I have a magical tree

Chapter 54: Keep it a secret and take the initiative

Xu Dao was quite happy to see that the clinic was still spotless. He invited the two to take a seat, and asked A Bao, who was carrying a kettle and was at a loss, to go to the backyard.

Then he asked: "How come you two have time to come to me today?"

"Didn't Doctor Xu say before that if there is any latest news about the missing child case, come and inform Doctor Xu?" Oatmeal put down the tea bowl in his hand and shook his wrist, which was already a little sore.

"Hmm? Is there a breakthrough in the missing child case?" Xu Dao straightened up immediately after hearing this.

"There is no breakthrough, but children in the city have started to disappear again!" Liu Jian looked solemn.

"So that's it!" Xu Dao thought to himself that as expected, the man had made a move again. He knew that as long as he had tried the benefits brought by the evil method, he would not be able to resist.

After all, you will know the taste after you have tasted the marrow! The greed in human nature is difficult to measure.

"Doctor Xu think this matter is man-made or a disaster caused by evil spirits?" Liu Jian lowered his voice and said.

Xu Dao was surprised, but not too surprised that Liu Jian could think of this.

"What do you think, Brother Liu?"

Liu Jian looked around and saw that there were no outsiders here, so he said: "If we follow the previous clues and the results of several investigations, it should be the work of a demon! But if we look into its logic, I think it is more likely to be man-made!"

"Father and son sleep together, kidnap the son without hurting the father at all, this kind of demon is really unheard of!"

If this is really the work of a demon, then this demon is very particular, saying that he only wants to take the child, and only takes the child, and does not touch anything else. Liu Jian was moved!

"Brother Liu, did you not investigate privately?" Xu Dao looked serious.

"No, and there are not enough clues." Liu Jian shook his head.

Xu Dao was relieved, "That's good, it's good that you two know about this matter, don't investigate privately, or you may be killed."

In fact, he was worried that the two of them didn't know the depth of the matter, and if they really found out something, the man would follow this line and stare at him.

"What does Doctor Xu know?" Oats and Liu Jian said in unison.

Xu Dao shook his head, "Not really, but if you think about it a little, you will understand. If it is really man-made, then even the chief of the Inspection Department and the chief of the Demon Suppression Department have tried their best to find this person's whereabouts, but they have found nothing. It can be seen that this person is very hidden, and he is very powerful, and his methods are extraordinary. Can you afford to offend such a person? I can't afford to offend him anyway!"

Oats and Liu Jian nodded, "That's true!"

At the same time, the two of them were still a little scared, because they really thought about investigating according to their ideas and thoughts before, maybe they could make a contribution!

But they ignored the hidden danger behind it.

"Then we just ignore it?" Oats was still a little unwilling. If that person attacked other people, he might have endured it, but attacking a child was too much.

"Of course not. You two can try to tell this idea to Qin Sizhu and Wang Sizhu of the Demon Suppression Department, and test it first, but remember not to reveal your identity."

It's not okay to let that person continue like this. We must find a way to create some obstacles and troubles for him, at least not so rampant, and transfer the pressure on our side.

As long as that person has not yet thought and planned to completely break with the court, he will definitely be cautious about it.

Give appropriate pressure, but can't point it out directly. He is worried that this small Yanghe County will not be able to bear it. At that time, Xu Dao, who has been targeted by this person for a long time, may face danger. This is not in line with his expectations.

Even if this person breaks with the court, he will definitely be sought and wanted by the court masters in the end, but it will be too late at that time. He is dead, and revenge is useless.

In fact, the most fundamental purpose of letting Oats and the others reveal their ideas to Qin Zhan and Wang Xian is to test the attitude of the county master and the local big family forces.

Qin Zhan does not belong to the county lord's line. Behind him is a local luxury family, and behind Wang Xian is the county lord's dignity.

After the two knew about this, they would certainly tell the people behind them. At that time, the attitudes of the two parties were crucial.

Oats and Liu Jian nodded, "Thank you for the advice from Doctor Xu. We will quietly reveal the information to Qin Sizhu and Wang Sizhu."

Only tall people can handle this matter. Their small bodies can't bear it.

Even Xu Dao's teacher might not be able to withstand the backlash of that person. After all, a rabbit will bite when it is forced, not to mention that the man is not a rabbit, but a cunning and ferocious beast.

"It seems that I need to break through the sixth level as soon as possible!" Xu Dao's idea of ​​breaking through the sixth level of martial arts is more urgent at this time.

His strength is still not enough, otherwise there is no need for such trouble. Wouldn't it be better to kill at night?

Just relying on the little strange energy absorbed in the Shangyi Bureau every day is still not fast enough.

Xu Dao has decided to try his luck outside the city or the outer districts tonight to see if he can encounter any weaker monsters.

It would be best if it was a weak monster that could be quickly dealt with without making a big noise and alerting the night watchmen of the Patrol Inspection Department.

This is both safe and can quickly improve strength.

As for whether he would encounter a powerful monster due to bad luck, Xu Dao is not too worried. Now, as long as he does not encounter the legendary high-level monsters, but only the monsters of the middle level or below, it is not difficult to run away even if he cannot defeat them.

Besides, his martial arts eyes are not trained in vain, so he just needs to be more vigilant and stay away from them. In the worst case, if a monster he cannot defeat chases him, he will lead it directly to the Demon Suppression Department.

That Huang Gongsheng, isn't he very powerful? It's a good time to test whether he is powerful or Yaogui is powerful!

In the afternoon, Xu Dao taught Abao some new characters. Now the most basic literacy stage is almost over. Later, he will start to let him learn to read and gradually start teaching basic medical knowledge.

In fact, at this step, it will become relatively simple. Abao is not a three or four-year-old child. She already has her own world view and her own thinking mode. She just can't recognize and write, but when she learns these, the difficulty of reading and understanding will not be too great.

On the contrary, the little sister is very troublesome. Children have little knowledge of the world, have not experienced many things, and do not have a sound mind. Even if she learns to write and recognize, she actually only recognizes the font itself, which does not mean that she can understand the true meaning behind the words.

Therefore, he also has to help her build a relatively complete world view. This is a big project, which is much more troublesome than teaching people to practice martial arts.

Why is Xu Dao called precocious by many people? This is because he has a complete world view and values ​​since birth, and even if he comes to a completely new world, he can quickly rebuild it with his strong cognitive ability.

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