I Have a Million Skill Points

Chapter 1195: Bad news

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Chapter 1195: Bad News

This rewards!

Ten super skill points are the past ten trillion skill points!

For the first time, Su Chen received such a large number of skill point rewards in the system. Was the system crazy, or was it the original reward?

In addition, Su Chen also noticed that the level of Gongfa of Grand Fusion is super-sacred, which is second only to the existence of Fa-gong.

If it is a reward given according to the level of self-made exercises, it can be justified, after all, a super-sacred exercise is bought in the mall, and it is not a small amount.

What is the purpose of such a welfare task card?

This is not described in detail in the system and will only be known after use.

However, Su Chen's spirit was close to collapse, and he didn't have the energy to use it. He fell asleep directly.

This sleep is three days.

Three days later, Su Chen woke up refreshedly, walked out of the dojo, took a comfortable bath, took a honey bud, and asked about the recent situation in Lingshan School.

Two months have passed and I don't know if Phoenix Xi has returned.

"Elder Su, the battle in the extraterritorial battlefield has entered a fierce stage. Lingshan sent a large number of disciples to the Star Road to support the battle. Lingfufeng's elder **** Wang Hongzhong also rushed to the battlefield. Under the control of Xinglu Road, the current situation is still fierce. "

"So serious? How much combat power did the Devil have?

"It's not clear, but this time the Devil's attitude is very tough. It seems to be determined to occupy the Star Road, which is affected. At present, the contact between Jingshan of Lingshan and other worlds has been interrupted. If the Devil continues to invest heavily, Lingshan Jingzhou is likely to fall into the siege of the Demons, and the situation is very bad. "

Miya continued: "Because of the importance, now the entire Lingshan Jingzhou Xiuxian Realm has been mobilized, the three major sects have sent a large number of masters to the battlefield, and the nine major caves have each contributed their own money, even ... The ancestral dragons that Yuan will be exhausted will personally lead the mad dragon battle to rush to the battlefield to participate in the demon. "

Su Chen frowned slightly. I didn't expect him to retreat for only two months, so there was such a big change in the outside world. So many masters rushed to the extraterritorial battlefield. The movement was certainly not ordinary. I am afraid that the entire Lingshan Jingzhou is now in panic. .

Su Chen said: "Did the mysterious mother-in-law get out?"

"Not yet, Niang Niang is Lingshan's strongest fighting force, and will not be easily shot, because once Niang Niang fires, there will be a full-scale war pattern there, and the demons will also invest in the level of fighting power of the Holy King, so it will be out of hand. Now. "

"What about the emperor? Is there any news from the emperor?"

The Great Emperor guards Cangsheng, and is the strongest force against the Demon Clan. When the Demon Clan is active on a large scale, it is also when the Great Emperor is dispatched.

Honey bud shook his head: "I don't know about it."

"Okay, you go down first."


The honey bud left, and Su Chen was lost in thought.

On the one hand, he was worried about the safety of Huang Xi. On the other hand, Su Chen had to consider a question. Is the Demon suddenly strong? Is there something wrong inside?

The dispute between the demons and the Xiuxian Realm is essentially the dispute between the Moyuan universe and the Hongmeng universe. This is a contradiction that has existed since the birth of the two universes. It is irreconcilable and irresolvable, but it has been going on for so many years. A delicate balance has been reached.

Once the contradictions intensify, it necessarily means that certain problems have occurred inside the two major forces, and it is necessary to use external warfare to release internal pressure.

This is not the first time that Su Chen has read so many ancient books, which have recorded the causes behind several large-scale wars in history.

In all likelihood, the purpose of the war was to divert internal pressure.

In recent millions of years, although the conflict between the Hongmeng Universe and the Moyuan Universe has been frequent, the outbreak is not fierce. Now the demons are suddenly strong, as if they are trying to provoke a larger-scale war, so there is great pressure inside the demons The probability is extremely high.

What pressure is there inside the Demon Clan, Su Chen can't know, but he vaguely feels that this matter may be related to Su Xiaoyao.

Even if it doesn't matter, Su Xiaoyue is a demon princess and is in the core storm of the demon race. If something goes wrong inside the demon race, Su little demon will definitely face great pressure and even danger.

"It is necessary to speed up the cultivation process. Breaking through the God King Realm is still a little distant to me, but with the great fusion skill and supernatural talent, I should be able to practice in Qi Tian Jing in a short time. With Qi Tian The cultivation of the realm will allow me to enter the magic deep. "

After Su Chen was ready to recover her energy, she immediately started the second phase of retreat, striving to break through Qi Tianjing as soon as possible.

After taking a bath and returning to the bedroom, Xiaolong Nv was still sitting in front of the big screen and playing games. Su Chen had not called her back before the retreat, so Xiaolong Nv had been alone at Lingxia Peak during this time, but she did not go out. After playing, I have been staying at home and playing games. I was surrounded by a pile of fat house happy water and potato chips snacks, which Su Chen bought for her in the mall before.


Seeing Su Chen again after more than two months, the little dragon girl was very excited, immediately put down the handle and rushed to Su Chen, and took the initiative to kiss.

"Ding, got a kiss from Xiaolong girl, lucky value +10"

Su Chen froze, what else is this good thing?

Su Chen walked to the bed holding the dragon girl, and the dragon girl refused to leave from Su Chen's arms. She hugged Su Chen's neck and said, "Brother, I'm sleepy, I want you to hold me to sleep."

"Okay, let's sleep together."

Sleeping one night, Su Chen slept soundly. After waking up the next day, she was very full of energy.

Prepared some snacks and happy water for the little dragon girl, Su Chen came to the dojo again to prepare for retreat.

But as soon as he entered the dojo, Su Chen was taken aback. The mysterious lady did not know when she appeared in the dojo.

The dojo is the place where only the master of the peak is entitled to enter, but the mysterious lady is definitely an exception. After all, the entire Lingshan belongs to her.

"Is there something important about my mother who is looking for me secretly?" Su Chen asked.

Mysterious mother did not speak, but Su Chen immediately understood her meaning.

When he changed, Su Chen directly switched to Yu Tianheng's trumpet.


Seeing Yu Tianheng, the mysterious lady of the mystery melted like an iceberg, and the expression on her face instantly became vivid, and she took the initiative to walk forward.

"What's up with Shimei?"

Mysterious mother-in-law said: "I came to resign to my brother."

"Where are you going?"

"The demon encroached on the Star Road, my brother should have heard Su Chen mention it. Just one hour ago, the Star Road was completely occupied by the Demon. Lingshan sent two **** kings seriously injured, and the ancestors died. It cuts off all communication between Lingshan Jingzhou and the outside world, and the breath of Moyuan is approaching. I suspect that the magic star is coming soon ... "

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