On the streets, a large number of cars crowded together in a disorderly manner.

Two aliens held pistols against a child’s neck, speaking Chinese, and sternly threatened the officers and soldiers in front of them:

"You all get back, if within ten minutes We didn’t see a helicopter, we killed the kid right away!"

"Even if you die, you will be buried with you humans!"

The alien The kidnapped child cried in fright, his parents begged and wept nearby, hoping that the aliens would let their child go.

The officers and soldiers tried to calm the aliens' emotions: "Calm down, your conditions are okay, the helicopter is already being deployed, but it will take some time..."

"Hurry up ! The helicopter must be seen within ten minutes!"

The two aliens urged them hoarsely, apparently in a state of madness.

"Okay, okay!"

While dealing with the aliens, the officers and soldiers let the snipers lurking in the dark look for opportunities to shoot.

They are very helpless. Not long ago, for unknown reasons, since the flying saucer in the sky exploded, all the aliens disguised as humans in the Shuntian Mansion have all revealed their original form.

As a result, Shuntian Mansion fell into chaos. The government sent all the police to arrest and kill the aliens, while the aliens fought desperately to escape. Every alien threatened the hostages and asked the government to arrange helicopters to let them escape. However, the government did not provide them with so many helicopters.

Listening to the conversation between the officers and the aliens, Jiang Liu quickly understood the situation.

The current chaotic situation in Shuntian Mansion was caused by her alone.

But she didn't do anything wrong. Now the chaos is chaotic, and countless people may die. At the very least, humans still have the power to confront aliens.

If she does not expose the true colors of the aliens and continues to allow the aliens to invade secretly, and the others will be completely enslaved and controlled by the aliens when they react.

She just detonated the thunder when the formidable power was at its minimum.

Thinking of this, Jiang Liu walked towards the two aliens.

"Old woman, don't come over!"

The alien scolded her angrily: "Come here again and I will kill you and this kid!"

"Grandma is dangerous over there, come back soon!"

The officers and soldiers also shouted anxiously to Jiang Liu.

Jiang Liu remained unmoved on the surface, but he was extremely complicated in his heart.

Although she didn't look in the mirror, she can imagine that she must be old and unworthy at this time if she deducted one hundred and twenty years of lifespan.

She is obviously only twenty years old.

When an alien saw Jiang Liu act recklessly, he gritted his teeth and shot her a pistol!


As soon as the gunfire rang, Jiang Liu's silhouette shook, and the old rickety body disappeared in place.

The alien was taken aback, before he could react, the next second, Jiang Liu appeared in front of him, kicking his chest heavily.

The alien was killed instantly and his breastbone shattered, flying upside down like a leaky sack.

And at the moment when the alien died, an inexplicable breath poured into Jiang Liu's nose, Jiang Liu immediately blessed his soul, and felt that he had become younger.

It seems young...two months?

She didn't have time to study the changes on her body. She slammed her feet on the ground, crushing all the floor tiles, and flashed in front of another alien.

Jian Liu first stretched out his hand to cover the eyes of the kidnapped child, grabbed the alien pistol with the other hand, and pressed the trigger against his forehead. The alien didn’t know what happened. He fell straight on his back and turned into a corpse.

The inexplicable breath poured into Jiang Liu's nose again, making her body functions younger again.

The officers, soldiers and people in the audience were all stunned.

They couldn't believe that this old lady had such ability. Thunder Wanjun shot, and instantly killed the two aliens in an instant, like the super heroes on TV.

"wā wā wā wā wow!"

The cry of children awakened the tragedy.

His parents hurriedly stepped forward to express their gratitude to Jiang Liu for their kindness, and Jiang Liu absently handed the children into their hands.

"Every time I kill an alien, I will be two months younger. Is this my repercussions from the game?"

Jiang Liu secretly thought, looked thoughtful.

She killed aliens in the game and got gold coin and EXP.

Now in reality, killing aliens, but gaining lifespan, according to this trend, it is not impossible for her to restore her original appearance.

"This must be the back hand that Internet Cafe Boss left for me. From the very beginning, he didn’t want me to die! So when I left Internet Cafe, he didn’t follow any extra words. I said!"

Jiang Liu said with excitement, the thoughts got to this point, and she inspired endless gratitude and respect for Internet Cafe Boss.

At this moment, the officers and soldiers walked towards her in surprise, and tentatively said: "Old lady..."

Jiang Liu suddenly turned his head and stared at him.

I don't know if it is an illusion, the officers and soldiers actually felt anger in the eyes of the opponent.

Soon, the anger dissipated.

"The safety of Shuntian Mansion is handed over to you."

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Liu jumped, and this step jumped directly over a distance of tens of meters to The chaos and turmoil in the distance rushed to the place.

She will do her best to put down the rebellion caused by aliens in Shuntian Mansion.

Set a small goal to bring yourself back to twenty in one day.



Dragon City, The Beginning Internet Cafe.

"It's really hard to win."

Looking at the victory icon on the screen, Liu Haoming let out a sigh of relief, feeling that he had been struggling for more than half an hour. Perfection ending.

"It's time, it's time to go out for breakfast."

He turned off the computer. Anyway, based on past experience, Internet Cafe won't have any guests visiting during the day.

Traveling to Mount Mang for three days, he still missed the batter, and came to the breakfast shop. Today, the shop is still prosperous as usual. Many old men gathered together to discuss the extraordinary university. Thing.

When Liu Haoming mentioned the extraordinary university, Liu Haoming thought of Li Zhengkang and the farmer’s Jiang Yuqing. Both of these two people expressed their strong determination to apply for the extraordinary university this year.

"I hope you all get what you want."

Liu Haoming silently blessed them.

He himself would not go to apply for an extraordinary university, even if he had the qualifications to be recommended.

He is very satisfied by guarding the little piece of land like Internet Cafe.

I want him to give up the life of ease and enjoyment, unless the sky falls.

Soon, he returned to the Internet Cafe after breakfast and walked up to the second floor with Ahri in his arms.

The bed at home is always the softest. Liu Haoming didn't want to move as soon as he lay on it. Sleepiness came quickly.

Ahri had an inexplicable premonition of uneasiness today. He was constantly twisting in the bed and unable to sleep for a long time.

And not long after Liu Haoming fell asleep, the sky suddenly made a loud noise!

Ahri startled, quickly looked up.

I saw that the sky outside the window was ruptured and collapsed, and the indescribable terror was faintly discernible in it.

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