I have a magical tree

Chapter 60 Abnormal weather affects astronomical phenomena

After sending his master's wife back to the Ge Mansion, Xu Dao rushed home first and told his mother that his master and his wife would also come to the banquet.

It was certain that they would add more dishes. If it was just the three of them, it would not matter what they ate, but since there were guests coming, and they were Xu Dao's master and his wife, they naturally had to treat them with respect. They were real distinguished guests.

Seeing that his mother was too busy to handle it alone, Xu Dao simply stayed at home to help.

In the evening, the master and his wife came in a carriage, but Xu Dao had a bad feeling when he saw this.

Sure enough, as soon as his master's wife got off the carriage, she asked the maid beside her to move things down from the carriage.

They were all large and small gifts. Xu Dao, with his mother and younger sister, greeted them at the door. Seeing this scene, he felt his scalp tingling.

The gifts alone filled nearly a carriage! What is wealth and power? This is it!

Liu was also shocked. She had never seen such gifts.

"Master's wife, you..."

"I bought all these from the capital city. Many things are not available in foreign countries, so I prepared some for you. I just brought them here today." Master's wife signaled him not to worry about it. Then she left him aside and went straight to greet Liu.

Liu was obviously a little reserved at first, but Master's wife was such a person that she relaxed after just a few words and started chatting.

Then, her eyes were fixed on her younger sister Xu Lu.

"Is this your sister? Xu Lu?"

Xu Dao nodded. When he came back today, he asked his mother and younger sister to take off the breath-suppressing talisman on their bodies. He couldn't let the teacher know that he could make talismans, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

"No wonder your master told me that your sister is full of spirit and has amazing talent. Is there really no outstanding person in your ancestors?"

Xu Dao smiled awkwardly and said nothing. How could he know this?

At this time, Ge Lao came over slowly, "It is really rare for one generation to produce two top talents."

"It can be seen that the Xu family has great fortune!" Master's wife nodded repeatedly, "By the way, why don't you want the house that your teacher gave you at the beginning? This place is still a little small."

"Master's wife, there are only three people in the family, it is enough to live here."

"Then why don't you find some servants and maids, so that your mother can be more relaxed."

"Now the world is in chaos, I am not at ease to find people outside." Xu Dao explained his thoughts.

Master's wife nodded, "That's right, the attendants and maids still need to be trained from childhood, at least they have to be born in the family, do you want me to give some of them to you?"

"No, no, it's good now!" Xu Dao quickly refused, and then changed the subject, "Let's eat first, the food is ready."

The dinner was very rich, but it was definitely not as good as the teacher's home. The teacher's home always had spiritual rice, spiritual wine, and spiritual beast meat. Xu Dao's home didn't have these, and the dishes were very ordinary.

Liu seemed a little ashamed, but Xu Dao felt that there was no need to be so. This was the best thing his family could offer, so why should he feel ashamed?

In fact, the master and his wife didn't care much about the food. The reason why his wife came to Xu Dao's house today was just because she hadn't visited the two families since Xu Dao became their disciple, so she came to get to know them. That's all.

After dinner, the mother and the younger sister went to chat with the master's wife, while Xu Dao went to the front yard pavilion with the teacher.

"Are you teaching your mother to practice martial arts?" The teacher really found out.

However, Xu Dao didn't intend to hide this matter. He nodded, "Yes, Yanghe County is very chaotic now. I want my mother to practice martial arts. One can strengthen her body, and the other can protect herself."

"That's right." Ge Lao felt that what he said made sense. Besides, with Xu Dao's talent, he would probably be able to refine the blood-strengthening pills soon, so that at least Liu's pills before the eighth grade could be solved by Xu Dao himself.

When Liu breaks through the ninth rank, not to mention the second-rank blood-strengthening pills needed for the eighth rank, maybe even the later Yijin pills and bone-strengthening pills can be refined.

However, he still said: "If there is anything missing, you can tell me."

"Master's wife also practices martial arts, right?"

"Yes, but your master's wife doesn't care much. Now she is only at the peak of the eighth rank, and it is a long way to go to the seventh rank." In theory, with the qualifications of the master's wife, plus the teacher himself is an alchemist, there is no shortage of pills and resources, she should not be at this level, but unfortunately, the master's wife is not very concerned about martial arts practice.

Practicing martial arts is a very tiring thing, like sailing against the current, if you don't practice for a day, you will retreat a thousand feet. Even if someone like Xu Dao, who has top qualifications and opportunities, never slacks off in practice every day, ordinary people will only be more tired and need to spend more energy on martial arts.

"I heard from A Quan that you also took in a little girl in the outer workshop? Is that girl also planning to learn martial arts?"

Xu Dao then told the whole story of taking in A Bao, and then added: "My disciple is lucky. That child is also talented, and not bad. Cultivate her and make her your confidant, which will save a lot of trouble in the future."

Ge Lao nodded. Only confidants like this who are slowly cultivated by oneself are worthy of entrustment and trust when something happens.

Just like Zhong Bo in the teacher's family, A Quan and others are all true confidants cultivated by the teacher. They can protect the house and can also be entrusted with important matters.

When the master's wife returned to her parents' home, it was Zhong Bo, who was in the seventh-rank realm, who protected her all the way, so that she could be safe.

"You are a person with your own ideas. I don't need to say much about other things, but there is only one thing, the improvement of martial arts must not be delayed, and refining medicine can be put in second place. The teacher always feels that something big will happen in Yanghe County."

Xu Dao discovered that since he had just talked with his teacher at the city gate, Mr. Ge was obviously distracted. Although he hid it well, the worry in his eyes was revealed from time to time.

"Don't worry, Master. I have never missed a day of my practice."

"I specifically asked your mistress. Although the weather in the city is not good, it has not suffered from severe drought. The same is true for other places hundreds of miles around Yanghe County. In other words, only Yanghe County has suffered such a disaster." Ge Lao played with the teacup and expressed his concerns. "I have never paid much attention to this matter before, and I was too lazy to even read the official newspaper. Today, I heard you say that it might be a demon, so I went to look through it. Although I didn't find any definite evidence, it was indeed very wrong. I am afraid that you are really right."

"A demon that can affect the celestial phenomena of a place with a radius of hundreds of miles..." Xu Dao swallowed his saliva, "How powerful is it?"

"I am afraid it has passed the high level and entered the super grade. Anyway, the master will definitely not be able to beat it!"

"Super grade?" Xu Dao was speechless, "The teacher can't beat this kind of existence. Even if I practice faster, I am not a match!"

Super grade demons, real big demons, can cause huge disasters every time they appear. Unless you have reached the third level of martial arts master, you can't be defeated.

Xu Dao was really tired. He was not even sure he could deal with Huang Ji now, so how could a super-level demon appear again?

"Who told you to fight a super-level demon? I asked you to improve your strength as soon as possible to save your life."

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