I have a magical tree

Chapter 304 The astronomical instrument is broken?

On the top of the city wall, Nangong Nei sat on a parapet, holding a jar of peach blossom wine in his hand, and his eyes stopped at the bright lights in the city from time to time.

Compared with the darkness outside the city, the city was already a beautiful scene at this time.

However, if Jiang Taiqing's face beside him was not so ugly, the scenery would be even better.

Nangong Nei sighed and looked at Jiang Taiqing, "I asked you to drink with me, but you didn't drink. You put on a stinky face. Who are you looking at? You have to learn this from Gongzu Xiu!"

Gongzu Xiu nodded, holding a bottle of peach blossom wine in his hand. This wine is not available at ordinary times. Today, the palace master saw that they could not have fun with the people and had to guard the city wall, so he was willing to give them a good thing.

I haven't seen him drinking big bowls of wine on weekdays, but today he has become delicate when drinking.

"If you don't want to drink, give me the wine!" Gongzu Xiu looked at the bottle of peach blossom wine in Jiang Taiqing's hand that had not been opened.

Jiang Taiqing's mouth twitched, and he looked at the peach wine in his hand again, but he couldn't bear to give it up.

"Master Fu Zun, the number of monsters outside the city is still increasing, and the concentration of monsters is also rising rapidly. If this continues, I'm afraid there will be a monster tide!"

"It's just a monster tide. It's not like we haven't encountered it before. Don't we encounter it several times every year?" Nangong Nei obviously didn't take it to heart.

Every year, there will be a monster tide in Fucheng. Sometimes it is the high tide of Zhuoshui. The source of the monster tide caused by Zhuoshui is Tongtian Du. Although Zhuoshui is only a tributary of Tongtian Du, it still has an impact. Who let Heishanfu be near Zhuoshui? This is inevitable!

Sometimes it is the change of heaven and earth. When heaven and earth are in harmony, there will be a change of qi. At this time, it will also cause a monster tide, but the time of this kind of change is not fixed, and it is not even bound to happen every year.

So the monster tide is not uncommon in Fucheng. There are two conditions for the formation of a monster tide. One is the gathering of a large number of monsters and the other is the gathering of a large population.

And the city just happened to meet all the requirements. Not to mention the countless monsters in Zhuoshui, the number of monsters in the wilderness alone was terrifying enough.

Jiang Taiqing heard Nangong Nei's words and looked at the wine bottle in his hand again. After all, he couldn't help it. He broke the mud seal and raised his head to drink a sip.

It smells so good!

As soon as he took a sip, Jiang Taiqing raised his head and took another sip.

It really deserves to be the peach blossom wine that the palace master is reluctant to take out. This wine is really delicious. Even a confidant like him can only drink it a few times a year.

Nangong Nei looked at Gong Zuxiu and laughed.

In fact, Jiang Taiqing was too rigid. He said that drinking would cause trouble, but with such a small jar of wine, how could he get drunk? Not to mention that he is a master, even the fifth and fourth grades are not enough.

Even if he is really drunk, if there is an emergency, the worst thing is to use the power of qi and blood to force the alcohol out.

"Sir, there is a change outside the city!"

A deputy general came in a hurry, and the sound of armor colliding made the slightly quiet city wall a little more noisy.

Jiang Taiqing, who had just handed the wine to his mouth, stood up suddenly, and the peach wine was also put aside by him.

"Tell me, what's the situation!"

Even Nangong Nei and Gong Zuxiu put down the wine bottle, and their expressions became more serious.

To say that they don't care about the strange tide is just a comforting word, but in fact they all take it very seriously.

Strange tides are also divided into large and small scales. Small scales are naturally nothing. Maybe they don't need these people to take action, and the city guards can easily solve it. But if the scale of the strange tide is too large, it will be troublesome.

"The number of monsters outside the city is rapidly decreasing, and the strange energy is also greatly weakened. The reason is unknown!" The deputy general's tone was also hesitant. Obviously, he himself felt that this information seemed wrong.

"Huh?" Jiang Taiqing was stunned.

Nangong Nei and Gong Zuxiu were also full of doubts.

"Are you sure you're right?" Gong Zuxiu's tone became serious. This person was under his command and had always been reliable. He shouldn't have made such a mistake.

The City Guard was under the jurisdiction of the Military Department. The Military Department was different from the Inspection Department and the Demon Suppression Department. It was the only government office in the city that followed military law.

The harshness of military law has always been frightening, but military law is ruthless, and it should be so. Otherwise, military discipline would be relaxed and the soldiers would be useless.

If this person misdelivered the information this time, he would be punished by military law.

The visitor shook his head, "This is what the astronomical instrument shows. I'm not wrong! I also felt something was wrong, and went to other monitoring arrays to investigate, and the results were all the same."

"Let's go! Let's take a look!" Nangong Nei put the unfinished peach wine back into the cork and hung it around his waist. Then he signaled the deputy general to lead the way.

Then they went to the astronomical instrument and various monitoring arrays to check, and they were just as the deputy general said, there was nothing wrong.

"Broken?" Gong Zuxiu stroked his chin, and he felt that this question was too stupid.

"Impossible, the astronomical instrument is broken, what about the monitoring array? And it's impossible that so many monitoring arrays are broken at the same time, right?" Jiang Taiqing denied it immediately.

Not to mention that treasures like the astronomical instrument will not be damaged so easily, even the monitoring arrays cannot be damaged at the same time. You know that the monitoring arrays are independent and do not affect each other, unless there is some force that destroys them at the same time.

But that's impossible, do you really think that they are all dead?

Nangong Nei returned to the top of the city again, looking outside the city, thinking.

"Fu Zun, what should we do?" Jiang Taiqing frowned, and now he couldn't figure out the situation. If the monsters outside the city have gathered into a tide, the worst case scenario is to fight. But what should we do now?

Nangong Nei did not reply, but continued to ponder. After a long time, he said, "You stay here, I'll go out and take a look!"

"What?" Jiang Taiqing was stunned, and then suddenly reacted, "No, although the Palace Master is a master, if there is a big change outside the city, it cannot guarantee absolute safety. But if there is a city to rely on and the military formation of the military department to help, even if the super-grade monster invades, it can resist one or two."

Gong Zuxiu also nodded seriously, "The Palace Master, don't take risks! The last white disaster, you were seriously injured. Now you have finally recovered from your injuries, so you should be more cautious!"

Nangong Nei smiled, "You don't have to worry, I actually guessed the reason for this situation. Even if I guessed wrong, I just took a look and returned. Although the super-grade monster is powerful, can it still hold me?"

The third-grade master may not be able to beat the super-grade monster, but it is enough to escape, because the super-grade monster's strange domain is useless to the master. As long as the master wants to escape, as long as the luck is not too bad, there is no problem.

What's more, Nangong Nei is not just an ordinary third-grade master, he has already taken a half step towards the second-grade master, and this half step makes him more confident.

Jiang Taiqing and Gong Zuxiu also knew that they could not stop him.

"Then Fu Zun, be careful!"

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