I have a magical tree

Chapter 25 Really? I don’t believe it!

Moreover, even if he said it, no one would dare to believe it.

On the first night in his new home, Xu Dao had some insomnia. He got up and came to the courtyard. He saw that the lights in the east wing were out, but he could still hear the sound of grandma turning over frequently. He knew that grandma was also suffering from insomnia!

She had never thought of living in such a compound in her life. Fortunately, Xu Dao did not say that she had refused a three-entry compound before. If she had been in that compound, she would have been even more unable to sleep!

Xu Dao couldn't sleep, so he simply started practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard. He still used the same swordsmanship that sounded loud but was not actually top-notch.

In order to practice this sword technique, he also spent fifty taels to buy a sword. It was not a magic weapon, but it was still a good sword that had been forged for thirty years.

The more he practiced Xu Tao, the more peaceful he became, and the restlessness in his heart was gradually calmed down, so he couldn't help but enter a state of selflessness.

The knife in his hand kept dancing, but his sword skills were gone in his heart. However, the force of the knife became stronger and stronger, and finally there were even strong winds blowing in the courtyard.

After a long time, Xu Dao suddenly woke up and looked down at the knife in his hand, a little shocked.

"Knife intention?"

Sure enough, when his mind sank into the dark space and touched the bronze tree, the feedback he got was that his "Illusion Sea Nirvana Sword" had reached the pinnacle from the level of proficiency.

And he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the sword intention he understood actually had a dream-like, sea-like, dead and lifeless meaning. Although it was still very weak, it was there!

"Is this sword technique really some magical secret? Am I so lucky?" Xu Dao shook his head, "I don't believe it!"

Within the Inspection Department's official residence, most of the people here were either out patrolling the night or going home to sleep, so only a few people were on duty here.

Inspection officers Dutou Oats and Dutou Liu Jian were on duty. In other words, they had been working the night shift of the inspection department for such a long time.

Who told them that they had no background and support, and they were not smooth in doing things, and they didn't know how to send dresses softly. They were not on duty, and who was on duty?

Being on duty at night is not an easy job. It is not only tiring, but also dangerous. Dark nights are always a time when evil spirits are most likely to occur.

Even in the inner workshop, monsters exist. After all, in such a large county, there are always all kinds of strange and weird things. However, most of these monsters are new and not too strong. After being discovered, can be dealt with promptly.

It's not that the most recent monsters are the ones that were killed by the Demon Suppressor, but it's just that the things got big and everyone knows about it.

"Liu Mazi, let's go out for a walk! Don't let those guys below neglect their duties." Oats yawned.

Liu Jian nodded, picked up the saber and hung it on his waist, "That is to say, the monster that the Demon Suppression Division killed was only wreaking havoc in the outer area. If something happens to the inner area, none of us can escape."

"If it's raging, let's rag. What can we do? If we can solve it, why do we need the Demon Suppression Division? Why do we need the county soldier camp? The above is to hold people accountable, and that's what I said too." Oats curled her lips. , didn’t take it seriously.

They are just the inspection department, and dispelling monsters and deception is just incidental. Their most important occupation is to maintain public security in the city, hunt down murderers, and track down thieves. In other words, their main business is to manage people.

As for the monsters, they are not professional!

"The adults above won't care about this!" Liu Jian picked out two lanterns, first checked the candles inside and found that they were all new, then he lit them and Oats carried them out of the inspection department gate one by one.

"Hey, do you remember that boy you were staring at before?" As they were walking on the road, Oats suddenly mentioned something.

"Xu Dao? What's wrong? His father is back?" Liu Jian was indeed aroused.

"No, that kid is rich!" Oats shook his head with emotion on his face, and his tone was full of envy. "That boy was chosen as a disciple by Mr. Ge from the Shang Medical Bureau. Now he is a ninth-grade doctor. He has a serious official status and is our colleague!"

Liu Jianwen was stunned, "This is so special...it makes people uncomfortable!"

"Yes, the two of us have been struggling in the quagmire of officialdom for a long time, and now we have become a ninth-level official, and this kid has reached the sky in one step!" Oats only felt his teeth sore.

Then he looked at Liu Jian again, "What I mean is, don't stare at him in the future. If you don't have an official status, you will stare at him, but if you have an official status, it will be against the rules for you to go!"

Liu Jian nodded, "I understand. I really didn't see anything behind it, so I was planning to give up a long time ago."

"As long as you understand, we can't afford to offend the people in that place. All our cultivation resources come from there. And if you get injured or sick, it all depends on the other person's face. If you offend, isn't that asking for death? Do it to us Who in this industry knows if we will suddenly encounter something strange? "

As soon as Oats finished speaking, Liu Jian suddenly stopped for some reason and slowly turned his body towards a house on the side of the street.

Oats was about to ask, but she saw that Liu Jian's hand had already tightened the handle of the knife at his waist. The movements were slow but firm, and there was almost no unnecessary sound in the whole process.

Upon seeing Liu Jian's posture, Oats' whole body was shaken violently, as if he was electrified, and his hair stood on end. He also slowly pulled out the sword from his waist.

"Tricky thing?" Oats took a few steps closer to Liu Jian again, so that they could take care of each other and cover each other. Could it be that I am a crow's mouth? I just mentioned this and then I really encountered it?

Liu Jian did not answer. His whole body was tense and he leaned forward slightly, like a beast about to pounce when hunting.

Oats immediately understood that it was behind the door! And was confronting Liu Jian.

And he immediately knew what to do. He decisively took a cylinder from his waist, then bit the thread under the cylinder with his mouth and pulled it!

"Swish!" "Bang!"

This is a small-sized cannon, portable, used to send messages or ask for help when encountering enemies. Moreover, this type of cannon powder is specially made. After it is fired, it will immediately respond to the demon-hunting bells in the Patrol Inspection Department and the Demon Suppression Department and react.


A bell suddenly rang throughout the Patrol Inspection Department. The bell sound was extremely loud, but strangely it was limited to the Patrol Inspection Department.

"Hmm?" The night watchman in the patrol office suddenly woke up from his drowsy state, and then his face changed drastically, "Red alert, Neifang!"


In the Demon Suppression Office, Wang Xian had not fallen asleep yet, because the last time he caught the demon, the office suffered heavy casualties, and the strength of the Demon Suppression Office was greatly damaged. Naturally, he was worried, so he had been living in the office these days. You know, there are many wounded here. If someone digs out his lair, he can die!


A bell rang throughout the Demon Suppression Office. Wang Xian was stunned for a moment when he heard the bell, and then he reacted, his face bitter, damn, it's endless, right? This time it's directly in Neifang!

He can already imagine how the county lord will scold people tomorrow!

"Everyone who can still breathe and fight, gather them here! Fuck the demon!" Wang Xian shouted angrily.

In the new courtyard, Xu Dao looked up at the sky hundreds of steps away, watching the red flare explode, his eyes flashing!

It seems like he's not the only one who hasn't slept yet! Has he found a partner to stay up late with?

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