I have a magical tree

Chapter 62: Lightning-speed attack, mysterious strong man

With such strength, it might be a little difficult to deal with Huang Ji, but there should be a chance to escape from him.

If he had the chance to learn all the intermediate talismans, he would have a better chance.

As a Qi-refining cultivator, he naturally understood the potential of this path, and that was why he was more afraid.

After the sixth rank, Xu Dao could also cross thirty feet in one step. With the help of his late Qi-receiving cultivation, he could really run like smoke and walk like wind.

Even if he ran into those night watchmen head-on, I'm afraid they would not be able to react and would just think it was a strange wind blowing.

He still went around the outer courtyard first, and this time he seemed to have good luck, and he made a discovery at the beginning.

According to what the martial arts eyes saw, there was a strange aura rising hundreds of meters away.

Xu Dao approached quickly, and then when he got close, he saw clearly that a strange thing was hanging upside down on the eaves, spying on the people in the room.

He came just in time. If he had come a little later, the strange creature would have attacked the owner and his family.

He did not hesitate. His figure flashed suddenly, accelerated suddenly, came to the strange creature, and then drew his knife to chop!

It was like a thunderclap. The sound could be heard in half a street. Countless people were awakened from their sleep, but they only screamed and asked briefly, and then immediately returned to silence.

They were all smart people. Even if they didn't know what was happening outside, they would never open the door to peek out of curiosity. That would be courting death.

However, it was not only them who were alarmed, but also the night watchmen in the distance. The moment the thunderclap sounded, they immediately reacted and then approached Xu Dao cautiously.

This was also a smart person. It was his duty to rush here. If he slowed down, he would be responsible for his own life.

Therefore, Xu Dao had enough time to deal with the strange bat in front of him.

The strange bat was shaped like a bat, with sharp claws and sharp teeth, but its head was shaped like a human face and had eight pairs of ears. So it is also called the human-faced weird bat. This weird bat is only at the low-level peak, and is not much different from the monster he killed in his own yard.

The weird bat has no eyes, it really has no eyes, but it has eight pairs of ears, and its hearing is extremely developed, so even if it has no eyesight, it can react faster when someone approaches.

Even among all the low-level peak weirds, it is extremely difficult to deal with.

But Xu Dao did not give it a chance to play. He did not intend to sneak up and launch a sneak attack. He vaguely felt that it was only at a low level, so he rushed over without any scruples.

From the discovery to rushing to the weird bat, drawing the knife and chopping, the whole process was almost without any pause, even the weird bat did not react, and was hit by the knife first.

However, Xu Dao's unreserved knife now is not so easy to take.

In an instant, the bat wing on one side of the weird bat was completely cut off, and then another knife followed, chopping the weird bat's head.

The strange bat could sense the trajectory of Xu Dao's slash and his target, but it was useless. It could sense it but could not avoid it.


With a slight sound, the head of the human-faced strange bat was cut off by one knife, and then three more knives, and the strange bat was completely dismembered.

Then, Xu Dao absorbed the strange energy, urged the magic power in his body to destroy the corpse, and then turned and left. The whole process was almost without any pause. When the night watchmen arrived, he had already run far away.

"What happened?" Several teams of night watchmen met, and then looked at each other.

They only vaguely heard a loud noise from this side in the distance, like thunder, and immediately came to check, but now there was nothing.

"Go in and take a look!" A captain suggested.

So the two teams of night watchmen approached each other, supported each other, pushed open the gate, and then saw the shapeless body of the strange bat on the ground.

"Damn, a demon?"

"It should be, someone killed a demon?"

"Just a short while?" It didn't take them much time to get here from hearing the sound. Although they were cautious and didn't dare to walk too fast, they were not slow.

Then they invited the owner of this house out of the room.

"Do you know what happened?"

The owner collapsed to the ground when he saw the body of the demon. The two teams of night watchmen looked at each other with disappointment in their eyes. It wasn't this man who did it.

Actually, it was right. When this man just came out, they found that he was just an ordinary person. How could he have this ability.

However, they didn't give up, but continued to ask, "Did you see anything? Or hear anything?"

The owner shook his head. He did hear the noise just now, but he didn't dare to open the window. Moreover, the noise came suddenly and went away even faster, leaving him no time to react.

"Have you met any masters recently? Or strange people?"

Although it is likely that the person who made the move just did it for the sake of convenience, and did not kill the monster for the purpose of helping the owner, they still decided to ask.

"My lords, what important people can I know?" The owner shook his head, "The most important official I know is the doctor Xu two streets away!"

The two heads of the inspection department looked at each other and nodded. They did not lie, but it was worthless.

"Okay, go back to sleep. And, the doctor Xu you know is really an important person!" One of the heads waved his hand,

The owner was stunned. He only knew that the eldest son of the Xu family was a medical officer, but it seemed that he was only a ninth-rank official. How did he suddenly become a big shot? However, he quickly reacted: "My lords, what I just said will not have any impact on Doctor Xu, right?"

The two captains sneered at the same time, "Who are we to cause trouble to Doctor Xu? Go away, go back to sleep!"

After the owner left, the two captains frowned. "How the hell are we going to explain this to the higher-ups?"

"The monsters are all dead, and it's still hard to explain?" A subordinate took over,

"You know nothing, do you remember the multi-eyed monster last time?"

"I remember."

"That monster was killed by a mysterious strong man, and now we are afraid that we will meet that strong man again!"

"Do you suspect it's the same person?" Another captain came closer.

"How many mysterious strong men can there be in this rotten Yanghe County? This is a warrior who can kill strange bats. Do you think there are many?"

"What should we do? For such people, as long as they don't want to be discovered by us, we have no way!"

"It would be great if Oats or Liu Jian were here!"

"What's the use of them coming? Can they find out if they come?"

"They don't know, but we can push this matter to them!"

"That makes sense! I don't know where these two guys are! I haven't seen them recently."

The two looked at each other, both of them were a little disappointed. After the last mysterious strong man took action, they had actually been investigating secretly, but to no avail. Now they met again. Doesn't it mean that the investigation that had just cooled down will continue?

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