On the ceiling, piles of pitch-like liquid seep and drip.

Densely packed tentacles emerge from the cracks in the floor, like seaweed blooming in the water.

Countless indescribable Demon God illusory shadows came out of the wall. For a while, the entire Internet Cafe was even more terrifying than purgatory. An unknown location.

Then, next moment.

Within one second, on the entire world network, whether on the open or dark web, all information related to "overseas forces wanting to slaughter the city" disappeared.


"hahaha, Xuan Country's network technology is too bad. Under my attack, all firewalls are impossible to withstand a single blow!"

In a certain Western country, a hacker is proudly showing off his skills with his peers.

However, in the next moment, without warning, a terrifying face of Demon God came into reality from the screen.

The hacker was horrified. He opened his mouth wide and wanted to scream, but he couldn't make any sound, because his throat was covered with densely packed white eyes, and these white eyes moved at an incredible speed It grew violently, and one drenched from his throat before he could breathe, and the whole body fell straight to the ground.

"pu pu pu pu."

In this computer room, dozens hackers fell one after another and their bodies were submerged by white eyes. If there is intensive phobia People who see this scene will definitely be frightened and collapsed with insanity and personality!

Similar scenes like this are being staged all over the world at the same time.

Regardless of the country, whether it is an ordinary person or a Transcender, regardless of whether it is men, women or children, as long as people do things related to the "foreign power massacre" on the Internet, all of them will die instantly.

And the death of each of them is extremely miserable, and ordinary people can't even imagine that scene.

Somewhere in a dark cave.

A transcender with the head of a jackal sits in front of the computer, and line after line of code data flashes through his pupils.

He is the jackal god of one of the six Monster Gods of Cave of Devil Gods, and he is also a Peak hacker. He did it when Weibo fell last night.

"It's done! This time not only Weibo, but also Sina, Yahoo, Sohu and other websites have been captured by me, hahaha!"

The jackal gave out a happy laugh, laughed After that, he said grimly: "In this atmosphere of panic, I want to see how you Xuan Country can be a coward! You dare to ignore the statement of our Cave of Devil Gods..."

Before he finished speaking, something unexpected happened suddenly.

A sticky and slippery tentacle suddenly protruded from the screen, tightly wrapping around his neck.

What is it? !

This is the last thought in the Jackal Divine Heart. The next second he was entangled ominously, and countless red hairs pierced his skin and grew wildly, such as teeth, tongue, heart, eyeballs, etc. Red hairs drilled out in other parts, and the whole secret room was piled up in the blink of an eye.

After a long time, the wolf god came to the door of the secret room and wanted to see the extent of the jackal god’s attack on the Xuan Country network.

He reached out and pushed the stone gate, but he didn't push it away.

"Jackal, are you in there?" he asked.

Nothing came out of it.

A bad premonition was born in the wolf Divine Heart. He saved spiritual power without saying a word, and hit the surface of the stone gate with a heavy blow.

“bang! ”

The whole stone gate all split up and in pieces blasted to pieces, hiding the sky and covering the earth, the red hairs rushing from inside the secret chamber like a flood Out, drowning the wolf god.


At the same time, those high-level officials from various countries who are hiding behind the scenes trying to hit a person when he's down against Xuan Country have also successively discovered their national hackers. Corpse.

"How could this happen!"

Officials from various countries were shocked. Some of the corpses in front of them were covered with white eyes, and some had their hands and feet turned upside down with their heads on their buttocks. His corpse was completely distorted into a human shape...

In short, the death of each corpse is extremely terrifying, extremely cruel and bloody!

"Is this Xuan Country's revenge against us, or a warning?"

Officials of various countries were frightened stupid, and these hackers were set off in Xuan Country by their orders A wave of public opinion has created panic among the people. Apart from Xuan Country, they can't think of anyone else who killed them!

There is a point that officials of various countries do not understand even if they want to break their heads. How did Xuan Country kill these hackers? How did they die... so miserable?

I can’t think about this question carefully. The more I think about it, the more terrifying it is.

"Xuan Country must be in control of some unknown terrorist power! And that power is in the hands of no country except Xuan Country at this stage, and it is even incomprehensible!"

Officials of various countries came to this conclusion in horror.

After calming down, they secretly disposed of the corpses of these hackers and destroyed all data and documents related to the incident.

Xuan Country is too terrifying!

No wonder they have been ignoring Cave of Devil Gods’ slaughter statement, as if Cave of Devil Gods is just clown in their eyes. Mastering the killing power of The Weird, Cave of Devil Gods really cannot pose a threat to them. .

Officials of various countries have alarm bells in their hearts. Humans are always instinctively afraid of unknown things. They are no exception. They decided to dispel all thoughts of being an enemy of Xuan Country, and did not find out the cause of the hacker’s death. Before, in this country, they absolutely cannot afford to offend the existence!


Western continent, Cave of Devil Gods.

Bloodsucker Devil Lord stood in the secret room with the wolf god, tiger god, leopard god, and chicken god, silently watching the divine corpse body covered with red hair in front of him.

Hundreds of Transcenders transformed into by monsters stood outside the secret room. They all have a common feature. They all have an animal head and a human body. Some are lizard heads, some are horse heads, and some are turtles. s head.

Cave of Devil Gods, as the name suggests, this is a cave with only monsters, only the monster Transcender is housed, and the word of God in the middle represents the ambition of the founder of Cave of Devil Gods, Bloodsucker Devil Lord, to become a god.

At this moment, every monster Transcender outside the secret room has a lingering look of fear on their animal heads.

too terrifying!

After Canine God, they died another Monster God!

The point is that the jackal god has always stayed in the Cave of Devil Gods. It should be extremely safe. As a result, the unfathomable mystery died, and if it died, The Weird was covered with red hair!

If the cause of the death of jackal gods is not investigated, they will feel insecure every day!

"Lord Devil... The jackal became like this when I came just now. I didn't see any trace of the murderer."

The wolf god trembling with fear and Bloodsucker Devil Lord Reporting, his face was obviously shocked.

Besides, the tiger god, leopard god, and chicken god are also terrified, and they are guilty of tú tú. They are frightened by Xuan Country's hand. At this moment, they even want to succumb to Xuan Country. Admit mistakes.

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