I have a magical tree

Chapter 152 Must leave Jing'anfang

Mao Chun hurriedly stepped forward, while Mao Xia threw the things in his hands on the spot, not thinking much about whether throwing something like this would break it.

The two came to the old man's side, one supported the other and stroked his back, just to make the old man feel better and relieve the terrible coughing sound, but the old man still kept coughing.

Mao Xia was even a little worried that grandpa would cough out his lungs.

After a long time, the old man's cough finally subsided, but now there was no blood on the old man's face. Instead, it was just sallow, but his face was full of smiles: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. It's an old problem. Coughing won't kill anyone." of!"

As if to prove that he was fine, he pushed away Mao Xia's support, walked to the ground where Mao Xia threw things, and picked up the scattered things one by one.

"Look, isn't this okay?"

However, Mao Chun and Mao Xia looked ugly. They both knew that it was their grandfather who was holding on. Even young people couldn't bear that kind of violent cough, let alone an old man with almost no cultivation. The old man suppressed and concealed this deliberately, not wanting the two of them to worry.

"Grandpa, I'll go to the main house to beg..."

"Don't go!" The old man who was originally smiling suddenly shouted, the smile on his face disappeared, making Mao Chun's words stuck in his throat and he could no longer spit them out.

"If you go, I will kill myself immediately!"

Mao Chun was silent, but his eyes couldn't help but cast his gaze somewhere outside the small courtyard.

Jingningfang, also known as Maojiafang!

This is where the Mao clan is located, and the main residence of the Mao family is in the same city, not far from this small courtyard.

Looking at Mao Chun's face, the old man seemed a little soft-hearted. Knowing that what he just said was actually a bit serious, he spoke again: "I took you away from the main house of the Mao family, and we no longer have much contact with it, not even this." We bought this small courtyard from the Mao family with our own money. I know you are all good boys, but if you go to the main house of the Mao family for my sake, I will not be willing to die!"

"Grandpa, I understand, I just won't go!" Mao Chun nodded. Seeing her grandfather's resolute attitude, she knew that if she continued to persist, he might actually kill himself. If grandpa was really willing to bow his head, how could he take them out of the main house.

The old man's expression finally calmed down, "It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on others! The favor left by your father was used up when I sent you to the Shangyi Bureau. What happens in the future is all up to you. But, there are One thing you have to remember is that even if I die and you encounter difficulties that you can’t survive, don’t go to the main house for help!”

Mao Chun and Mao Xia nodded repeatedly, "Grandpa, stop talking, we have written it down! We will definitely not go to the main house!"

"Come on, let's go over and have a rest!" Mao Chun helped his grandfather sit down on a stone bench aside.

The atmosphere in the small courtyard finally returned to its original state, and a smile appeared on the old man's face again.

"Come, tell me about the alchemist you mentioned, the one who is willing to teach you how to refine alchemy!"

Mentioning this, Mao Chun immediately became energetic, and then told the old man what he had seen and heard about Xu Dao.

"The alchemist named Xu is really younger than you?"

Mao Chun and Mao Xia both nodded, "Yes, Master Xu seems to be only fifteen years old, but his talent is probably far inferior to that of the entire Shangyi Bureau. He is not only a third-level alchemist, but also a seventh-level martial arts master." realm.”

There was also an expression of emotion on the old man's face. The fifteen-year-old seventh-grade warrior and third-grade alchemist was indeed a genius among geniuses. Compared with this person, the so-called Mao's genius in the main house was nothing but bullshit.

Even the old man felt happy when Mao Chun said that such a person was willing to teach her how to refine medicine.

However, when he looked at the happy smile on Mao Chun's face, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It's not good to be too good. This girl might not be able to catch up.

After all, he is a weather-beaten old man, and his rich experience cannot be understood by young people. He just glanced at Mao Chun and knew that besides admiration, there was something else in Mao Chun's eyes, but maybe she herself was not aware of it!

However, it was not his turn to worry about these things, and he couldn't worry about it. Let everything take its course!

After Mao Chun finished speaking, the old man nodded, "Since you have such an opportunity, then seize it firmly. I am an incompetent person, and I won't be able to help you in the future. If you really can achieve success in refining medicine, even if I'm just a first-grade alchemist, so I feel at ease!"

"Grandpa, why do you say such things?" Mao Chun was a little unhappy, "I told you that when I am promoted to an intermediate alchemist, I will definitely cure grandpa's disease."

The old man nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, no more, of course I believe it! When did I not believe what you said?"

Then his expression became serious again, "Are you ready for the money I asked you to prepare?"

Mao Chun and Mao Xia looked at each other and nodded, "Master Xu rewarded us with many pills. We can sell them for money, which should be enough!"

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. Are you going to have a rest tomorrow?"

Mao Chun and Mao Xia nodded.

"Then tomorrow, we will sell the house here and move out of Jing'anfang!"

Mao Chun looked hesitant, "Grandpa, it's not that I don't agree with the move, but I still don't understand why we have to leave Jing'anfang? Can't it be enough if we don't go to the main house? Over the years, have our two siblings ever lied to you?"

The old man shook his head, his attitude unquestionable, "Listen to me on this matter. As for the reason, I can't tell you for the time being."

Mao Chun had no choice but to nod: "Okay, then we will go find a house tomorrow!"

She counted on her fingers, "The cash we have, plus the proceeds from selling this house, is enough for us to buy a small courtyard somewhere else, and there will be some left for our food and drink expenses."

The old man nodded, "I've calculated it, we will move to Zhuque Street, Ping'anfang! This is a good place!"

"Ping'anfang?" Mao Chun thought for a moment after hearing this, and nodded, "This name is auspicious. It's just that Ping'anfang is a rare large square in the city. I'm afraid the price is not cheap. Even entering the house will cost a lot of money."

"It's more expensive, it's just a little money!" The old man changed his previous stingy personality and began to persuade Mao Chun who wanted to save money. This change surprised even Mao Chun. Although she didn't understand why Grandpa had to move away from here and why he had to go to Ping'anfang, this was Grandpa's request, and they would support it even if they didn't understand. As for Grandpa's so-called divination skills, she didn't really believe in them!

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