"Lord Governor, this picture is the last surveillance Dog-Head Man was photographed." Zhang Bo replied.

Then he operated the remote control in his hand, and dozens of surveillance videos were arranged on the projection cloth in chronological order.

At 17 o’clock in the afternoon, Dog-Head Man just came to Dragon City. At that time, he was just a human figure wearing a hood, walking slowly on the street, staying for a while every two steps. , Seems to be looking for something.

At nineteen in the evening, Hooded Man walked from the Western District to the Northern Part of City.

At blackjack in the evening, Hooded Man walked from Northern Part of City to the city.

At twenty-three in the evening, Hooded Man walked from the city to the east of the city.

At 24 o'clock in the evening, Hooded Man transformed into a Dog-Head Man form and brutally attacked six passers-by.


Zhao Qingshi looked thoughtful, since the attack on six passersby was the last surveillance that Dog-Head Man was photographed, it means that Dog-Head Man was killed shortly after that Yes, the Transcender who killed him most likely lived near that street. This is a point where you can start investigating.

"Has the identity of the deceased been investigated?" he asked.

Zhang Bo nodded: "In the investigation, the six deceased were all ordinary students of Liming Vocational University. The social relationship was very simple and no suspiciousness was found. As for the Dog-Head Man, the Without finding out his identity, his body has been sent for an autopsy an hour ago, and the results of the autopsy will be available later."

paused, Zhang Bo suddenly took out a piece of jewelry from his pocket. Said: "We found a necklace on Dog-Head Man. Maybe we can find out his specific identity through this necklace."

"Oh, what necklace? Show me."


Zhang Bo immediately forwarded it.

Zhao Qingshi took the necklace and looked at it carefully, only to see that the necklace seemed to have been placed for a long period of time, and the surface had no metallic luster. The neckline of the necklace was carved with a throne, and a bat stretched its wings. Standing on the throne.

"This is..."

Zhao Qingshi's eyes widened in shock: "That Dog-Head Man comes from Cave of Devil Gods!"

The crowd around The officials showed their stunned expressions. Cave of Devil Gods is a very strange term to them.

"There can be no mistake, this pattern is the exclusive symbol of Cave of Devil Gods."

Zhao Qingshi looks condensed and rubs the bat standing on the throne, a major event The bad hunch came out spontaneously, and the mood was suddenly very complicated.

Zhang Bo cautiously asked: "Lord Governor, Cave of Devil Gods...is the name of a Transcender force?"

Zhao Qingshi glanced around and saw the faces of the officials With a curious look, his eyes changed from light to dark for a while, suddenly sighed then said, explaining to everyone: "Cave of Devil Gods is a notorious Transcender force in the western continent, no one knows them Where is the headquarters of Zhao Qingshi? They hide 70% of the arms business of Western countries in the underground. Many countries have their shadows of manipulation and provocation behind the wars launched by many countries."

Many, but I have explained it clearly enough to everyone. The officials hearing this are all awe-inspiring. Trifling a Transcender force can actually control wars between countries. The horror of the Cave of Devil Gods can be seen.

"This case is definitely not resolved by our Dragon City. It must be reported to the national level so that the Ministry of Transcendent Affairs can intervene!"

Zhao Qingshi made a decision with a face Very heavy worry color.

He knows that Cave of Devil Gods is a stinky shit. They hide behind the scenes and make trouble and stir up the international situation. No matter which country is willing to contact them For fear of avoiding them, China is no exception.

Zhao Qingshi took out his mobile phone and wanted to contact the people on the Ministry of Transcendent Affairs. An officer and soldier suddenly walked into the Conference Hall and reported to Zhang Bo: "Chief Zhang, that Dog- The autopsy result of Head Man came out."

Zhang Bo was so excited about learning about the Cave of Devil Gods, he subconsciously took the autopsy report in the hands of the officers and soldiers and scanned it twice, just watching Looking at it, his expression suddenly became extremely weird.

"The autopsy report shows...that Dog-Head Man has lived for 400,000 years. What does this mean?"

Zhang Bo put down the report and stared at the officers and soldiers in front of him. .

Following his words, the atmosphere in the Conference Hall fell silent for an instant. Together with Zhao Qingshi, the officials all cast unimaginable gazes at the officer and soldier.

Live for four hundred thousand years?

How is this possible!

It's almost catching up with the era of ape-man evolution!

"I, I don't know, this is the result of forensic identification." The officers and soldiers replied in a vexed manner, and he was also frightened by the autopsy report.

Zhang Bo turned his head and looked up with Zhao Qingshi.

"Go and have a look in the forensic room."

Zhao Qingshi said, without the slightest hesitation standing up.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Zhang Bo, within five minutes, a group of officials grandiose came to the forensic examination room.

"Chief Zhang, Lord Governor, you are finally here!"

The forensic doctor is an old man who has passed away. He saw Zhao Qingshi and the others immediately went out to greet him and pointed to the bed. The mummified corpse with many tubes inserted in the horror said: "This corpse is too The Weird! I have examined the corpse for a lifetime, but I have never examined such a corpse of The Weird!"

Zhao Qingshi took a Deep breath, try to calm yourself down, and solemnly confirm to the forensic doctor: "Are you sure that the other party really lived 400,000, and not the identification error?"

The forensic doctor sweated profusely: "This is strange. Here, I used the radioactive decay method to determine the relationship between mother and child three times in a row, and the results were all the same, there is absolutely no error! Shen, walked quickly to the bed.

I saw Dog-Head Man lying naked on the white sheets. His skin was dry and wrinkled, as if he had been drained of all water and fell into an eternal sleep.

"Four hundred thousand years..."

Zhao Qingshi murmured. He couldn't imagine any creatures that could survive for four hundred thousand years, even the Gods of Anitquity that ignited the sacred fire was impossible. There is such a long lifespan!

He took out the necklace that symbolizes the Cave of Devil Gods. If this necklace has been through 400,000 years, it must have been weathered into dust.

"It seems that this murder case involves not only Cave of Devil Gods, but also a much more terrifying existence than Cave of Devil Gods. Whose hands did Dog-Head Man die? "

Zhao Qingshi was confused and had an unprecedented panic. Absolutely didn't expect a little Dragon City to actually crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and the water was beyond his imagination.

He has a hunch that there is an extremely terrifying secret hidden behind this murder. Once the secret cover is revealed, not only the Dragon City will be destroyed, but even China and the entire world will be destroyed. , All will suffer a devastating impact!

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