Chapter 234

Chapter 235 Bronze Corpse

“Miscalculated, the teleportation array is teleported randomly!”

Lin Shu came to a conclusion in an instant, because the group of people in front of him was obviously different from those who entered in front of him.

Not to mention the scattered forces, it is impossible to provoke themselves.

Only those sand bandits who are not up to below, who are mixed in the large army, know nothing about themselves, and dare to violate the agreement to carry out robbery here in the first place.

Looking at the people surrounding him, Lin Shu showed a harmless smile.

“You guys don’t joke with me. Didn’t the adults say that you can’t do it here?”

A sand bandit with red hair and long beard spit on the ground fiercely.

“How old are they? You guys risked their lives to get rich. Besides, if you don’t see the treasure, you can’t do anything. Isn’t your kid a treasure in our eyes? If you kill you, we will get the money, which violates the rules of a fart! ”

Another sand bandit with a missing front tooth smiled and said: “Red hair, you are right. It’s a pity that this kid has thin skin and tender flesh. It’s a pity to die here in vain. Be careful when you know how to kill. I’ll send it while it’s hot!”

“What do you think of Leehom as the fat pork on the display board?”

Lin Shu was furious when he waved a black fireball and flew over the missing front teeth, instantly melting the bronze peak sand bandit into a pile of bones.

How did the other people know that they had offended the wrong person? They knelt down and knocked their heads like garlic, knocking blood from their foreheads.

Big brother “Spare me for waiting for a life, we are also forced to be helpless!”

The red hair was trembling and he cried with his nose and tears.

“You don’t know, this ghost place is full of traps, and often you will die here if you step on the wrong step. I am waiting to think that after all the hardships, I can’t come here in vain? That’s why I moved my mind and I ask you to stay. We have a small life, I am waiting to rob you all the way!

“You only have a chance?-Road Robbery?”

Lin Shu felt the malice of these people when they spoke, and knew that these people were just lying to himself, so he stopped showing mercy.

“I think it’s better to be obedient to the dead!”

Lin Shu waved his hand and turned them all into a scorched corpse in despair.

Then Lin Shu looked at no one on the left and right, and took out some copper blocks from the space ring, and combined the corpse with the copper blocks.

Successfully obtained [Bronze Corpse: C-level 5th

Synthesis formula: [Bronze Block] + [Corpse] = [Bronze Corpse]

Skill 1: Corpse poison, the claws of the copper corpse have a lot of toxins. Any creature damaged by it will be transformed into an ordinary zombie within seven days.

Skill 2: Advanced perception, able to perceive the smallest vibrations around, and react quickly.

Skill 3: Bone explosion, the copper corpse can explode all the body except the head when facing danger, as long as the head can find a suitable body after being out of danger, it is still possible to survive!

Note: The copper corpse is not related to the iron corpse.As for synthetic materials, it has weak evolutionary ability.

“Fuck, isn’t this the best pathfinder guy?”

Lin Shu was overjoyed, pointing to a place in front that seemed to be stained with blood and said: “Go, show me what danger is ahead!”

The copper corpse looked stiff in his hands and feet, but his movements were very flexible, rushing to the front in three or two steps.

In the next second, a big knife slashed towards the copper corpse.

The poor little bronze corpse split into two on the spot.

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