Jian Liu's palms are like cast copper-cast iron, and the sinking wrist makes her hold it as if she is welded to death.

Shen Sheng didn't react for a while, couldn't believe that someone had more strength than him!

He didn’t know that after Jiang Liu killed the alien for half a night, the game level has been upgraded to lv6. Whether it is physical fitness or comprehensive strength, he has surpassed the genetically modified him. It was also the reason why Jiang Liu was hit so many times by him, instead of fainting, he became more and more energetic.


Jiang Liu didn't talk nonsense with him and started to counterattack. A fist shot like a cannonball on Shen Sheng's chest. He only heard the sound of "Bao Cha", Shen Sheng The hard armor and breastbone on his body instantly dented and shattered, and the whole person shot out and squirmed hard on the ground.

Jian Liu drew the pistol from his waist and walked towards him while pulling the safety off.

"Jiang Liu, calm down, we can communicate well if there is anything!"

Wang Yue hurriedly discouraged, everything from Jiang Liu breaking in to Shen Sheng being beaten to the ground It all happened so quickly that he almost didn't even understand the situation.

"He is an alien. The alien must die. There is no room for communication."

Jiang Liu turned around and told Wang Yue seriously.

Wang Yue was taken aback.

At this moment, Jiang Liu pulled the trigger.


The bullet penetrated Shen Sheng's forehead and left a blood hole, and his body quickly dried up and turned into a dwarf clown and ugly alien creature.

【Kill 1 General Bilt, get 6000gold coin and get 6000EXP. ]

[The player's level is increased by lv8, and 2 attribute points are obtained. 】

The light curtain pops up a kill prompt, the value of the rise is equivalent to 20 ordinary aliens, and the amount of Jiang Liu’s gold coin soars to four digits in an instant. This is because she didn’t. t expect.

On the other side, Wang Yue witnessed the entire process of alien appearance for the first time.

In fact, before he came to find Shen Sheng, Wang Yue suspected that he was replaced by an alien. Now that the speculation was confirmed before his eyes, he couldn't tell what it was like, there was both fear and anger.

Even the prefects of the government are pretended to be replaced by aliens. What about the higher-level officials?

Suddenly, there was a running sound behind him.

The officers and soldiers arrived in a hurry. They saw Jiang Liu holding a gun in his hand, without the slightest hesitation, raising the muzzle and aiming at her, and said sternly: "You have been surrounded, immediately Put down your weapons and surrender!"

Jiang Liu didn't take their threats seriously, and calmly said to Wang Yue: "I know you are the deputy governor Wang Yue."

When searching for information on Shen Sheng on the Internet, she also found many reports about Wang Yue, so she could recognize him.

"The aliens have begun a full-scale invasion. The moment for our survival has arrived. Please do something you should do for the people of Shuntian Mansion."

After that, Jiang Liu raised it. Point the pistol at his temple.

Wang Yue had a premonition of what she was going to do, and he suddenly reacted and shouted: "Don't—"


He called late.

With the sound of gunfire, Jiang Liu fell to the ground.

The officers and soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, really didn’t expect that the other party would commit suicide. Wang Yue rushed forward and saw the red and white liquid flowing out of Jiang Liu’s temple, so serious The injury is impossible for anyone to survive.

"I believe you! Why do you do this!!"

Wang Yue is extremely upset, and there is no word to describe how regretful he is at the moment.

He understood that Jiang Liu wanted to awaken his ambition with death, just like Qu Yuan who threw the river in ancient times, trying to use his own death to awaken the city, awaken this world, and even awaken all mankind.

The problem is that at present only Jiang Liu can distinguish aliens hidden in the crowd. After her death, although human beings knew the existence of aliens, how should we deal with them?

"Confused! Confused!"

Wang Yue sighed three times, his eyes were flushed, and tears were almost falling.

In the next second, an incredible scene appeared under his nose.

The corpse of Jiang Liu on the ground turned into a spot of light and escaped into midair, just like the Fire Insect.


Wang Yue and all the officers and soldiers were all shocked and dumbfounded.

The light spots dissipated very quickly, and Jiang Liu's body disappeared thoroughly after a while, as if it had evaporated out of thin air.

Wang Yue has been unable to calm down for a long time, and he has received more shocks tonight than several decades in the past combined.

After that, he couldn't help but feel a little skeptical, feeling that Jiang Liu was more like an alien than Shen Sheng.



[The player has died, and will resurrect at random locations one minute later, deducting a thousand gold coins as a death penalty. 】

In the muddled Dark Space, a row of light curtains popped up.

"After having gold coin, do you actually have to deduct a thousand gold coins every time you die."

Jiang flu is so distressed that she died when she was poor and white. There is no punishment.

But there is no way to lose this point. In the situation just now, she has no hope of escape. Instead of wasting time and wrangling with the officers and soldiers, it is better to commit suicide and get away as soon as possible.

One minute time passed quickly, Jiang Liu felt that he had a body.

Opening her eyes, she was standing on a certain street in Shuntian Mansion. Pedestrians were gathering in a group to protest against the government's blocking of the Internet.

Jiang Liu glanced at the crowd, and found no aliens, then glanced at the phone.

It is three o'clock midnight, and five hours before eight o'clock.

It is impossible to kill a thousand aliens in five hours. Jiang Liu is self-aware. She just wants to eliminate as many aliens as possible in the last time.

Then she urged the bamboo dragonfly to fly high in the sky and continued to search for the next hunting target. When halfway through the flight, the mobile phone dedicated to aliens chatting suddenly "ding dong ding dong" sounded continuously.

"The emperor solemnly announced that the desert general has been confirmed to have been killed. It was the mysterious person Jiang Liu who killed him. All the citizens of Bilt mourned him for 3 minutes."

An alien with a note as "Billt Great Emperor" sent a message, and the other aliens sent messages of condolences.

Jiang Liu looked strange when she saw this. It seems that she still underestimated Shen Sheng's status among the alien group. Killing him herself really made the aliens feel painful.

"This Bilt Great Emperor, is he an emperor among aliens?"

Jiang Liu muttered and fixed his gaze on Bilt Great Emperor, if he could Kill, that's the real damage to aliens, right?

3 minutes The silence time is over.

Bilt Great Emperor continued to speak: "Jiang Liu is too threatening to us. In order to avenge the desert general, the emperor has sent a fleet to Shuntian Mansion to capture Jiang Liu. About two hours later Arrived."

"During the fleet's arrival in Shuntian Mansion, every citizen of Bilt stayed in the house to hide his identity. Do not show up on the street and ensure your own safety."

"As you bid."

"As you bid."

A crowd of aliens echoed.

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