Government officials panted and said: "Cave of Devil Gods condemned China for killing their Canine God, and gave us a three-day period, asking us to kill Canine God within three days. Transcender and Crimson Fox Fairy will be handed over, otherwise they will randomly erase a city in China!"

"What?!" Lu Haoran was furious and slammed the table: "Erase a city, this I really dare to say something like Cave of Devil Gods!"

The official was also very angry, but he was also worried. He asked for instructions: "Minister Lu, how do we respond to Cave of Devil Gods? Statement?"

Lu Haoran originally wanted to respond to a fart, but when the words came to his lips, he held back and forced Fire Dao into anger: "I will not respond to them for the time being. This matter waits for me and the Great Minister of After the War discussion, I will talk about it."


After the officials left, Lu Haoran's turbulent mood gradually returned to calm.

Sure enough, the worst result he expected happened. The Dog-Head Man of Dragon City is really Canine God of Cave of Devil Gods.

"Erase a city...damn Cave of Devil Gods, sooner or later I will get you in one pot!" Lu Haoran gritted his teeth and bitterly.

Actually, Cave of Devil Gods really did something like destroying the city. Five years ago, the Western countries caught a Transcender from the Cave of Devil Gods and used torture to interrogate Cave of. The headquarters location of Devil Gods, without a word, a round of missiles were launched in an attempt to kill the Cave of Devil Gods to the last one.

Unfortunately, the remnants of Cave of Devil Gods finally escaped. Afterwards, the Western country was retaliated wildly by the Bloodsucker Devil Lord, launching a terrorist attack and destroying a city in the country, and the casualties were ignored. Count, that attack also completely established the status of Cave of Devil Gods as an international cancer tumor. Later, for a long time, the inner world talked about the devil in various countries.

"This matter must be decided by the Great Minister of War."

Lu Haoran realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.


A slightly tired voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Great Minister of War, just now Cave of Devil Gods issued a public statement internationally, asking us to..."

Lu Haoran was concise and concise, and survived the Dragon City by 400,000 The corpse of Canine God and the threat of Cave of Devil Gods were reported to each other truthfully.

After listening to the whole sequence of events, the Great Minister of War on the other side was silent for a long time.

Lu Haoran was silent as the Great Minister of War was silent, knowing that the other party was thinking about countermeasures, and did not dare to make any abnormal noises to disturb him.

"Cave of Devil Gods, there is no need to pay attention, and no response."

Finally, Great Minister of War slowly said: "When I come back from Kunlun, I will go personally. A trip to the western continent, it’s time to get rid of this malignant tumor."

Lu Haoran startled, didn’t he understand very well, does the Great Minister of War mean to eradicate the Cave of Devil Gods?

But Cave of Devil Gods has been hiding behind the scenes, no one knows where their headquarters is located.

"Great Minister of War..."

"Go to Dragon City and find out the Transcender who killed Canine God. He can kill Canine God. His strength is definitely not acceptable. Small look, for Dragon City, he is equivalent to a time bomb. It is necessary to act as soon as possible if he is to confide him or to get rid of him."

"Okay, I will go to Dragon City."



After the call was hung up, Lu Haoran felt confident and no longer worried about Cave of Devil Gods threatened. Now that the Great Minister of War said to root out the Cave of Devil Gods, he must have a way to deal with it. He only needs to handle the Dragon City case.

"Fortunately, there is the Great Minister of War."

Lu Haoran is fortunate to think to himself that the Great Minister of War is not only the highest official in charge of China's national politics, but also the invincible War God. Existence can be compared to Gods of Anitquity with the body of a mortal. In China, there were also several places where gods relics appeared, all of which were forcibly suppressed by the Great Minister of War by the strength of oneself, and those Gods of Anitquity were all strangled in their sleep by him. Transcenders in China all regard him as an idol.

Last month, Kunlun’s Gates of Hell opened, and many demonic creatures ran out of it. There was a lot of noise. The Great Minister of War personally led a heavy army to suppress it. It is estimated that the solution has been almost resolved. NS.


Western China, Kunlun Mountains.

A thin man of about fifty years old put down the phone in his hand and suddenly coughed twice.

"cough cough!"

"Great Minister of War, are you okay?"

The soldiers next to him immediately greeted them with concern.

"It's okay, it's just a slight injury."

Tan Duanya shook his head while quietly running the spiritual power to dissolve and evaporate the bloody sputum that was spit out into his palm.

Then he raised his head and looked at the dark Space-Time Crack in the distance. There were hundreds of heavy machine guns around the muzzle aimed at the crack, ready to meet the enemy at any time.

"Let’s start now. Before noon tomorrow, you must set up the seal, and you must not let the contents escape."

He said to the soldiers in a deep voice.

The soldiers were solemnly nodded, and immediately shot out one by one like off-string arrows. Around the Space-Time Crack, the five-color stones were continuously cast in a specific direction and the spiritual power was cast. The five-color stones are connected in series to form the prototype of the seal.

Seeing that everyone's Formation arrangement went smoothly, the expression on Tan Duanya's face was not relaxed, but there were worries in the depths of his eyes.

The five-color stone used by the soldiers to arrange the formation is a god treasure he obtained from the remains of Mount Tai. It has a very good sealing performance. According to his estimation, if the sealing formation is completely laid, it can Seal Gates of Hell for twenty years.

As for what to do after twenty years...I can only hope that future generations will come up with a solution.

There is a great horror hidden in the Gates of Hell in the Kunlun Mountains, even more terrifying than the remains of the gods! Tan Duanya once entered the depths of Gates of Hell by himself. He was able to suppress and kill Gods of Anitquity, but he was severely injured by the demons inside, and finally compelled by circumstances withdrew.

"When the seal is over tomorrow, I will go to the western continent to eradicate the Cave of Devil Gods. This is the last contribution I can make to the country."

Tan Duanya thought silently .

Because of the fear of affecting the morale of the public, he did not tell anyone that he was injured in the Gates of Hell. At most, there is only one month of life essence left. This time in the western continent, he is holding the consciousness of death. , That’s why Lu Haoran doesn’t care about the threat of Cave of Devil Gods.

"Cave of Devil Gods is easy to solve. At worst, my life is taken in, but the hidden danger of Gates of Hell is great. Once the terror inside completely erupts, Earth will face another world. Invasion..."

Thinking about terrifying, Tan Duanya can't help but feel worried.


When the Cave of Devil Gods made a public condemnation against China in the international community, many countries reacted rather delicately.

First of all, the small countries in Africa that are in the midst of a melee. They rely heavily on the weapons resources of the Cave of Devil Gods, so they all support and strongly condemn China’s shameless behavior, and demand that China’s officials surrender immediately. Dead Canine God’s Transcender and Crimson Fox Fairy.

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