I Have a Million Skill Points

Chapter 1556: Identification rules

Chapter 1556

In the following time, Su Chen made detailed plans for some details of the two-dimensional universe.

For example, how do the roles under the various two-dimensional worldview systems live in harmony.

Such as the setting of energy system.

Most of the powers of the ancient style fantasy cultivating series pay attention to heaven and earth aura, while the western magic background needs magic elements, the Ninja Village needs Chakala, and the Pirate World needs devil fruits... If you want them all, then the composition of the world background will become extremely complicated. , Almost impossible to reconcile.

Therefore, a unified energy setting is required.

The most mainstream energy setting is still aura or magic, but since this is Su Chen's world, it must be dominated by aura.

With a wave of Su Chen's big hand, the energy system of the entire two-dimensional universe began to undergo fundamental changes. All energy systems such as magic began to collapse and disintegrate. Instead, a pure heaven and earth aura began to envelope the entire universe.

Because it is his own universe, Su Chen can create everything here at will, no matter how strong aura he wants, it is not a problem.

Of course, what he created was a two-dimensional aura. In essence, it was not a real aura. It was just a setting, which had no effect on Su Chen himself.

After completing the energy system settings, Su Chen began to pay attention to another more important issue.

That is the style of painting.

In the second dimension, apart from fighting, the rest is looking at the face.

But under different settings, the style of painting is completely different. If Kyoto face and JOJO's style stand together, the sense of contradiction is too heavy.

There are also ink painting style, abstract painting style, realistic painting style, 3D, black and white lines, etc...

This is just the two-dimensional settings from the earth. Counting the two-dimensional data provided by Shana, the types of painting styles are too rich.

Although Su Chen separated the roles under various background settings temporarily, so that they could not contact each other temporarily, it was tantamount to creating a cage and trapping all the characters, but in Su Chen's thoughts, In the later stage, there will definitely be a big collision of all worldviews, so it will be interesting.

Of course, there is a more important reason.

He doesn't like a lot of painting styles, even if there are many beautiful girls with stunning stunners in the settings, but because of the style of painting, Su Chen will lose interest.

If they can be unified into their preferred style of painting, then it will be perfect.

"Since I am a two-dimensional paper man, I must highlight the youthful and lovely young girl..."

Su Chen thought for a while, but didn't come up with any good ideas. The main reason is that if the style of painting is unified, then many characters will become completely different, the same, but not good.

Later, Su Chen thought of a compromise, that is, not to consider all male characters, only for beautiful girls, without a style reform, and it is not a drastic reform, just some detailed adjustments, strictly speaking, It is to make the painting style of all the two-dimensional beautiful girls more high-definition, and fix some bugs that the painting style collapses.

Unconsciously, Su Chen has been in the second dimension universe for three or four days.

After three or four days of setting up a madman, Su Chen was also exhausted, but finally let this two-dimensional universe initially meet his requirements.

"Please name the host for this two-dimensional universe." Little said.

Su Chen thought for a while, and said: "Let's call it ‘Fantasy Universe’."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully creating the'Illusive Universe', rewarding 5000 super skill points, and obtaining the title of'Creation God of Colors'."

"Hey, just click on your meaning!"

Diandian looked at Su Chen with contempt: "The host knows it well."

Su Chen's violent temper couldn't be suppressed at all, with the risk of being systematically electrotherapy, he went up and pinched a little 36E.


The fierce current instantly shook Su Chen's body and stunned him directly.

When I woke up again, it was already a day later.

Su Chen held his forehead with a black line.

"you are vicious!"

But it's okay, at least five thousand super skill points are available.

Su Chen opened the Law Shop to see if there were any cheap and practical rules to buy.

However, it seems that these low-level rules can't attract Su Chen's interest, either they are too tasteless or even tasteless.

Of course, this is only for Su Chen, after all, all the powers of the laws are extremely valuable, and many immortal cultivators dream of it. It's just that Su Chen is so strong that these low-end laws have too little effect on him.

After watching for a long time, Su Chen finally found a law that was fairly clear.

"The law of identification: You can discern everything through your eyes, and identify the cause and effect of everything in the world."

This is an enhanced big identification technique.

It is still very useful to get some intelligence clues.

Moreover, the price is not expensive. You can buy one rule fragment with two hundred super skill points, and you only need two thousand super skill points to get the basic rule, Su Chen bought it without hesitation.

"Ding, the identification rules are obtained, and the host's eyes have undergone a strange change."

Opening his eyes, as far as Su Chen could see, the whole world became extremely clear and eye-catching.

Everything in front of you, at the moment of eye contact, will trigger a hidden causal fluctuation. Through the causal fluctuation, a large amount of information is transmitted to Su Chen's brain for automatic analysis, and all useful intelligence messages are extracted.

At this moment, Su Chen's gaze enveloped the entire Fortress of the Gods, and he could see countless causality flowing. Most of the cause and effect were circulating inside the Fortress of the Gods, and a small part of the cause and effect was circulating outside.

"Huh? This is... someone is sending information about the Fortress of the Gods to the outside world?"

Su Chen frowned, is this a traitor?

Unexpectedly, this appraisal rule came in handy as soon as I got it.

Su Chen's figure flashed, and he came behind the traitor.

At this time, the traitor was still operating a special magic weapon, continuously transmitting a series of messages, completely unaware that Su Chen had come behind him, nor did he notice that the intelligence information he sent had been given by Su Chen. Intercepted.

After a while, this guy finally finished his work, and smiled in relief: "The head teacher has the foresight, and let me lurk into the Lingshan faction early."

"It's quite smart, what's your head teacher's name?" Su Chen asked with a smile.

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