The rumors and information that were flooded on the Internet disappeared completely, as if they had never existed before!

Everyone entered every website forum and browsed from beginning to end, but they couldn't find any posts related to the massacre.

This is a very The Weird thing, and everyone looked towards Lu Haoran in surprise:

"Minister, those rumors and posts...all are gone."

Lu Haoran gave a look, and then the corners of his mouth slowly raised a meaningful arc.

Sure enough, I guessed it right.

Lord of Domain's existence, every word and every line has a deep meaning hidden in it, and his just action is to convey to himself the signal that he wants to take action against the Cave of Devil Gods.

Although I don’t know what method Lord of Domain has used to smooth the wave of public opinion on the Internet in a flash, it is conceivable that it must be a very incredible method! It's like he teleported himself to the Locust God ruins in the form of computer games.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, and Lu Haoran glanced at the caller's number, which was the call from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He clicked the Connect button.

"Minister Lu, just now, Western countries such as Lihe Country, Sith Country, Austrian Country have contacted our country, saying that they were coerced by Cave of Devil Gods, and compelled by circumstances helped them promote the flames on the Internet. Now they I have deeply realized the mistake and I am willing to apologize to us." The Foreign Minister Sun Lei said on the other end of the phone.

When he first received apologies from those countries, Sun Lei was actually very confused. He knew that in addition to Cave of Devil Gods, there must be many countries secretly participating in the wave of public opinion on the Internet. Even if Xuan Country finds evidence for such a murky thing, they will inevitably deny it in every possible way for the sake of the country's face. Didn't expect actually confessed an apology to Xuan Country. Could it be that the sun has come out?

Then Sun Lei was shocked to discover that the rumors that were still raging on the Internet in the last second disappeared in the next second and not even one was seen. Combined with the abnormal behavior of Western countries, Sun Lei Knowing that there is definitely an abnormal supernatural force affecting it, so I quickly contacted Lu Haoran to inform.


After communicating with Sun Lei, the look on Lu Haoran's face became more complicated.

Obviously, the reason why those Western countries made the apology must be the Lord of Domain’s credit. He deleted the online rumors, and at the same time he punished the relevant personnel who promoted the public opinion, so that those The high-level officials of the country were shocked, and these were hinted in the previous smile of Lord of Domain.

Lu Haoran originally wanted to use the Lord of Domain's contact to slowly analyze his details, but now he discovered that his ideas are too naive. The existence of the Lord of Domain itself is a The mystery, he is impossible to analyze clearly, the more he knows about him, the more he will feel that he knows nothing.

And such an existence that can make Western countries feel terrified by the use of tactics, what conditions will it put on Xuan Country?

If Xuan Country cannot meet his conditions, what will happen?

Lu Haoran began to worry about the negotiations between the Great Minister of War and the Lord of Domain soon.


At noon that day, under the command of Tan Duanya, the soldiers finally completed the seal of Gates of Hell.

Leaving the soldiers in the Kunlun Mountains to guard the seal, Tan Duanya took a special plane to fly to Dragon City without taking a break.

He knows that the danger level of Dragon City will never be less than that of Gates of Hell.

Knowing that the Great Minister of War is coming, Lu Haoran asked his subordinates to stay in the van to continue to observe the Lord of Domain, and he went back to meet with the Great Minister of War first.

Before the negotiation begins, he must inform the Great Minister of War of the intelligence information he has, otherwise he will be quite passive.

The helicopter landed directly at the municipal building in Dragon City. Only a few residents of Dragon City witnessed this scene.

"Great Minister of War, why did you suffer such a severe injury?"

In the closed Conference Hall, Lu Haoran asked worriedly.

The moment Tan Duanya got off from the special plane, he felt the spiritual power disorder in the other party's body, which was a clear sign of the original source being severely damaged. Only him and Tan Duanya are in the Conference Hall. The content of the conversation is strictly confidential.

Tan Duanya faintly smiled and said: "The situation was urgent before. I never told you that the Gates of Hell in the Kunlun Mountains is not a relic of the gods, but an abyssal channel connecting the other world."

Lu Haoran hearing this suddenly startled, he didn't know the secret hidden in the veins of Kunlun Mountains.

Tan Duanya continued: "Gates of Hell is full of demonic creatures from the other world. Many of these demonic creatures are even stronger than Gods of Anitquity. I just explored in the marginal area. Those demons damage the origin and have to withdraw."

"If the demons inside come out of Gates of Hell and come to reality, they must attack our world. At that time, we can only use nuclear weapons. Fight against them."

Speaking of this, Tan Duanya is helpless. Using nuclear weapons is a perish together style of play, but apart from this human beings have no other way to deal with it.

"Fortunately, the five-color stone I got from the remains of Mount Tai last time has a very powerful sealing effect. It is conservatively estimated that the Gates of Hell can be sealed for 20 years, and there is enough time for all mankind to prepare."

"But, Great Minister of War, your wounds..." Lu Haoran hesitated.

Injury to the source is a very serious injury, and it is irreversible. There is no way to cure it. It can be killed soon, and it can be killed on the spot.

"The injury on my body is beyond cure." Tan Duanya replied calmly, without any sadness in his calm expression.

"I can only live for one month at the most. I just hope that in the last life, I can use the residual heat to continue to contribute to the country. After the negotiation with the Lord of Domain today, I will go to the western continent. Get rid of Cave of Devil Gods. As for other things, I have to leave it to you in the future."

Listening to the tone of the Great Minister of War like an edict, Lu Haoran only felt a great sense of sadness. Emerging from the bottom of my heart, he was silent for a while, and tears filled his eyes.

"Haoran, birth, aging, sickness and death are such is human nature, no need to feel sorry for me." Tan Duanya said with a flat smile.

"speaking of which, the improvement you have gained in the remains of Locust God is indeed great. Although you have lost 60 years of life essence, you have also gained nearly 30 years of spiritual power cultivation base. I originally I thought you couldn’t see through the injuries in my body. I didn’t expect to be seen by you at a glance. Even if your current strength is not much worse than mine."

"Tell me that you are right. Please understand the Lord of Domain."

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