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Chapter 1198: Fierce Sandstorm

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Chapter 1198 Fierce Battle with Sandstorm

"Brother, I'm great!"

Xiaolong girl raised her chest with proud hands and said to Su Chen.

Su Chen watched her grow up gradually, she was full in one hand, and smiled and rubbed twice: "It's very powerful."

The little dragon girl pursed her lips and gave Su Chen a white look.

Having settled down, Su Chen focused his attention and observed the surrounding environment.

The fourth floor of the Tongtian Tower. Most of the people living here are Qitianjing ’s beasts. Although Qitianjing ’s beasts are already difficult to hurt Su Chen, they cannot be ignored. After all, the beasts in the Tongtian Tower Most are group activities. If there are more than five Qitianjing beasts, Su Chen can only escape.

The fourth layer and the third layer are different from the ice and snow world. Looking at it here, the terrain is very flat and empty, as if an endless desert wilderness. The sand and dust are rolling in the distance, and it seems that a huge sandstorm is about to sweep.

If it was an ordinary sandstorm, Su Chen would certainly not take notice of it, but he could feel the horrifying spiritual power surge in the sandstorm.

This is a sandstorm with a power level no less than that of a stellar storm. Wherever the dust goes, everything will turn into nothingness.

This powerful Tianwei, even Su Chen did not dare to challenge easily.

However, there is no place to cover at all. Looking around, they are all within the scope of the dust storm. Even if it is known that this dust storm can not be easily challenged, Su Chen has no way back and can only confront it forcibly.

"Big mouth monster, step forward to windshield."

Su Chen ordered.

The mutant bigmouth took a deep breath, and the body suddenly expanded dozens of times, turning into a giant golden ball with a diameter of about 20 meters, rolling the body and moving forward.

Su Chen and Xiaolong Nu followed closely behind.

Within a minute, a dust storm swept across.

Before the dust came, a fierce wind came first.

Pieces of small metal gravel were accelerated to a terrible degree by the wind, and they constantly collided with the big mouth monster, rubbing out Mars.

Fortunately, the big-mouthed monster is thick and thick, and its defense is very strong. It should not be a problem to block most of the power of the sandstorm.

And Su Chen is also urging the Shenwen array method to suppress the surrounding space and make the space dense, so as to reduce the wind speed of the sandstorm.

Soon, Mantian Huangsha completely drowned the surrounding world.

Su Chen tried his best to urge Shenwen, but he could barely protect the surrounding 50 meters, and as the sand storm center approached, Su Chen felt great pressure.

The sand and gravel mixed in the sandstorm is very weird. It emits a special energy wave that can disturb the surrounding space environment. Some sharp gravels can even directly cut through the space. The surrounding space has been stricken by the sandstorm, which greatly affects it. Su Chen's ability to perceive.

This naturally formed environment is more dangerous than the siege of fierce beasts. Su Chen didn't dare to take it lightly for a moment. His spiritual power surged wildly, and the power of the divine pattern was fully open, resisting the attack of sand and dust storms.

However, as if the sandstorm stopped moving, he always covered Su Chen, showing no sign of leaving.

This is very unusual, as if this sandstorm has self-awareness, and its goal is Su Chen.

Suffering for half an hour, Su Chen was exhausted and had to use an in-place resurrection card.

At this time, the sand storm did not leave, but intensified, and its power continued to increase.

And Su Chen noticed that he was in the center of the sandstorm at this moment. The sandstorm had formed a dust vortex, and was firmly fixed in place, motionless.

"It seems my guess is right. This sandstorm has self-awareness. It wants to drain my spiritual power and then devour me completely."

Such a strange sand storm, Su Chen encountered it for the first time. He knew that it would not work to continue this passively. Although he had a resurrection card in his hand, his spiritual power would not be exhausted, but it would delay a lot if he continued. time.

You have to figure out a way to break the dust storm.

"Realm of Fire, Spin!"

Su Chen's spiritual power erupted suddenly, and the nine-color flame formed a powerful flame area. It reversed in the opposite direction of the sandstorm rotation and began to impact the sandstorm to slow down the speed of the sandstorm.

The flame and gravel kept colliding, and a large amount of sand and dust was instantly reddened by the burning and began to melt into lava.

Even so, the speed of the sandstorm did not slow down, but it began to accelerate further.

Su Chen's divine pattern was violently suppressed and kept shrinking. The big mouth monster's body also suffered a lot of attacks and had to shrink its size.

The safety zone is already less than twenty meters.

Su Chen looked dignified, and once again increased the output of firepower, turning the surrounding gravel a piece of red, and the temperature kept rising.

The speed of the sand storm is also getting faster and faster, and the pressure on Su Chen is also increasing.


Su Chen grinned, and suddenly gathered the flames, while a blue water vapor scattered.

"The realm of water!" The surging water mist scattered, hitting the surrounding fire wall, the cold and hot collision, which immediately caused a huge water mist vapor, and the pressure value of the surrounding space instantly burst into the table, making a loud roar.


The huge water mist heated by the high temperature rapidly expanded, and the power of the explosion was so amazing that a large amount of water vapor was instantly bombarded into the sky, and the sand storm blasted out a gap.

Su Chen spotted the opportunity and immediately escaped the shackles of sandstorms along the water vapor.

"Brother is so good." Xiaolong said with admiration.

"Guru ..." The big-mouthed monster shrank into a pile of golden dumplings, screaming with excitement lying on Su Chen's shoulder.

Su Chen didn't relax. The moment he escaped the sandstorm, he noticed that the sandstorm began to gather again. It seemed to be brewing something. He immediately held up a **** pattern to protect himself and the little dragon girl, and sacrificed the Pangu **** axe. A blow hit the sand below.

Sure enough, the moment when it was opened up in the depths of Pangu, the sand and dust suddenly trembled, and countless gravels gathered into a turquoise tentacle, which blasted towards Su Chen.

Pangu God Axe split the three tentacles in one hit, but the number of tentacles exceeded two hundred, which could not be completely blocked at all.

Seeing that the tentacles were about to attack, Su Chen took a deep breath, the realm of fire opened again, and the flames burst into flames. The nine-color flame turned into a blossoming flame lotus and sprinkled it in the dust, and the flame lotus burst and broke all the sand. The dust tentacles burned into the lava and fell to the surface.

Su Chen also cracked and regained the Pangu **** axe. With a big wave of his hand, the realm of thunder and water were opened at the same time, and the downpours and dense lightning thunders were sweeping the earth just like God ’s punishment.

The general scene at the end of the day lasted for a few minutes, until Su Chen no longer struggled until the sand on the ground could no longer struggle.

He slowly landed on the ground, and with a big wave of his hand, the yellow sand around it faded away, revealing the appearance of a khaki beast.

"Submit, or die."

Su Chen said coldly and ruthlessly.

The earth-colored beast struggled a few times, but was unable to move, and finally kneeled towards Su Chenyu.

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