West of Xuan Country, Kunlun Mountains.

After communicating with Lu Haoran, Tan Duanya put the phone back in his pocket.

He looked up at the Space-Time Crack suspended in midair several kilometers in the distance. At this time, hundreds of soldiers were spreading five-color stones around the crack and were busy arranging the seal formation.

"Humanity, is there really hope?"

He murmured, as if asking himself and others.

He has never felt so worried in his life. Xuan Country has faced too many crises recently. There are hidden dangers of Kunlun Gates of Hell inside, and Cave of Devil Gods glare like a tiger watching his prey outside, An unimaginable terrifying Ancient God appeared in Heavenly Dragon City today.

These three crises are a big crisis that is difficult for any country to solve. Now they are facing at the same time. Even if Xuan Country is a peak power in the world, Tan Duanya Create a sense of despair.

Cave of Devil Gods is relatively easy to solve. Tan Duanya has done his best to sacrifice his consciousness to eradicate this international cancer, but Gates of Hell and Dragon City’s Gods of Anitquity, even if they sacrifice ten He can't solve it either.

Gates of Hell is not a relic of Gods of Anitquity, but an abyssal channel connecting another world. There are many demonic creatures even stronger than Gods of Anitquity, even those regarded as idols by all Xuan Country Transcenders Tan Duanya couldn't go deep into it either. He was wounded just after exploring the edge area and the source had to withdraw.

For today’s plan, Tan Duanya can only use the five-color stone obtained from the remains of Mount Tai to seal the Gates of Hell. Once the demonic creatures inside come out, not to mention Xuan Country, the entire Earth will face An unprecedented crisis of extinction!

Tan Duanya doesn't know how long the five-color stone can seal Gates of Hell, but now he can only take one step and see one step. It is good to seal Gates of Hell one more day.

"I hope the Gods of Anitquity in Dragon City does not have the ambition to destroy the world, otherwise human civilization will end here."

Tan Duanya worried.

Since the day Spiritual Qi recovers on a global scale, he has a foreboding that this is a test for all mankind. If mankind can pass this test, he will enter the Mythological where all people are gods. Era, if it fails the test, it will be the end of destruction.


Dragon City.

After ending the communication with the Great Minister of War, Lu Haoran faintly noticed something was wrong.

Dragon City has such a major event. Normally, the Great Minister of War must rush over immediately, but he did not do so. This shows that the things he is currently dealing with are not inferior to Lord in priority. of Domain meet.

"It seems that an unusual situation has also occurred on the Kunlun Mountains vein, which caused the Great Minister of War to be unable to withdraw for a while." Lu Haoran thought.

The Gates of Hell in the Kunlun Mountains opened suddenly a month ago. At that time, there was a lot of noise in the west. The Great Minister of War personally led the troops to suppress it. Lu Haoran originally thought Gates of Hell It has been suppressed by the Great Minister of War, but it seems that it is not that simple now.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Haoran shook his head and didn’t think too much. Kunlun’s affairs are handled by the Great Minister of War. What he has to do now is to do his best before the Great Minister of War arrives in Dragon City. It is possible to hold the Lord of Domain firmly, so that no Transcender like Canine God can collide with him.

Because that person is like an untimely nuclear bomb, no one knows what the consequences will be if it hits him, if it explodes, everything is over.


In the Internet Cafe, Liu Haoming was holding Ahri while watching an anime drama, and suddenly remembered one thing:

"Forgot to ask just now What is the game ID of that uncle in Infinite Reincarnation? It seems that Uncle is a good person. Next time the game starts, you can team up with him to make a copy."

The opponent is his first. An infinite reincarnation player encountered in reality gives him a sense of intimacy.

Liu Haoming then turned to think about it, and felt that the opponent was a person of the same age as old fogey, and there was a generation gap with him, even if he wanted to team up with him for a copy, he might not be willing, he better not Do this embarrassing thing of hot face and cold ass

"Like Flying Snow Flutters and Rising Sun, they should be about the same age as me in reality. Next time I enter the game, I will continue to find them to team up. Right."


After watching a Level 12 drama for five hours, watching it for too long caused Liu Haoming to feel a little aesthetic fatigue, so He decided to regain the game and cross the B station.

Just click on the icon of the infinite reincarnation game. As expected, this broken game is still under maintenance!

Liu Haoming even suspected for a while that he never had the opportunity to team up with Flying Snow Flutters. The game played like this is definitely a sign of bankruptcy!

Dissatisfaction returns to dissatisfaction. He has no choice but to open the League interface and go to the summoner canyon to act as the bronze emperor.

At this moment, the clock on the wall just pointed to twelve o'clock in the morning.


After twelve o’clock, Cave of Devil Gods once again issued a statement on the international forum:

"There are only two days left in the three-day period. I hope Xuan Country can do it for itself, and hand over the murderer who killed Canine God and Crimson Fox Fairy in time, otherwise the massacre will be in front of us!"

This statement is not long, only a short sentence, but it is hidden in it. The threat should not be too obvious, just put the word "slaughter city" on the lips.

When senior officials from various countries see this statement, the first thing they do is to check the official news of Xuan Country.

But Xuan Country’s reaction was exactly the same as yesterday, as if he became a coward, and did not respond to Cave of Devil Gods’s statement.

"Xuan Country's reaction is very abnormal!"

Officials of various countries are suspicious, and feel that there is a faint smell of conspiracy.

They think that Xuan Country can understand whether it is agreeing to Cave of Devil Gods' conditions or angrily denounces the other party, but this attitude of cold treatment is not justified, giving people a way of treating Cave of Devil Gods as Clown dismissed the feeling.

I don’t know that such an approach will anger the Cave of Devil Gods even more. They are not only an international cancer, but also a group of lunatics in the true sense. The wars between many countries are planned and controlled behind the scenes, and their threats are not If a country dares not take it seriously, if they say they want to massacre the city, they will achieve their goal even without compromise.

"Xuan Country has no reason to smash with Cave of Devil Gods."

Officials from various countries began to analyze Xuan Country's behavioral motives.

"Compared with the safety of the people in a city, it is nothing to hand over the Transcender who killed Canine God and Crimson Fox Fairy. In this case, there is only one reason why they did not agree to Cave of Devil Gods. That is..."

"They can't hand over people!"

"The Transcender who killed Canine God must have a very high power position in Xuan Country. Let Xuan Country not hesitate to fight with Cave of Devil Gods to the end, but also to protect his level!"

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