When Liu Haoming woke up, it was almost evening.

Standing by the window looking at the bloody afterglow of the setting sun, a sense of loneliness abandoned by the world rushed over. This feeling can only be experienced by those who have taken a nap alone.


Ahri woke up with a chuckle, rubbed his eyes with his fluffy paws, and he fell asleep because of the sound of sleep.

Liu Haoming is slightly smiled. I think Ahri looks like a little silly but adorable. At the same time, my feeling of loneliness has also been relieved by a little fellow. It seems that raising a pet is indeed the right choice.

"Go, go down and open the door for business."

He picked up Ahri and went downstairs, first poured him half a pot of cat food, then opened the takeaway app and ordered himself a serving takeout.

"There is nothing delicious around, just order a steak meal. I haven't had a steak for a long time."

While waiting for the takeaway, Liu Haoming visited the circle of friends for a while. I want to see the life dynamics of those classmates who have become social animals.

His circle of friends is not wide. They are all classmates who used to go to school together, and there are few strangers in the society.

"ding dong!"

A message suddenly came from the high school class group.

Li Zhengkang: "There is another earthquake in Japan today, and the morning news will be available tomorrow."

Li Zhengkang: "I really have served this country. There was an earthquake half of the time."

Then he posted a photo of Japanese people taking shelter from the earthquake.

This photo immediately attracted many students who eat melons.

Liu Yizhong: "Brother Kang, you are still working in Japan, so don't run away."

Wang Chengkai: "Japan is famous for frequent earthquakes, even experts say It may sink within twenty years."


Liu Haoming, acting as a peeping monster, silently watched the classmates discuss the earthquake in the group , Can't insert the mouth.

Li Zhengkang sat at his front desk when he was in high school. The two of them played very well at the time. It is said that he is now working in Japan and his mix is ​​pretty good, at least better than his home.

Dong Xue: "Recently, there is not much peace abroad during this period. If you can work in China, it is best to return to your country as much as possible. Safety first."

See "Dong Xue" With this name, Liu Haoming's eyes lit up slightly.

Lin Ming: "The monitor is right. Recently, foreign countries are really not at peace. There was an earthquake in Japan, a fox disaster in Austria, a volcanic eruption in Iceland, and a locust plague in India.

Li Zhengkang: "At the end of this month, I have to apply for returning to China for everything. Every day there are big earthquakes followed by small earthquakes, which scares people to death."

Liu Yizhong: "What is the monitor? Inside information? I suspect that these incidents are inseparable from Spiritual Qi's recovery."

Soon, the news of the class group was swiped down, and many people were brought out by Dong Xue , But Dong Xue hasn't said anything since he sent the first message. I don't know if he is diving deliberately or is busy.

The chat fever of the class group has dropped again.

"Dong Xue, you are such a Deity."

Liu Haoming muttered to himself, reached out and opened her cat portrait, and found that she hadn't posted one in six months Circle of friends.

Dong Xue was the monitor of his high school class and a class-level presence. Liu Haoming was particularly impressed by her. To be precise, her classmates throughout the year were very impressed by her.

The year when Liu Haoming passed the entrance exam for senior high school, that is, seven years ago, the world suddenly recovered Spiritual Qi.

In that year, many ordinary person awakening abilities became Transcenders, and the entire international community was turbulent for a while. Later, all Transcenders were incorporated by their respective countries, and the international situation gradually returned to stability.

When the state incorporated the private Transcender, Sect also sent officials to the school to test the spirit root attribute for the students. As a result, Dong Xue detected the spirit root attribute alone.

At that time, Dong Xue was blowing flames on the playground. The little girl, like a flower and jade dragon, almost burned the school building, shocking the eyes of countless people. Everyone regarded her as Deity.

It was also on the day Dong Xue detected the spirit root attribute, she was picked up by government officials. For underage Transcenders like her, the state will set up a Transcender University specifically for them. After they graduate, they can directly work in state institutions and take up public jobs.

The day Dong Xue was picked up, Liu Haoming was envious of her. She could go to university without an exam. Where can we find such a good thing?

Unfortunately, he was disappointing and failed to detect the spirit root attribute. In the end, like most people, he embarked on the road of college entrance examination.

"After so many years, I have forgotten what she looked like, and I don't leave two photos in the circle of friends."

Liu Haoming muttered secretly.

He only remembered that Dong Xue seemed to be pretty. At that time, he was adolescent hormonal agitation. Many male students in the class liked her, such as Lin Ming, his deskmate, and Li Zhengkang at the table.

Liu Haoming didn't like her. Whether in high school or university, or now, he always thinks that his girlfriend has no games for fun.

Dong Xue is amazed at him at best, sheer surprise, nonsense, no matter which boy sees a female classmate spitting fire on the playground like a Fire Dragon, she will be amazed.

"Hello Mister Liu, your takeaway is here."

A takeaway walked into the Internet Cafe and politely handed the takeaway paper bag to Liu Haoming.

"Thank you." Liu Haoming looked up and thanked him.

"You're welcome, I wish you a happy meal."

The takeaway glanced at the empty Internet Cafe without showing a trace, turned and left.

"These days, everyone stayed at home to play VR games, who would run into the Internet Cafe."

Walk out of the Internet Cafe gate and ride on a battery car. The delivery staff said to themselves Whispered.

He feels that in the era of VR games, Internet Cafe is destined to become an obsolete industry, as evidenced by the bleak business of Internet Cafe just now.


Japan, Tokyo, in a building.

"Recently, there is not much peace abroad during this period. If you can work in China, it is best to return to your country as much as possible. Safety first."

After sending this message in the class group , Dong Xue, dressed in black, put his phone in a silent state, put it away, and hurried to the office for a meeting.

Her figure is lithe and graceful and tall, her long legs are particularly eye-catching, and her facial features are exquisite and cold, giving people an inaccessible feeling.

Dong Xue and his classmates are from the bottom of their hearts, and they can only say that.

As a Transcender, she knows many secrets that an ordinary person does not know.

In today's era of Spiritual Qi recovery, countless Ghost Gods are waking up from sleep one after another, and every Ghost God's awakening will more or less affect the world.

It's like the turbulent Austrian fox disaster yesterday.

Ordinary people only know that the Austrian government has dispatched military forces to eliminate the fox disaster, but they don’t know that the Austrian government is desperate to fight against it because the auspicious forces of countless foxes in Austria have gathered together, leading to a fox fairy. Birth came out.



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