I have a magical tree

Chapter 184: Subdue the Monkey Heart and Tame Its Nature

This is what is called subduing the mind and taming its nature.

The mental ape in the mouths of warriors and Qi refiners is still different. After all, the two systems are also different. The so-called mental ape is just a nickname.

The person in front of Xu Dao has already completed the first step, which is to surrender his nature, make his energy and blood more docile and docile, and truly control him like an arm. This makes the control of Qi and blood more subtle.

When a martial artist is in the warrior and martial arts master stages, what he really cares about when fighting is that he is strong enough to fly. This is true even for those who have practiced advanced martial arts.

But the master is different. He can make his fingers as strong as needles and penetrate the flesh without falling apart! It is also the process of Qi and blood changing from quantity to quality.

This person not only completed the first step, but also started to try the second step. Although the progress is very slow and the harvest is not great, it is enough to show that this person has hope of entering the realm of a master.

It is much better than those who are always stuck at the peak of the fourth level, unable to make any progress, and can barely be called a half-step master!

Wearing armor and having such a level of cultivation, if he was not from the county, it would not be difficult to guess his identity.

In the county, there are only two yamen that can wear standard armor, one is the Demon Suppression Division and the other is the Military and Horse Division.

However, the armors of the two yamen are different in style and color. Judging from the style and color of this man's armor, there is no doubt that he is a soldier.

Furthermore, the head of the Demon Suppression Division, Jiang Taiqing, is still in Yanghe County and has not returned yet!

Therefore, this person can only be Zuxiu, the leader of the Military and Horse Division.

But, what is this guy doing here without sleeping in the middle of the night? Targeting yourself? It shouldn’t be!

These days, every time he comes to hunt monsters, he pays great attention to whether there is anyone watching around him. He only starts to act after making sure it is absolutely safe.

Not to mention that Gongzu was a half-step master, even if there was a real master watching, he would be able to sense it.

Even if you sense it, it doesn't mean you can beat it!

Xu Dao was confused and was about to turn around and retreat, find another way out, and then hunt in another place.

But before he could make a move, he heard Gong Zuxiu suddenly say, "Friend, since you are here, why don't you show up and see me?"

Xu Dao was shocked. This person actually had such a sense. He had already discovered him?

He frowned and began to think carefully about where his flaws were. But after thinking about it for a while, he didn't come up with it. He could be sure that his whole body was flawless. He didn't make any sound or reveal any breath. In fact, his strength was actually a bit higher than Gong Zuxiu. With this person's strength, What can detect him?

Xu Dao suppressed the throbbing in his heart and did not make any reaction. Turning to leave at this time showed his timidity. If he went up to him directly, he would be worried about being deceived.

"Still not coming out? Do you want me, Gongzuxiu, to invite you out personally?" Gongzuxiu's face darkened, and his aura surged, as if he was readying his bow.

Xu Dao's thoughts turned rapidly. He was not afraid of this person. Although this person was strong, he was far inferior to himself. In terms of strength, Xu Dao was the real half-step master, much more real than Gong Zuxiu.

But he was not afraid of returning. He had no grievances with Gong Zuxiu and did not want to harm his life. Moreover, once they fought, they would leave traces. If there were too many traces, they would be close to being exposed. This is what he least wants to see. He just turned around and left. I wonder if this person had any other means, or would he alarm Nangong Nei?

Just when Xu Dao was about to make a decision, he saw the gloom on Gongzu Xiu's face suddenly disappear, turning into disappointment and doubt.


Xu Dao was stunned for a moment, this guy... was he just cheating?

Gong Zuxiu lowered his head and looked at the ground, "There is obviously something abnormal here, and it is caused by the remnants of the monsters after they died. There should be a large number of monsters killed here! But... who has eaten enough?" Qian, will you come to kill the monster?"

This is why he can't understand it. It's not impossible for someone to kill monsters in exchange for rewards, although the reward for actively hunting monsters is not as good as resisting the tide of monsters or performing the task of eliminating monsters. But as long as you kill enough, it adds up to a lot.

However, has anyone ever received a reward in Fucheng? Absolutely not. If it were true, I'm afraid it would have become famous in the city.

If it weren't for the reward, why would you kill so many monsters here? What's wrong with it?

Fighting with monsters, even if you are strong enough, is likely to attract strange energy into your body during the battle. A small amount is enough, but too much will cause big problems and hinder your martial arts practice!

Therefore, except when passively resisting the tide of monsters, it is almost difficult to see anyone taking the initiative to hunt monsters. Thankless!

And this was not the case last time he came here. In other words, in just a few days, a huge number of monsters were killed here. With this level of strength, even if he is not a master, it is far better than the peak of the fourth rank. Anyway, he asked himself that he couldn't do this.

Gong Zuxiu raised his head and shook his head with some disappointment. He had been waiting here for several hours, just wanting to wait for this person, and he even did not hesitate to lie.

Unfortunately, there was still no gain in the end!

"Not at all!" Gong Zuxiu shook his head and completely calmed down his aura.

But Xu Dao, who was opposite him, was a little speechless. After a long time, this person turned out to be just cheating! He was never found from beginning to end!

While Xu Dao was speechless, he also breathed a real sigh of relief. Not facing them for the time being is the really best option.

It seems that he has to change his location. This location is not far from the exit of the underground sewer. The speed is slightly faster and can be reached in an instant. It is already the best place for hunting demons and ghosts. Even if he is exhausted, he can retreat to the city in time to recuperate, which greatly improves safety.

But now he can't just run into someone else's trap.

At this moment, another sound of breaking through the air came, but someone jumped down from the top of the city. The person was also wearing armor. Although the style of the armor was slightly different from Gong Zuxiu, it was also from the same source.

"Master, what did you encounter? Do you need your subordinates to dispatch troops out of the city?" After greeting, the person asked directly.

Just now, he was on the top of the city and vaguely heard Gong Zuxiu shouting. Although he couldn't hear it clearly, it was definitely not an illusion. He thought Gong Zuxiu had gained something.

Gong Zuxiu shook his head, his face slightly embarrassed. He was just trying to cheat just now, and he didn't expect to gain anything.

"Let's go, go back first, and pay more attention to this place in the future. If there is anything unusual, don't act without authorization and report it to me in time." Gong Zuxiu signaled them to go back first.

Xu Dao waited until the two left, and then walked out of the dark carefully. It's probably impossible to stay here, at least not in a short time.

He can only change places. Fortunately, Zhuoshui is magnificent and there are many places. It's just that the geographical location is a little bit behind this place, but it's enough!

He came here to hunt monsters, not to go on a picnic!

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