Chapter 220

Chapter 221

At midnight, the vulture thief who was persuaded by Lin Shu to leave went back and forth, with a panic expression on his face.

“My lord, my lord is not well, and the storm hits again ahead. I think we can’t leave this time!”

The deputy captain said with a heavy tone.

As the words fell, a yellow scent surging like a wave suddenly emerged from the horizon, which quickly swept toward this side.

“Sandstorm. Lin Shu took a look and said: “You come in quickly, dig a hole near the wall, try not to be blown away by the wind, wait until the storm passes, and then go back, don’t think about making money!

“Hey, how can it be?”

The deputy captain who was exposed by Lin Shu smiled and scratched his head, then 090-kicked at the person next to him and shouted: “Didn’t you hear the adult? Hurry up and dig a small hole to hide in!”

Everyone started, and they were ready to meet the storm in less than half a minute.

At this time, the storm finally arrived, and it was at this time that Lin Shu realized that the storm was more dangerous than he thought.

This storm looks like a natural occurrence, but anyone who has experienced a sandstorm will know how fast this thing is and how far it can spread.

The sandstorm in front of me is smaller than ordinary sandstorms in terms of speed and scope, (cjdf), but it contains a lot of wind elements.

Lin Shu swept through the sandstorm and found the clues, “This is actually the case, there are such magical creatures in the world!

Under Lin Shu’s spiritual thoughts, countless large dead wind birds with wings spread up to five meters are waving their wings shining with wind elements and sweeping downwards.

This sandstorm is really created by these dead wind birds.

Lin Shu saw another person caught off guard by the sandstorm and was swept in by the dust storm. The whole person was blown in by the strong wind inside. Then two dead phoenix birds stretched out their claws and grabbed their heads and legs. People are like tattered dolls torn into two pieces without any help!

“Soul Dan, it is true that such a large-scale operation will provoke some unclean existences!”

Lin Shu cursed secretly, his hands condensed the fireball to wait for the arrival of the phoenix birds.

But those winds also knew that they were bullying and fearing hardship, and they only used the wind blade to harass Lin Shu. After seeing that there was no effect, they had no nostalgia, and they just continued to fly forward.

And ahead, it was the gathering place of the large forces. The aura of several golden masters exuded, rushing into the flock of dead birds and fighting against the flock of birds.

Death Birds are just C-rank creatures, and their single-body strength is not much stronger than that of Sandwolves. Even if they can stir the gale, they still can’t easily eliminate them as golden-rank masters.

The golden rank masters can easily destroy several or even dozens of dead birds with every shot, and quickly make this storm invisible.

This is so, the army of thorns and the group of followers behind them still paid the price of nearly a thousand people.

Nearly half of the corpses that will be swallowed in the future are scattered all over the desert, like a hell on earth.

The vulture thieves also opened their eyes and crawled out of the sandpit where they almost buried themselves alive. The rest of their lives made them feel very happy.

“Finally safe, thank you sir for saving our lives!”

Lin Shu ignored their gratitude and put his gaze on a corpse with only the upper body left.

Found that his body was actually moving!,

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