[Individual Rocket Launcher...]

[Laser Cannon...]

[Intercontinental cruise missile...]

This is not so much a game mall as it is an arsenal. As long as there are enough gold coins, Jiang Liu can find it in the mall whether it is imaginary or unexpected weapons and equipment.

After pulling the list to the end, the last item attracted great attention from Jiang Liu:

[Ultimate radio wave radiometer: It can change the brain waves of humans around the world, and let the people around the world see through aliens Man pretends and sells for 300,000gold coin. 】

"This is the deadly nemesis of aliens!"

Jiang Liu's beautiful eyes widen can't help but sigh.

Undoubtedly, she only needs to purchase the ultimate radiometer, and the aliens’ conspiracy to invade human society will be shattered in an instant. By then, all aliens disguised as ordinary people will be in their original form. Bi Lu, changed back to their original alien appearance.

"The price of the ultimate radio wave radiometer is 300,000 gold coins. Calculated according to the explosion rate of an alien's 300 gold coins, it will be enough to kill a thousand alien talents..."

Jiang Liu thought about it, killing a thousand aliens sounds like a lot, but with her immortal special ability, it is actually not difficult. The real difficulty is that she wants to kill this night. Enough for a thousand aliens.

At the expense of one hundred and twenty years of lifespan, she only got the opportunity to book the night at the Internet Cafe. Her game time will be over at 8:01 tomorrow morning.

So, she must buy the ultimate radiometer before getting off the machine. She has a hunch that the moment the game ends is when she overdrafts her lifespan for 120 years and dies. This is the only thing she can save the world. chance.

Just as Jiang Liu was thinking about a quick way to kill the aliens, footsteps suddenly came from outside the corridor.

"Jiang Liu definitely has a big problem. Next time I see her must be captured alive and sent to the base laboratory for careful study."

This is a fake Chen Xin’s voice. This time she is really back!

Jian Liu tensed all over, closed the door quickly and hid aside, looked at the blood-stained fruit knife in her hand, she decisively spent two hundred gold coins to buy the quenched handle in the mall. Poison is known as the dagger that sees the blood-sealed throat.

"Come on, fake Chen Xin, this will be our last confrontation!"

Jiang Liu secretly thought, ready to go.

After a while, the door of the dormitory was pushed open and the dormitory came in first.

She wanted to turn on the light first, but a dark shadow resembling a corpse in front of her attracted her attention. She gave a shocked sound and stepped forward to check the situation.

"Good opportunity!"

Jiang Liufei clenched the poisoned dagger fiercely and stabbed into the heart of the dormitory, just like the first time she was stabbed to death on the ground .


Before Su Guan stepped in the footsteps of the alien, he screamed. In the next instant, the toxins on the dagger spread to her body along the blood. All her bodily functions were destroyed.

【Kill an alien, get 100 gold coins, and gain 300 experience. ]

[The player's level is increased by lv4, and 1 attribute point is obtained.

The kill prompt pops up on the retina.

"Jiang Liu, it's you!"

Fake Chen Xin's roar came from behind, and he raised his hand and took out the pistol from his waist.

Jiang Liu had been on her guard for a long time. This was the reason why she bought more a saber. She also threw a fruit knife at her while she was in charge of the sneak attack.

Because of her power value increased by two points, this blade threw extremely fast, the blade "sou" shot on the muzzle with a blast, sending the entire gun flying out.

Jian Liu immediately drew out the dagger and fought against fake Chen Xin. She didn't understand the moves and martial arts skills. She only held the dagger and wielded it out of order, only to stab the fake Chen Xin.

The fake Chen Xin had practiced before. He looked at Jiang Liu's weak spot and grabbed her wrist, and Tieshan hit her chest hard.

Jiang Liu only felt that her chest was about to be squashed by her, and the dagger in his hand fell uncontrollably. He was about to fly upside down, but was pulled back by the fake Chen Xin. A knee bump hit her lower abdomen.


Jiang Liu hurts, his stomach is as painful as turning over the river. Seeing that fake Chen Xin has to push his knees for a second time, Jiang Liu stretched out his hand in a hurry. Hold her hair and pull it hard.

This tugging actually pulled off the other party’s scalp. The fake Chen Xin suddenly felt heart-piercing pain and gritted her teeth fiercely. The 2nd knee bump directly knocked Jiang Liuding to the ground. Riding on Jiang Liu, his hands tightly pinched her neck.

At this moment, when he was fighting for his life, Chen Xin was not ignoring that he had just said that he was going to capture Jiang Liu alive. He only had one mind to destroy and kill the enemy in front of him. After all, he has only one life. It's all gone.

"Dare to kill me, who gave you the courage!"

Fake Chen Xin's face looks sinister, the torn scalp gushes with red blood, exerting all his strength Squeeze Jiang Liu's neck tightly.

Jiang Liu once again felt the pain of suffocation, and her consciousness gradually became fuzzy. At the crucial moment, she added an attribute point obtained by killing the host tube to her strength.


The warm current rushes through the body, Jiang Liu exerts a lot of power out of thin air, and his waist suddenly arches like a spring.

The fake Chen Xin was completely unprepared and flew out, while Jiang Liu rode on her with a victory pursuit, also pinched her neck with both hands, and the two people exchanged roles in an instant.

"Let go of me..."

Fake Chen Xin struggled painfully, but couldn't break Jiang Liu's finger at all.

She couldn't believe it. You must know that as a Bilt star, physique is much stronger than normal human beings. However, in front of Jiang Liu at this moment, she actually feels that she is far from her in strength.

Looking at the face of the fake Chen Xin with pain, Jiang Liu burst out fiercely. He has never wanted to kill a person so strongly in his life, both as revenge for the real Chen Xin, as well as for the real Chen Xin. Revenge herself, she has no reason to let go!

Time passed by one minute and one second, and after a while, fake Chen Xin stopped struggling and stared at motionless.

【Kill 1 alien, get 100gold coin and get 300 experience. 】

Along with the killing prompt popped up by the system, the fake Chen Xin's corpse changed back to its original alien appearance.

Jiang Liu lay on the ground panting violently, his chest fluctuating, and he felt his energy was exhausted.

This was the first time she tried desperately, and it was the first time to kill. The process was extremely dangerous and exciting, and it also made her understand a truth.

The war between humans and aliens is destined to be cruel. Only one of the two sides can survive. It is more tragic than any war in human history. Once it fails, the entire human civilization will be obliterated. .

Taking a breath for a while, Jiang Liu immediately struggled to get up from the ground.

There is no spare time for her to rest. She must seize the time and strive to kill enough aliens tonight.

Otherwise, once the package night time has passed, everything will be exhausted.

She first turned on the lights in the dormitory, took photos of the three alien bodies on the ground, and then fumbled around them to see if they could find guns and other materials.

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