I have a magical tree

Chapter 274 The main direction is in Heishan Prefecture!

The elders mentioned by Xu Dao are not only his mother and master, but also the master he made up.

Nangong Nei’s meaning is the same. He must not let that person cause trouble at this time. Seeing that everything is settled and everything has to have an end, if a mysterious master appears again, even if he is from the immortal sect, it will make things more uncertain.

Xu Dao naturally understood that today, there was no danger, and the problem of Huang Ji’s identity was finally completely solved, and his own troubles were also thrown away.

Even his own identity problem was solved. Although there was an additional fabricated master, it was much better than exposing his own strength.

Moreover, with the existence of such a master, he would have another identity to act in the future, which was considered to have gained a certain degree of freedom.

As for whether the Fire Fox Sect and Yan Zhen would give up, it was definitely impossible, but the most dangerous stage had been passed, and there would be more room for maneuver in the future.

Watching Xu Dao get on the carriage, Chen Xiao’s smile gradually disappeared, and he turned his head to look at Nangong Nei.

"You are really good! You are so brave!"

Nangong Nei looked confused, "What are you talking about?"

Chen Xiao shook his head, "Nothing! I just think that you dared to take the initiative to attack Yan Zhen at the last moment. This kind of courage is really impressive. I admire it very much!"

Nangong Nei smiled, "Okay, take me to the Shangyi Bureau. The injury that just improved has become like this again. If I don't treat it, I'm afraid my wife will worry again!"

Chen Xiao curled his lips. Although he blamed Nangong Nei for pretending to be confused in front of him, he still helped him up after all.

He had already guessed that Yan Chengdao's incident must have been done by Nangong, but he pretended too much that day, and he didn't expect Nangong to be so bold, so he didn't react for a while.

But now think about it, everything is actually a flaw.

"The county governor and my father will go to the outskirts of Black Mountain tomorrow to investigate the situation of the Black Mountain incident and whether there are other hidden dangers. They need to go and see it in person." Chen Xiao revealed a piece of news.

This news made Nangong feel relieved. The two big Buddhas were finally leaving. Their departure meant that the case of the strange dragon in Yanghe County was finally settled.

All the blame was attributed to Huang Ji and the Wutong Divine Sect behind Huang Ji.

As for whether the Wutong Divine Sect would jump out and say that it was not done by them, it was purely overthinking. If such a big bad thing was really attributed to them, they would probably think it was a good thing!

If it was reported to the Wutong Divine Sect's main altar, the Wutong Divine Sect leader in Xining County would probably be rewarded. This is also the reason why Nangong dared to throw dirty water on others so blatantly.

Because they are dirty, they don't care if they are thrown a little more!

"I will leave with them!" Chen Xiao said again.

Nangong Nei paused for a long time before saying, "Thank you so much this time!"

This time, I really have to thank Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao waded through all the muddy water. The most important thing is that Chen Xiao sent a letter to the county city in time, which allowed the county governor and Chen Lifu to arrive in time.

Otherwise, he would not have such an easy time. Not to mention the Fire Fox Sect, the first thing Yan Zhen did when he came today was to kill him. That kind of killing intention cannot be faked.

When the strength reaches a certain level, the truth is actually not important. The reason why Yan Zhen attacked him was just suspicion, and suspicion is enough!

Even so, it was because he was the governor of the Black Mountain Mansion. If it was an ordinary person, Yan Zhen would not even bother to ask, and would just kill all the related people directly!

Chen Xiao's face was complicated, "I don't want to take this kind of job anymore. I thought it was just a formality, but I didn't expect it to develop into the current situation. I almost died here! It's far less comfortable than the pioneering order!"

"Will there be a pioneering order this year?" Nangong Nei was curious.

"Maybe, it's been a while since the last land reclamation order!" Chen Xiao's expression became serious, "I'll come again when the time comes!"

"Didn't you participate last time? Why are you being recruited this time?"

"I was punished by the county governor for my poor performance. Besides, do you think I wouldn't have to participate if this hadn't happened?" Chen Xiao was speechless. He knew exactly what kind of character his father had. Even if he had an exemption order, he had to participate.

Moreover, the exemption order only had priority exemption, not absolute exemption. If there were not enough warriors participating in the land reclamation, they still had to participate.

If there were not enough people, this thing would be useful.

And the exemption order was only issued to officials and aristocratic families!

Because officials, soldiers, and the power of aristocratic families were the main force in the land reclamation. Although in the actual land reclamation, individual people would also occupy a place, but they were not mandatory.

The reason why these people were willing to participate was that during the land reclamation period, the government treasury exchange would be fully open. As long as they participated, they could get a lot of merits, and as long as they participated, they could exchange.

During the pioneering period, the great merits that are extremely rare in normal times will become easily obtainable in wartime. Even if you only participate in the transportation of food and supplies, you can get great merits or small merits.

This is why the authorities are so strict about great merits in normal times. The purpose is to make such things more precious, but to be obtained in large quantities during the pioneering period, so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of the pioneers.

Not to mention those individual people, even the aristocratic families and even officials will go all out as long as they want to improve their strength.

Nangong Nei patted Chen Xiao on the shoulder with some sympathy, but he quickly realized how much sympathy he could have. His father was a top-notch grand master, and he would let his son die so easily? The one who really deserves pity is obviously himself!

Chen Xiao was confused for a moment when he saw that Nangong Nei was being supported by him just now, and now he suddenly broke away from his hand and walked forward on his own. What are you doing again? This is it!

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that this year's main development direction may be in Heishan Mansion!" Chen Xiao shouted at Nangong's back.

Nangong paused, frowned, turned around and looked at Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao nodded, "It's true. I got it from my father."

Nangong Nei sighed, "I can't tell whether it's a good thing or a bad thing!"

Every time they open up land, the county will determine a main direction. It is not without purpose and random, and the main direction of this time is Heishan Mansion.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this matter. The main development direction is here. The advantage is naturally that after this development, Heishan Prefecture will gain more abundant living space for a long time and make the territory more stable and safer. .

But there are also disadvantages, that is, Black Mountain Mansion will be under great pressure during the pioneering period. This pressure is equivalent to a human life!

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