same time, in the hazy Dark Space, a row of light curtains popped up:

【 The player is dead, it is detected that the player's experience is zero, the gold coin is zero, and there is no item to drop on the body, so the death penalty is exempted and resurrected at a random location after one minute. 】

Jiang Liu was delighted when he saw it.

Sure enough, the current self is an unkillable existence!

Since you can’t kill, what else to fear?

She quietly waited for the resurrection time, and soon, one minute passed, she felt that she was no longer nothingness, she had a substance, she had a sensory experience.

Opening her eyes, she is standing on a certain bridge, the cool night breeze is blowing by, and thousands of houses are shining with neon lights.

This was a very beautiful and warm scene, but Jiang Liu didn't mean to appreciate it at all, and he was extremely disturbed and worried.

After the resurrection, she still has to face reality.

But as the more aliens learn about, the more she feels fear and helplessness. Aliens lurking in human society like ghosts, killing random people and pretending to replace them.

This type of invasion is scary just thinking about it. It may be that your lover, parents, children, and friends have all become aliens before everyone is aware of it. .

After all, even the government is now controlled by aliens. Where else can the alien Human Demon's claws reach?

"No, I definitely can't let the aliens succeed. I must tell the world about their conspiracy!"

Jiang Liu suddenly made a decision.

She remembered that before entering the game, the main task that the system gave her was to let her expose the disguise of aliens around the world to the people of the world.

This should also be the purpose of Internet Cafe Boss for letting himself play games. He wants to use his own hands to smash the alien invasion conspiracy.

Jiang Liu thought about it, and felt that the only way to expose aliens was to use internet exposure.

She can't believe the government anymore. To be precise, no one can believe it now, because anyone can be disguised by aliens, and she can only rely on herself.

"The phone is still in the dormitory. If you want to expose it online, you can only go to the Internet Cafe."

Jiang Liu made a decision, and then walked straight along the bridge. I found an Internet Cafe, and cars flowed endlessly on the highway in the middle of the bridge.



The fake Chen Xin and the occupant Aunt got on the official car, and the mustache officer and soldier acted as the driver and sent them back to school .

"The day after tomorrow is the day when Suncheon University officially opens. By tomorrow, there will be a large number of students returning to school." The mustache officers and soldiers said as they drove.

"At that time, your workload will be heavy. The above hopes that you will solve the whole school teachers and students in the shortest time. Embezzlement, no matter what happens, you can hold it."

"Understood." The host manager replied.

The fake Chen Xin tilted his head and looked out the window. When the official car was driving on a bridge, he could see the bustling night scene with dim lights in the distance, and the river surface was shimmering.

"It's really a beautiful and bright planet."

She felt it, and thought of her home planet, that barren, barren and ugly land.

The mustache officers and soldiers hearing this hehe smiled: "If it is not beautiful, how can there be the value of being invaded by us?"

"It will soon become our home. An ignorant and weak human being does not deserve to have such a fertile..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly slammed on the brake, and the strong inertia caused the two people in the back seat to shake violently.

"What's wrong?" Fake Chen Xin frowned.

The mustache officers and soldiers had a strange expression, pointing to a pedestrian in front of him: "Look, is she the Jiang Liu who was just killed?!"

Fake Chen Xin and Su Guan was taken aback, following the direction of his finger, she saw a girl who looked exactly like Jiang Liu.

Even the clothes she wears are exactly the same as Jiang Liu!

"How could she be Jiang Liu, I used the corpse liquid to dissolve her without leaving any residue!" The fake Chen Xin said in disbelief.

She and Su Guan glanced at each other, and both saw the horror in each other's eyes.

Not long ago, Jiang Liu was crushed and killed by them on the ground, and his entire back was stabbed to pieces, but he was bizarrely resurrected and went walking right into a trap in the government.

And just now, Jiang Liu was killed by them in the government without a burial site, and now he actually appeared in front of him again!

"Is she... a person or a ghost?" Su Guan trembled.

The three aliens in the car felt a chill of horror rising from behind.



Jiang Liu was about to walk down the bridge to find an Internet Cafe. Unexpectedly, just halfway through, an official car suddenly stopped. In front of her.

Jiang Liu's heartstrings suddenly tightened. She was killed in the government for a few minutes. At this time, she was extremely sensitive to everything related to the government.

Then she saw the car door opened, and the fake Chen Xin, Su Guan, and Mustache officers and soldiers got out of the car one after another.

"You guys are really soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!"

Jiang Liu was shocked and felt that he had fallen for eight lifetime's bloody bad luck. He just resurrected, unexpectedly. Encountered fake Chen Xin so soon.

"Jiang Liu, you really are soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!"

At this time, the host tube opened the mouth and said, grabbing Jiang Liu's lines, both eyes Staring at the girl in front of her.

Jiang Liu was taken aback for a moment, she suddenly realized that the expressions of the other three seemed more nervous and nervous than herself?

"You are not Jiang Liu, you are Jiang Liu's twin sister, right?!"

The fake Chen Xin asked sharply.

The operation of all things in the universe must be logical. This is no exception even if they are aliens. The fake Chen Xin could not accept it. A person who was dissolved by her with the corpse fluid was actually standing Resurrected in front of myself!

So, she tried to find a reasonable explanation.


Although the fake Chen Xin's tone is gloomy and cold, Jiang Liu still sees the color of fear on her face, looked thoughtful.

Yes, I am afraid, but I don’t think about it. If a person who was killed twice by himself but resurrected twice appears in front of him, how would he react?

So, they should be afraid of them. They can't kill themselves, so what are they afraid of?

After figuring this out, Jiang Liu suddenly became clear, the fear and anxiety in his heart disappeared, and his calm posture was restored.

She remembered a sentence, except death in the world, everything is a small matter, and what can't kill me will only make me stronger.

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