I have a magical tree

Chapter 32: With food in hand, there is no need to panic

Maybe that thing is in the Great Merit Book, or maybe it’s not necessarily in the Great Merit Book.

He even speculated that if someone could really practice to the second level, but could not continue to break through to a higher realm because there was no follow-up technique, this was what the court wanted to see. This was a check and balance method!

Then he found what he wanted in the Taoist category, "General Knowledge on Talismans", a book that recorded thirty common basic talismans. As for the Qi Refiner's practice method that he was most curious about, he couldn't find it.

This is very interesting. Is it too precious and cannot be exchanged for small merit, or is it because the government does not allow practice for some reason? He thinks it's most likely the latter.

From the attitude of Mr. Ge and others towards this way, we can see a lot of things. The imperial court did not like and support this way very much.

Fortunately, although Xu Dao was a little disappointed, he didn't take it to heart. He really wanted to know more about the so-called Qi Refiner, but before he fully understood it, he didn't dare to practice it even if he had the technique. He always kept the teacher's words in mind.

"Fu Lu Tongshi" was more expensive than "Health Preservation Kung Fu", and actually required three small kung fu. He asked himself the number of small kung fu. There were nine in total, which was enough.

After the exchange, there were five left, and he flipped through the elixirs and materials at the back.

The elixir category is further divided into refined elixirs, natural materials and earthly treasures, and unrefined elixirs. There are not many types of elixirs, and these elixirs are all refined by his own master.

The material category is divided into raw materials and some weapons. He has no need for these weapons for the time being.

He thought for a while and exchanged three Sanjing lotus seeds from the treasures of heaven and earth, plus a bottle of spiritual ink and a bundle of talisman paper.

The three pure lotus seeds are knotted from the three pure lotuses of heaven, material and earth. They are said to purify the heart, purify the mind and purify the body. Taking them has the effect of washing the hair and cutting the marrow. It can be used by ordinary people and warriors, and its value is not low. Each one has a small effect.

Spiritual ink and talisman paper are prepared for talismans. Writing on those talismans does not mean just finding a piece of paper and drawing on them. Special talisman paper and spiritual ink are also required. It took him two small efforts. In this way, all nine small achievements have been spent!

After the clerk got all the things he exchanged, Xu Dao left here.

Several minor officials looked at Xu Daoyuan's retreating figure and couldn't help but shake their heads, "Another fool who wants to draw a talisman! It's a waste of five great achievements. Wouldn't it be better to exchange for some elixirs?"

The little official who received Xu Dao curled his lips, "You know nothing, do you know who he is? This small achievement may be precious to others, but to him, it is nothing!"

"Oh? Who is he? Why do you say that?" Someone came over curiously.

"That's old disciple Ge from the Shangyi Bureau. Do you think he will be short of elixirs? Even if he doesn't have even a small skill, he won't be short of elixirs!"

"Oh, that's it. If I had a master like Mr. Ge, I would spend my time doing nothing!"

It’s so irritating that people are so different from each other!

I'm afraid that Xu Daohui doesn't take small merits seriously. After all, as long as other people practice cultivation, the demand for resources is huge. Therefore, as long as those people obtain small merits, the first thing they do is to exchange for elixirs and strengthen their cultivation. for.

And they don't even know that there is not much demand for Xu Daolian's elixirs, at least there is not much demand for these low-quality elixirs.

Because of this, he didn't realize how precious these small achievements were.

After returning home, he first ate a lotus seed by himself, and then he was a little disappointed. There was a slight effect, but it was not big, and it was even pitifully weak. Thinking about it, his body itself has been refined by the bronze giant tree for more than ten years, so it is normal for it to have no effect.

So he gave one lotus seed to his mother-in-law and his little sister.

As soon as the two of them took the lotus seeds, their faces turned red, and then traces of dirt appeared from the pores on their skin.

"It works! And it's not bad!" Xu Dao knew it in his mind. It seems that he will need to exchange more of these lotus seeds if he has a small skill in the future.

The effect of one lotus seed is actually very effective, not to mention Xu Dao, but also for ordinary people. It needs to be taken in large quantities to truly achieve the effect of relaxing tendons and cutting marrow. He actually bought it today to try the effect.

After seeing the effect, Xu Dao did not stay at home, but went to Waifang Medical Center.

He has no plans to close this medical clinic and will open it half a day every day. In addition to making money, he can also improve his medical skills.

Besides, he no longer has to worry about the medicinal materials in the medical clinic. Baiyao Pavilion provides them specially! Mr. Ge felt that it would be too troublesome and a waste of time for him to collect the medicines by himself, so he asked Baiyao Pavilion to deliver the medicines he needed to his door every month and get them at the true cost price.

Nowadays, his reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and his medical skills are good and cheap. Therefore, sometimes there are already patients waiting in front of the door before he arrives. If it is not an emergency, they will queue up.

After being busy until the evening, Xu Dao couldn't help but stretch out as he sent away the last patient. It was another fulfilling day, and he earned another seven or eight hundred cash today.

Even though his medical treatment is cheap, he can't handle the large number of people. Sometimes, if a rich person comes, the income can be doubled several times. Rich people don't make money, how many copper coins can those poor people have after draining all their sweat and blood?

On the way home, Xu Dao bought a roast chicken. Because he had a greedy girl at home, he was used to buying some things on the road to take home. They were not necessarily expensive, and sometimes they were even sold by old farmers on the roadside. Wild fruits on the mountain.

But I always have to take some back to grind the little girl’s teeth.

When I got home, the meal was almost ready!

"I was going to call you!" Mrs. Liu saw Xu Dao coming back and took the roast chicken from his hand. "Why are you buying these again? It's not like we don't have enough food at home."

"Xu Lu wants to eat!" Xu Dao directly pushed it to Xu Lu.

Liu glared at Xu Lu fiercely. The little girl didn't understand why, but when she saw the roast chicken in her mother's hand, she jumped up.

Now the Xu family's dining table is better than before. The staple food has been changed to refined rice. As for the others, there is not much change. There are three dishes and one soup, meat and vegetables, and no lack of oil and water. It is definitely not luxurious. It even seems a bit stingy to eat this in such a house. But the nutrition is enough, Xu Dao no longer asks for better!

Even this, A Niang felt distressed when eating. If Xu Dao didn't have a stone of refined rice in his monthly salary, she probably wouldn't be willing to change the staple food to this!

One stone of refined rice a month is definitely not enough, but just buy some more to make up for it. And even though life is better now, Liu is still buying grain and hoarding it, and Xu Dao also supports it. Now, it seems that he has a stable job, but he will feel at ease if he hoards more grain!

There is a basement in this house that is specially used to store rice, which is more hidden and more suitable for storage.

Under Xu Dao's subtle influence, Xu Dao's family is like a family of squirrels who like to hoard food, a little at a time, a little every day, constantly hoarding food.

Only when you have food in your hands can you not panic!

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