I have a magical tree

Chapter 72 Crazy Night

"Everything we have now is something that ordinary people can't imagine in a lifetime." A Niang looked at Xu and said, "So, you don't have to be burdened and stressed because of me and Xiaolu. If ever, you feel that she and I have become Just let go of your drag."

Xu Dao improved very quickly, faster than many people imagined.

Others didn't understand, but as a mother, Liu had a vague guess that Xu Dao's martial arts realm had already exceeded the eighth level. This is a kind of intuition, and it is also because I have this confidence in my children.

It's just that Xu Dao has always seemed to be deliberately pretending, so she would never reveal it. After all, this is a good thing!

Later, after they moved here, Xu Dao killed monsters and made talismans, all of which supported her conjecture.

Therefore, she knew that in fact, she and Xu Lu would not only be of no help to the current Xu Dao, but would instead become a drag and flaw. That's why she said what she said.

Xu Dao smiled when he heard this, "Auntie, what are you talking about? Only a weak person would say that his family is a drag on him. What I worry about is never family matters."

"Seriously?" Ms. Liu obviously didn't believe it.

Xu Dao nodded, "The teacher said that the continuous drought may be caused by demons. I feel it is true."

"This..." Ms. Liu subconsciously looked up at the sky and saw the sun rising, "No way..."

"Don't worry, if it's really a monster, I can't win, and I can't run away? In the worst case, I'll take my mother and my little sister and leave Yanghe County together." Xu Dao comforted, in fact, this is the real key , but he couldn't explain it to his mother.

If you really can run away, no matter the flood, run away first. But just because he couldn't run, he worked so hard to improve his strength. Unless you can solve your own problems,

But so far, he hasn't found an entry point.

After breakfast, Xu Dao went to learn alchemy with his teacher as usual.

The first furnace elixir is a first-grade blood-strengthening elixir. It is a top-grade elixir. The heat and medicinal properties are all excellent. Erysipelas is already very rare.

This elixir was ready for his mother to take, and then he began to follow the teacher to learn the refining of other first-grade elixirs.

This time it is much simpler, because the first-grade elixir has been successfully refined. Although the other first-grade elixirs are different, they reach the same goal by different routes and have the same origin.

It only requires some adjustments in details to successfully refine it.

There are many types of first-grade elixirs, and Xu Dao naturally cannot learn every one of them. He will only learn the most commonly used and mainstream elixirs.

Blood Strengthening Pill, Detoxification Pill, Rejuvenation Pill, Healing Pill, Exorcism Pill, Evil Breaking Pill, and Qi Exploding Pill. In fact, learning these is enough. If you have time to study other first-grade pills, it is better to learn the second-grade pills earlier.

After working on one type of elixir every day for about a week, Xu Dao can start trying to refine the second-grade elixir.

With Xu Dao's current talent, first- and second-grade elixirs would hardly cause any hindrance to him.

However, the third-grade elixir may be a bit difficult, but this is not because of other reasons, but because Elder Ge is worried about whether Xu Dao's current spirituality and mind can support the refining process of a furnace of third-grade elixir.

Who makes Xu Dao's current state only the eighth level? If his true cultivation level were really revealed, Elder Ge would never have such worries.

At noon, Mr. Ge left, but Xu Dao did not go home after cleaning up the alchemy room, but instead went to the household registration department.

The Household Registration Department is an office with little presence in Yanghe County, but it contains the household registration and field registers of the entire Yanghe County.

The Household Registration Department was a little surprised by Xu Dao's sudden visit. When he heard that Xu Dao wanted to borrow the yellow registration book to find a child's feet, he agreed without hesitation.

Not only that, but they also specially sent people to buy good tea and snacks from the nearby teahouse.

It made Xu Dao feel a little embarrassed. He was really too diligent. He also didn't want to think about it. Among the six departments and bureaus in the county, only the household registration department was unloved by his grandma and unloved by his uncle. He had few manpower, lacked money and food, and received poor treatment.

Now that someone important has come, it is natural to perform well. Even if it has no effect, it will not be worse than now.

Xu Dao flipped through the household registration books of the entire Yanghe County to extract the information he needed.

The Household Registration Department conducts a census every two years. If during wartime, it will be done once a year, but in some remote places and places with neglected management, it may be done once every five years, or even once every ten years.

In Yanghe County, it is once every five years. Then Xu Dao discovered a problem. In the entire Yanghe County, no ordinary person could live longer than fifty years.

Social productivity is low, medical conditions are backward, and the average life span of the people is indeed short. A disease or natural disaster may kill countless people.

But the average lifespan is the average lifespan, and there are generally some exceptions that can lead to a longer life.

But that's not the case in Yanghe County. It would be fine if only the poor people were like this. The key point is that those wealthy families, as long as they have never practiced martial arts, their life span will not exceed fifty.

It's like someone drew a line, and every time it was touched, one would die.

Ordinary people are like this, but what about warriors?

Xu Dao focused his attention on the ranks of warriors again. He was even more shocked when he saw this, because he found that all ninth-grade warriors lived to be seventy years old. The lifespan of an eighth-grade warrior is less than 100 years old. There are few records of seventh-grade warriors, but the two that are recorded have a lifespan of less than 120 years.

You know, the life span of a ninth-rank warrior is 100 years, that is, as long as he is not poisoned or killed, he can live to 100 years old without any illness or disaster.

The life span of an eighth-rank warrior is 120 years, and that of a seventh-rank warrior is 150 years, but all warriors in Yanghe County, regardless of their level, have never really died of old age.

As for the higher sixth-rank warriors, there is no record in the household register, so he doesn't know.

But he looked at his life span of 250 and felt it was ridiculous.

Putting down the household register, Xu Dao walked out of the household registration office, looked up at the bright sun, and then looked at the big black mountain in the distance.

After looking at it for a long time, Xu Dao suddenly laughed, "Good, good, interesting!"

There was something crazy in that smile!


In the middle of the night, before midnight, Xu Dao opened his eyes, and those eyes shone brightly in the night, brighter than ever before.

Xu Dao pinned his sword and was determined in his heart!

From today on, if there is a demon in Yanghe County and the surrounding ten miles, it means that Xu Dao did not work hard enough.

So, half an hour later, nearly half of the county was alarmed because someone was fighting with a mid-level demon in the inner courtyard, directly destroying a mansion.

When a large number of patrol officers from the Inspection Department and demon suppressors from the Demon Suppression Department rushed over, they only saw the collapsed mansion and the torn body of the demon.

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