I have a magical tree

Chapter 187 Fire Fox Sect Daozi?

In Yanghe County, Chen Xiao was bored and drinking on the empty boat. Jiang Taiqing, on the other hand, stood aside cautiously.

"Sit down and have a drink!"

Hearing this, Jiang Taiqing hesitated for a long time, then thanked him and sat down. This grandmaster was different from what he had imagined. After actually getting along with him, he discovered that Chen Xiao actually had no airs.

But after all, he was an imperial envoy from the county. Whether he was standing or sitting down, he was inevitably a little nervous.

"The Yan family member named Cui has successfully extracted a trace of dragon energy from the corpse of the dragon today. I think they can set off to look for the dragon beads tomorrow."

"I don't know where the man named Cui came from, but he has quite a lot of tricks." Hearing this, Jiang Taiqing put down the wine glass he had just raised to his lips and said.

"The Feng Shui lineage is indeed rare, and I don't know where it came from." Chen Xiao pressed his fingers lightly on the case, "However, after the sudden change in the world, this lineage became a minor path, and it is not worth mentioning."

This is the benefit of dealing with strong people. You can always get a lot of information and intelligence that you don't know inadvertently. Although many things are actually not worth mentioning, if you don't have the level of strength, you are not qualified to have access to them.

The more you understand, the more likely you will be able to avoid crises in the future.

"If Huang Ji is really still in Fucheng, then Fucheng may be in chaos this time." Jiang Taiqing was a little worried.

"It's time to be content. Your Heishan Mansion's strength is only in the middle of the entire Xining County, but you can live without being disturbed by monsters for several years. What else do you want? Sometimes being a little noisy is not necessarily a bad thing." Chen Xiao curled his lips.

Even prefectures and cities are inevitably plagued by evil spirits, and a prefectural city has become a place of peace. That is to say, the geographical location of Heishan Prefecture is too bad, otherwise it would not be the turn to sit in the Nangong Palace.

Jiang Taiqing was hard-pressed to answer, but he felt that the stability they had earned in the past few years was actually what they deserved, rather than just good luck.

In order to deal with that strange disaster, they also paid a heavy price. The stability of the past few years was obtained at this price.

"Today, your master sent you a letter? Which families are here?"

"Liu, Xie, Wang, Li, Chen, and a Fire Fox Sect!"

Jiang Taiqing noticed that when he was talking about the previous aristocratic families, Chen Xiao's expression was always calm, even dismissive, but only when he came to the Fire Fox Sect, he frowned.

"It's trouble this time!" Chen Xiao was helpless.

Jiang Taiqing was a little puzzled, "What's the trouble? The Fire Fox Sect is indeed powerful, but as long as we don't provoke them, why should we be afraid of them?"

"We don't provoke them, but it doesn't mean that they are willing to live in peace. I heard that some time ago, a young Taoist from the main sect came here to practice. It is impossible to say that they came to Fucheng this time because of this Taoist." Chen Xiao explained.

"What's wrong with this?" Jiang Taiqing couldn't help but sit up a little straighter. What they were most afraid of was not a grandmaster, a master, or a real person, but a young man like this who didn't understand nonsense and had no sense of propriety.

This kind of person likes to join in the fun and cause trouble. Relying on a strong backer, they feel that the world is theirs and they can do whatever they want. They are lawless!

"This person has already caused a lot of trouble in the county. However, due to his status, the county only punished him with small punishments and severe warnings, but it had no effect. It even encouraged his arrogance."

Chen Xiao couldn't hide his disgust when talking about this person. He thought he was not a good person, and he never asked others to be good people. If you have the strength, you can do good or evil, as long as it doesn't fall into his hands. He didn't even bother to care.

However, the premise is that you have the strength. But there is a kind of person who has no strength, but relies on the power borrowed from elsewhere to do evil. That is disgusting!

"If that Taoist really came, wouldn't it be very troublesome!" Jiang Taiqing could already imagine how terrible it would be once this person really arrived in Fucheng. It would be difficult to restrain him in the county, let alone What's more, it's Fucheng?

I'm afraid that in their eyes, Fucheng is just a small, remote place that can be taken or taken away by them.

"Go to Xin Nangong and ask him to be careful. If you can't afford to provoke him, then don't provoke him!" Chen Xiao gave a rare reminder.

After all, he also knew Nangong. Although the two were not close friends, they were colleagues and masters at the same time, so it was better to give him a reminder.

"Thank you for your advice, sir!" Jiang Taiqing immediately stood up and saluted, then hurriedly left.

Chen Xiao looked at the unique deep night in Montenegro and scratched his head, "Damn, I thought it was a good job, but why did it suddenly become complicated? I regret it a little!"

At first, he thought it was a disturbance caused by a super-grade sneaky dragon. He felt that with his ability, he should be able to handle it easily.

But when I got here, I learned that the most troublesome thing in this matter was not the so-called super monster at all, but the unknown existence that fleetingly disappeared, suspected of being an unknown ghost god, and now there is this bullshit from the Fire Fox Sect. .

It’s so damn annoying!

For some reason, he always felt that this trip was not going well, and his premonition of the future was not very ideal.

"How about I also send a letter to the county to ask for help?"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but think of this. Although it would be a bit embarrassing to do this, it was still better than making the situation difficult to deal with.

The key is to be afraid of not being able to make it in time!

But whether it’s late or not, I still have to write!

In the early morning of the next day, the two flying boats that had been hovering outside Yanghe County for several days finally started to move.

The Yan family's Chuanyun boat was the first to move. As soon as they moved, the Xuanyuan Pokong boat where Chen Xiao was located also started to move.

On the Yan family's cloud boat, the old man named Cui looked tired, but he still stared at the compass in front of him meticulously.

It is said that within the compass, there is the principle of heaven and earth. For other schools, this may be a bit exaggerated. Compass-type magic weapons are not common.

Even if there is a compass, its function is generally relatively simple, or it may simply look like a compass.

But the importance of the compass to Feng Shui is different. The compass in front of Mr. Cui is his natal compass, which can be used to find dragons and gold, observe the sky and the earth, recognize people and objects, measure directions and position, and choose the right time. , all closely related to this thing.

At this time, above the compass and within the Tianchi, there was a small suspended needle. There was a faint breath lingering above this needle.

And this seemingly insignificant breath is the dragon's energy that Cui Lao worked hard for nearly a day and night to extract from the corpse of the strange dragon.

He didn't know why it was so difficult to extract this time. There was very little dragon energy left in the corpse of the strange dragon. He worked hard all day and night and only got a little bit, but at least he was able to extract it.

Now, they just have to follow the direction of the pointer!

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