I have a magical tree

Chapter 9 The storm has passed and peace has returned

Yanghe County Government.

"Your Excellency, we have found out that among the nineteen people, there is one tax collector, seven members of the Black Tiger Gang, four members of the Sanhe Gang, two from the government office, and the rest are common people."

County Dignitary Carrier held the scroll and read it in front of the oil lamp. Hearing the visitor's report, he just nodded slightly, "Are you sure it's a monster that's harming people?"

"Yes and no!" The visitor hesitated for a moment and then said.

However, he didn't give in. In front of his boss, he had to pay attention to the timing, so it was best not to do so at this time.

"After inspection by the Demon Suppressing Secretary, it was found that six of them were killed by humans, and the rest were killed by monsters!"

"Oh? You mean, someone is fishing in troubled waters?" Yan Chengyun looked up.

"I think it's possible. But it's more likely to be a coincidence. After all, how did the person who took action know that the demon was going to harm people that night?" Ding Qi thought for a while and said, "Besides, those people happened to be tax collectors. There are still a few helpers!”

Yan Chengyun stroked his beard, "Is it due to tax collection? How much tax revenue did Dingkou receive this month?"

"One person in the inner city is five hundred yuan, and one person in the outer city is two hundred yuan! One person in the outer city is one hundred yuan, and each person in the villages below is fifty yuan!"

"Why has it risen so much? Can it be recovered? Don't push them back, cause chaos, and cause trouble for me." Yan Chengyun frowned.

"There has been a lot of trouble recently, and the tax hike will make people feel at ease!" Ding Qi said.

"Well, let's do this. You go and give a message to the head of the Purification Department, Hao Yunwen, and tell him to act in a measured manner. There can be no chaos in Yanghe County, at least within the county. Go to the Zhenmo Division again and tell him Wang Xian, whether he is really suppressing demons or pretending to be demon editors, he must at least make some moves. It doesn’t matter whether I see it or not, let others see it." Yan Chengyun waved his hand and continued reading.

"Then the bad guy won't be traced? This person is secretly resisting the tax. I'm afraid this trend will not rise."

"Is there any clue from the Inspection Department?"

Ding Qi shook his head, "Not yet. The person who made the move was decisive, ruthless, and careful. He didn't leave any clues and couldn't see any style moves. It's very tricky."

"You said you have no clues, how to investigate? Send people to visit secretly, check if they can, and discard if they can't. The focus is still on the mysterious case. You will go down later and take people to inspect the city wall to have a look. Are there any loopholes in the protection? If so, plug them in time.”

"Yes, County Lord!" Ding Qi raised his hands and was about to leave.

"Now you are also the magistrate of a county. You are in charge of the army, horses, food and crops of a county. You don't have to report everything to me. Those who can make the decision can make their own decisions." Yan Chengyun looked at Ding Qi.

Ding Qi smiled and said, "My lord, you don't know how capable I am. I am able to sit in this position because of your promotion. Without your nod, I would have no idea!"

Yan Chengyun stared at Ding Qi for a moment, with no expression on his face and no emotional changes in his eyes. He just nodded again, "Okay, you can go down!"

Ding Qi then resigned and left. He walked far away before muttering to himself: "You say you don't care about anything, but in fact, everything is in your eyes... ha..."

He raised his hand and someone immediately came forward, "Go and tell Song Teng, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, and Liu Jian, the leader of the Sanhe Gang, and let them come to your house to talk!"

He had no intention of asking the Yamen to really contribute to this monster case. Didn't those gangsters promise to work with the government to govern the country? Fortunately, now is the time for them to contribute!

It has never been an easy task to exterminate monsters. It can kill people. Even a monster of the lowest level may cause many people to lose their lives.

Ding Qi stopped and looked around.

Although there are a few lights in the entire Yanghe County, most places are filled with darkness. It looks like a huge mouth of an abyss, trying to swallow everyone in this city.

"Let people light more lights in the city! It's dark and unpleasant!"


In fact, it’s not that too much darkness makes you uncomfortable, but that demons and monsters prefer to haunt places of darkness compared to places of light. In fact, darkness itself can easily lead to the breeding of evil things!

Just like those disgusting gangs, although Ding Qi hated them, he never thought of eradicating them completely. Apart from the fact that those gangs were quite powerful and forcibly eradicating them might cause losses to the government, he understood that, This kind of thing cannot be shoveled clean.

There is good and evil in human nature, there is light and there is darkness in a city, and the existence of those gangs, isn't it a reflection of the evil side of the city?

Things were somewhat beyond Xu Dao's expectations. His killing of six people in one night did not cause any ripples in the city, as if he had been ignored.

Come to think of it, the number of people he killed was less than the number of people a weird guy could kill casually.

For several days, Xu Dao didn't notice anything unusual, so he knew that he had passed the test.

I should do less of this kind of thing in the future. Although I made a lot of money that night, to be honest, the money was just for convenience and not the main purpose.

Gou should still be the main one, keep a low profile, practice well, and secretly accumulate strength. In addition to eradicating threats in advance, try not to stand out as much as possible. If you do this too much, it will eventually leave traces.

Furthermore, the appearance of monsters in the city was what he was really worried about.

Although Yanghe County is not a big city, there is a protective circle on the city wall. That kind of magic circle can't protect against people, but it has miraculous effects on monsters and monsters.

In fact, there have been many strange things in the city in the past years, and there are still many of them. But what really worries Xu Dao is that he is afraid that such things will become more and more frequent in the future, and the protective array will completely lose its function.

In fact, in recent years, there have been constant disasters and the world has become more and more difficult. Now the demons and monsters outside are becoming more and more rampant, and the people's lives are becoming more and more difficult. Taxes are getting heavier and higher day by day, and grain prices are getting higher and higher day by day. It always gives people a feeling that the building is about to collapse and the world is about to collapse. He can't help but think about it.

If one day the protective array in this county completely loses its function and can no longer isolate the invasion of those demons and monsters, then the fate of the people in this city is not difficult to imagine. At that time, if you want to save your life, you can only rely on yourself and rely on your own strength.

There is no need to count on the government. They have never done anything practical. As for those gangs, let alone, they can only protect themselves. They are capable.

Xu Dao put the last tile on the rafters of the woodshed.

He spent several days to finally build the firewood room. The firewood room was built right at the exit of the cellar. He placed a huge bluestone to cover the exit. The bluestone weighed ten thousand pounds, and even he could only move it with difficulty. Then he put a lot of firewood and other things on it, so it was inconspicuous.

"I always feel that this outer square is not safe!" Xu Dao thought to himself, "It seems that I need to find a place to stay in the inner square."

The county town is divided into the inner square and the outer square. It is said that the protection of the inner square is even better than that of the outer square.

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