I have a magical tree

Chapter 223: Taizu's Imperial Edict

Then, he looked up and saw a group of officials at the top of the crowd.

At this time, the group of officials were just sitting in silence. The leader among them looked at his robes, crown and belt, and his rank was no lower than the sixth grade.

Looking at his cultivation level, he is actually at the peak of the fourth level!

Xu Dao frowned and thought, and then suddenly realized that he seemed to have guessed the identity of this person.

Liang Zuo, the head of the Qing Li Department in Fucheng!

At this time, he is the only sixth-grade official who is still here and has not returned to the city, and who has reached the peak of fourth-grade martial arts cultivation.

I had long heard that Liang Zuo had been ordered by the governor to patrol Xiazhou and counties, but he had never returned. I didn't expect to meet him here today.

Liang Zuo is an interesting person. Among the officials, his reputation is polarized. Some people say that he is a good official who makes decisions for the people, while others say that he is an idiot who does not understand current affairs.

But one thing is for sure, this person is indeed doing real things.

In previous years, there were no officials who visited the counties and counties for inspection, but they had never been away for as long as he did.

Because in previous years, official inspections were actually just going through the motions. Once they visited each place, they would complete the task.

Liang Zuo was different. He was a real officer and asked questions. If anything went wrong, he would sternly reprimand the local officials and only leave after the supervision was completed.

No matter how big or small, as long as it concerns the people, he will take care of it. Liang Qingtian has been mentioned among the people, and his reputation is so important, especially in Zunnan Palace of Shengfu.

Moreover, this person highly respected Taizu and the imperial edicts left by Taizu. When he was an official, he demanded this of himself in everything. The key is that he not only did this to himself, but also demanded this from others.

In the group of officials, it is enough to be an outlier, but to ask others to be an outlier too is going too far.

So many people actually don’t like this person! There is also a lot of disdain for this person's evaluation.

After all, Taizu is not in power now, so what is Taizu's imperial edict? That was originally a yoke imposed by Taizu on all the officials in the world.

Even people in the royal family think so, because the imperial edict not only stipulates what officials should do, but also stipulates how subsequent emperors should do it.

The content is so rigorous and meticulous that ordinary people cannot bear it.

As a result, subsequent emperors abandoned the imperial edicts one after another, and the constraints of such imperial edicts existed in name only.

However, after all, it was Taizu who stayed, and the emperor did not dare to object openly. He could only choose to deal with it coldly, just pretending to be invisible, but never expressing his objection. This was probably the last bit of dignity.

Xu Dao was very curious about this Liang Zuo. Although he had never seen him before, he had only heard about his deeds and could probably guess what kind of person he was!

"Master Liang!" At this time, among the group of women and children below, the oldest old woman stood up and looked towards Liang Zuo.

Liang Zuo also stood up and came to the old woman, "Grandma, sit down and talk if you have something to say. There is no need to get up."

The old woman shook her head, "Master Liang, we just want to know who the real culprit is who killed hundreds of young people in my village, what his identity is, and what his strength is."

Liang Zuo was silent for a long time, but did not answer the question, "Grandma, I will handle this matter, and the Palace Master will not just sit idly by!"

"Please tell me!" The old woman knelt down directly, with such a determined attitude that even Liang Zuo couldn't stop her. It's not that I don't have enough strength, it's that I don't dare to pull.

If he did it by force, he was afraid of tearing off the old woman's arms.

He could only squat down and said, "Grandma, you can't avenge me!"

Liang Zuo really didn't want to cover up Yan Chengdao and Master Linghe, let alone absolve them of their sins, but he knew that if these people knew the real murderer, they would seek revenge, like moths to a flame. .

Or, that's not called revenge at all, that's called death!

The two people who committed this crime are both master-level experts. All these old, young, women, and children combined can't touch a finger.

He just wants them to live, even if they live with sadness and hatred.

Because once you die, there is really nothing left, not even hatred!

"We can't get revenge, so can you help me get revenge?" The old woman looked at Liang Zuo. There was hope in her eyes, but more of it was sadness. It seemed that she already knew it before she asked this question. Answer.

Liang Zuo's hands trembling while supporting the old woman, but he still shook his head and chose to tell the truth, "I can't retaliate! It's not that I don't have enough official status, but that I don't have enough strength!"

The last bit of hope in the old woman's eyes was shattered, but became firmer instead.

"Is there anyone in the city who can help us take revenge?" the old woman asked again.

Liang Zuo once again didn't know how to answer. He really wanted to say yes. Lord Fu Zun could probably take revenge. He had the strength and the status, but what about after revenge?

What will happen to Lord Nangong? What will happen to Montenegro Mansion? This problem is not any easier than the one he faces now.

Mr. Nangong is indeed a good official, but he is also the head of the entire Black Mountain Mansion. He must be responsible for the lives of tens of millions of people in Heishan Prefecture.

This was also the reason why he had previously chosen to deliver messages by person. He didn't want to push the palace master to that point. It was actually not easy for the palace master to support him to this point!

If he had this strength himself, he would probably abandon his official career and directly choose revenge! But he didn't, and all assumptions were meaningless.

Because some things only exist under hypothetical circumstances!

After a long silence, looking at the old woman's eyes that were no longer clear and sharp, he lowered his head and said, "Maybe not!"

The old woman nodded, "That's right!"

The tone is calm, it seems natural!

"Where is the county?" she asked again.

Liang Zuo shook his head. It was even more impossible for the county. The county guard would never deal with the Yan family, which has one sect and two masters, or the Linghe Temple, which has a fourth-level monk, for the sake of hundreds of people in a small Keling village.

Because in their eyes, the value of warriors and mortals is probably not the same.

"So, no one can help us get revenge, right?" The old woman sighed, "Actually, I can think of the answer without asking you!"

"We are born with a low life. Almost no one cares about our life or death. We fight with monsters and monsters, and fight with the heaven and earth. It is difficult to leave the small land under our feet throughout our lives. The best destination is to return to this land. among.”

Liang Zuo opened his mouth. He was usually eloquent, but today he was unexpectedly clumsy.

"Hunter, I'm getting older. Do you mind if I call you Housheng?"

Liang Zuo shook his head. In fact, if he really counted his age, he was probably no younger than the old woman in front of him. But he still accepted the title of "younger generation".

"Did you know? There are two treasures in the ancestral hall of Keling Village. One of them is the Great Patriarch of Taizu handed down from our ancestors!"

Liang Zuo was stunned when he heard this!

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