I have a magical tree

Chapter 69: Abao's progress, a moment of peace

Xu Dao watched A Bao write on the ground with a wooden stick. He said one, and A Bao wrote one, and she had not made any mistakes so far.

When Xu Dao finished saying the last word, A Bao wrote it successfully. Although the word was still ugly, and even the stroke order was messed up, she drew it correctly.

"Not bad, it seems that you are not lazy." Xu Dao was very happy. A Bao had completely passed the literacy stage.

However, he clearly felt that A Bao's mind was not here when he was talking, and his eyes were always fixed on the oil paper bag beside him.

"Hey, you eat first. It won't taste good if it gets cold!" Xu Dao sighed. When he asked A Bao to write just now, he was actually a little absent-minded.

But even so, he passed the test smoothly without making any mistakes. It can be seen that his memory is still very good.

A Bao nodded, dropped the wooden stick in his hand, and prepared to get the oil paper bag.

"Wash your hands first!"

A Bao paused, and immediately rushed to the water tank beside her. After washing her hands with water, she opened the steaming oil paper package.

This was the roast chicken Xu Dao bought on the way here. He deliberately picked the fattest one. A Bao liked the ones with more oil. The more oil and water, the better her appetite.

Seeing that A Bao had already eaten, Xu Dao spoke again, "Now you can recognize the characters almost, but you still need to continue to strengthen your memory, and you will start to learn to read books later."

Then he took out a stack of paper and a set of pens and ink from his sleeve.

"This is for you. Use it to practice calligraphy on weekdays. Although your handwriting is all correct, it is as ugly as a dog's crawl."

A Bao looked at the white paper and wanted to reach out to take it, but when she saw the grease on her hands, she quickly retracted it. She ran to wash her hands again and wiped them clean with a rag, and then carefully took it.

Xu Dao watched her carefully return the pens, ink, paper and inkstone to the room and put them away, and then came back to continue eating roast chicken.

"That cat can catch mice!" A Bao suddenly whispered.

Xu Dao was surprised. This was the first time that A Bao took the initiative to speak. She rarely spoke before. Even if she spoke, he would ask first and then she would answer.

"Really? So you didn't prepare your roast chicken for it?" Xu Dao looked at the white cat, which had already smelled the smell and ran from a distance, calling as it ran.

In fact, when he just came over, the cat had already smelled the smell of roast chicken and kept circling around the oil paper package, sniffing. If A Bao hadn't driven it away, it would have taken it.

A Bao really liked this cat, but if the cat snatched food from her, she would be merciless, especially, she hadn't even eaten it herself, and the cat dared to eat it first?

Looking at the cat that had come over, kept circling around her feet, tilted its head and rubbed her ankles, A Bao thought about it and twisted the chicken head off and threw it to it.

The raccoon stopped barking immediately, held the chicken head in its mouth, and retreated to the side, then made a rhythmic biting and whimpering sound. It was also a greedy one!

"It shouldn't be fed meat. Now it barks when it smells meat oil!" A Bao was a little distressed.

At this time, A Bao was no longer as skinny as when he first met him. Although he was still very thin, he was much fuller, his face was not so scary, and there was more meat on his arms, not much different from ordinary people.

And the raccoon looked better than A Bao, furry and fleshy, and A Bao would bathe it every few days, so it was very pleasing to the eye.

"It is a blessed one. If it was outside, it would not survive and would be caught by others to eat meat." Xu Dao reached out and stroked the raccoon's back, and the raccoon hummed comfortably.

"I brought it in at first, and I was going to eat it." A Bao was surprisingly honest.

Xu Dao was not surprised, "Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Suddenly there is no shortage of food, and cat meat is sour and not tasty!" After saying this, she added: "My Lord likes this cat slave, I won't eat it!"

Xu Dao nodded to show his belief, "My sister should like it too!"

"My Lord can take it back." A Bao thought about it.

Xu Dao shook his head, "That's not necessary. Okay, I'm going to see a doctor, you eat slowly."

He could see that although A Bao took in this cat slave at first, it was really a backup food, but later, they got along day and night, and gradually developed feelings for it. She even fed the chicken she loved, even if it was just a chicken head, which she used to just clean the bones.

For A Bao, as long as the part can be eaten, it is the best, there is no good part, the bad part is important.

So, he did not choose to take this cat slave away, which is probably the only thing that belongs to A Bao here.

He stayed in the clinic until dusk. Today's business was still good. As his reputation spread, more and more people came to see him.

The people who came to see him were no longer limited to the poor people. Many rich people also came to see him.

So, now he can earn about one or two silver coins every day. It's not that he earns one or two silver coins every day, but after averaging, he has this amount.

This is definitely a good income. In the past, he would probably be very happy and bring snacks back for his little sister.

After all, at that time, the income of this clinic was his source of income for survival. But as he obtained an official position and had a salary, his life became much more affluent. Now that he has learned to refine pills, it can be predicted that the income of the clinic will gradually become insignificant.

The money that can be earned from a furnace of pills may not be earned back by this clinic in half a year.

But he didn't plan to close it, he would still keep it open, but the time might not be as fixed as it is now.

This is his foundation, he must not forget his roots! And he likes to treat illnesses, as long as he sits in front of the patient, he feels peaceful and has no distractions.

When he treats others, he also treats himself, but one is a physical illness, and the other is a mental illness.

All along, his spirit has been tense, and he has hardly relaxed, since he opened his eyes in this world.

And when he gradually became aware of things and began to understand some of the truth of this world, the tension was further intensified.

From that moment on, he was thinking all the time, growing up as soon as possible, working hard to practice martial arts, strengthening his strength, and gaining the power of self-protection. It is not a good choice to rely on others for your own safety.

Then, his father disappeared, and the pressure of the whole family fell on Xu Dao, and the sense of urgency once reached its limit.

Even though he is now much stronger and has obtained a good status, he dare not relax. He is like a clockwork toy. While running, he is still winding himself up.

Treating patients' illnesses may not cure one's own illness, but it can give him a moment of peace during the day.

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