I have a magical tree

Chapter 94 Obtaining the Talisman Array and Exchanging for Gold Notes

In the mid-level talisman area, he saw many types that he had never seen before, but he just took a look to satisfy his curiosity.

However, when he passed a book called "Falm Array", he couldn't help but stop.

"The guest is interested in this book?" A voice sounded from the side. This person was probably the steward on the third floor.

Xu Dao turned around and saw the young boy from before following him.

"I'm somewhat interested. May I ask how I would like to call him?" Xu Dao asked.

"The old man's surname is Sun!" Manager Sun was very sensible and did not ask Xu Dao's name. As soon as he saw Xu Dao's attire, he knew that this person did not want to reveal his identity.

"It turns out to be Steward Sun. I'm a little confused, and I'd like the Steward to give me some advice."

"My friend, it's okay to talk!"

"What is the difference between this talisman formation and the magic formation?"

As soon as Manager Sun heard this, he already guessed that the person in front of him was a Talisman Master, otherwise he would not be interested in this book.

Such people naturally have to leave some good impressions, so that Xu Dao can continue to sell talismans here in the future.

"There is actually not much difference between the Talisman Formation and the Magic Formation. The two have the same origin."

"The formation is a system of its own. It cannot be arranged without a specialized formation master. It is necessary to use magic power to inscribe the formation patterns, or formation flags, to connect the sky and the earth to form the formation."

"And this talisman array uses many talismans to replace the effects of array patterns and array flags to form an array, so that the talisman master can form an array without having to study the art of arrays!"

"If that's the case, what else does an array master need to do? Wouldn't it be good to just use the talisman array?" Xu Dao was still puzzled.

Manager Sun smiled and shook his head, "That's still different. The magic circle is applicable to more scenarios, and the magic circle can not only use things like formation flags, but can also make use of mountains and terrain to form large formations. It has the ability to be ever-changing. The Talisman Array is limited to the type of Talisman, and the number of formations that can be arranged is actually not many. To be precise, the Talisman Array is only one type of formation, and it is only placed here because it is mainly suitable for Talisman Masters. "

Xu Dao now understood that the Talisman Array was also a type of formation, but besides the Talisman Array, there were many other types of formations.

Then Manager Sun invited Xu Dao back to the quiet room, and Xu Dao also took out a large number of low-level talismans.

Manager Sun's eyes lit up. Although this talisman was only low-grade, its quality was very good.

Of course, Xu Dao's low-level talisman-making realm has already advanced to the fourth realm, and he has truly entered the palace!

Can the quality of the talisman made be low?

"The value of these talismans is a total of eight hundred and seventy taels of gold! Does the guest want gold tickets or gold ingots? Or should he exchange them for silver?"

"How much does that book cost?"

As expected, Steward Sun thought, it seemed that this person had indeed taken a liking to the book.

"That book costs five hundred taels of silver!"

Five hundred taels of silver is fifty taels of gold, which is not expensive, so I bought it!

Anyway, I just made a lot of money, so this little money is nothing!

"Okay, I want that book!"

In fact, the price of five hundred taels of silver is really not low. After all, books can be sold repeatedly. However, the demand for such books is not high and they are highly targeted, so this book is specially sold to people like Xu Dao. If you sell at a low price, you won’t make much money; if you buy at a high price, no one will buy it.

The price isn't outrageously high, but it's definitely not cheap.

But Manager Sun waved his hand, "My little friend, I haven't finished speaking yet. This book is priced at five hundred taels, but I won't charge you this time. I will give it to you directly to make a friend with you."

Xu Dao was in a good mood, "Thank you very much, steward. If I have talismans in the future, I will sell them here. As for the gold, I will exchange it for eight hundred taels of gold tickets, and the rest will be exchanged for gold ingots."

Manager Sun immediately asked someone to fetch eight hundred taels of gold tickets and seventy taels of gold ingots.

Only then did Xu Dao know what the golden ticket was like. It looked golden, as if it were made of gold, but it felt unusually soft, as if it were made of some kind of special leather.

The patterns on it are complex and faintly form the lines of copper coins, and there are flashes of light on the leather.

Seeing Xu Dao staring at the golden ticket, Manager Sun thought he was worried about the authenticity of the golden ticket, so he said, "If you are worried, I can go to Fucheng Datong Bank to verify the golden ticket with you." Authenticity.”

"That's not necessary!" Xu Dao shook his head and put away the golden ticket. He didn't dare to ask the details of the golden ticket. Anyway, the master's wife should know, so he could just ask the master's wife when he went back later.

"If the guest needs anything else, I can show it to him!"

"No need, come back next time!"

Xu Dao took the things and left. After he left, the boy standing next to Steward Sun said, "Steward, doesn't that copy of "Talk Formation" only cost fifty taels of silver?"

"Now it's five hundred taels. If someone asks you again in the future, you'll still say five hundred taels. It's the same price!" Manager Sun waved his hand.

Although whether it is five hundred taels or fifty taels, this book is given away for free, the value of this book has actually changed. It is not that its own value has increased, but the value of favors.

Maybe I won't be able to sell any of this book in the future, but this favor is enough to earn back today.

So, is the original value of this book important? So what if this guest discovered the truth? He didn’t take the money again!

To do business, you have to be smart!

Xu Dao came out of Wanbao Tower and went directly to his master's wife's house. The master's wife was writing a letter to the master at this time. This letter of safety will be sent back to Yanghe County through the post station to avoid the teacher's worry.

"Master's wife!"

"Dao'er, please sit down first. I will finish writing the letter. We can't delay any longer." An Shi indicated that Xu Dao should do as he pleased.

Xu Dao was not in a hurry, so he drank tea and waited for the master's wife to finish writing, and sent someone to deliver it to the Fucheng Post Station.

"Is there anything?"

"It's nothing serious. I just came to ask the master's wife about this!" Xu Dao took out a stack of gold notes, "What's the background of this thing?"

"Datong gold notes?" The master's wife was stunned, "Didn't you sell the elixir to the store? Where did you get so much money?"

"I'm lucky. I made a little fortune." Xu Dao smiled awkwardly.

Seeing that Xu Dao's words were a little vague, the master's wife did not ask any more questions, but took the gold note from Xu Dao's hand and said: "This is a gold note issued by Datong Bank. In addition to the 100-liang gold note, there are also 1,000-liang and 10,000-liang notes."

"What material is this made of? Aren't you afraid of being counterfeited?"

"Duobao Toad Shell. This Datong Bank is a royal bank established by Taizu, with the meaning of being circulated throughout the world. I heard that there is a Duobao Toad in the royal family of Dali, and this gold note is made of the toad shell of this Duobao Toad."

"Is there only this one in the world?"

"Well, it seems that there is really only one! The Duobao Toad is a strange species in the world, and even if there is one, there can't be too many. Using its toad shell to make banknotes is naturally anti-counterfeiting."

"Moreover, carrying this thing on your body can also enhance your fortune!"

"Really? There is such an effect?" Xu Dao was surprised. This thing can actually enhance your fortune?

"Then I don't know, anyway, that's what they say!" The master's wife returned the gold note to Xu Dao.

After Xu Dao collected the gold note, he also explained his real purpose.

"Master's Wife, I have felt something these past few days. I am afraid that I may have another breakthrough in martial arts. I need to retreat for a few days. If there is anything..."

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