Chapter 237

Chapter 238

The old man’s voice slowly echoed in the enclosed space.

Until “a hundred years after the founding of the country, the kobold was dissatisfied with the desolation of the existing land and land, sent troops to attack the surrounding cities, and then caused dissatisfaction with the temple. The temple sent dragon knights here to fight the kobolds. There is also an oasis here that has turned into a desert.

But at the moment when Kobold made the expansion, he had already anticipated that he could fail “Zero Nine Zero”, so he left this place ahead of time so that his inheritance could be passed on.

“After talking for a long time, the owner of the treasure here is still an orc sigh!”

The Captain of Blood Pirate Eight sneered, drew a long knife and pointed at the kobold statue in the mural and said, “It’s a pity that Grandpa was not born in that era. Otherwise, I must kill two gods for fun!”

But Lin Shu was thinking, if the murals are true, then the kobold really has the power of the demon god, wouldn’t the Templar dragon knight who destroyed him be more powerful?

And the shock of the old man’s heart didn’t stop there. According to the records in the temple, the dragon knight’s mount and sacred weapon dragon spear were all lost here.

If there is nothing wrong with the records of the temple, then it is very likely that there is a dragon bone with at least the strength of the sanctuary, and a dragon spear that is infinitely close to the artifact!

These are the contents that are not painted on the murals, and they belong to him alone!

The old man decided to wait here until he saw someone with enough weight and a certain degree of credibility.

The eight captain didn’t care about this, approached the old man and asked, “As long as this bit of information is on this mural, you have nothing else to say?”

“temporarily unavailable!”

“Without you, it will be useless. I will send you to see the head god, don’t worry, when I get the holy artifact, I will definitely let you take a look, and I will definitely not let you die in vain!”

After speaking, Captain Eight raised the long sword in his hand, and only waited a second to behead the old man.

The old man shuddered, abandoning all his previous plans, and knelt down and shouted: “My lord, forgive me, I seem to remember something, you let me think about it again!”

“I only wait for you for one minute. If you can’t tell any useful news after one minute, you don’t have to think about it. Stay here!”

The old man’s whole body was shaking like a sieve, and before ten seconds he raised his pale old face full of sweat…

“I thought about it. It was said in the ancient scriptures of the temple that the dragon knight’s dragon and weapons were all left here. It is very possible that more than one sacred artifact exists here!”


The people around couldn’t help but take a breath. What is the concept of two sacred artifacts? In this age when the sanctuary is not strong, holding a sacred artifact can basically be used as long as it does not die and fight against the behemoth of the temple. This continent is walking sideways.

Unlike everyone present, the question Lin Shu was thinking about was: how much can the two sacred artifacts cost? And can the keel help Hei Bart restore his blood?

Captain Eight over there laughed and patted the old man 3.5 on the shoulder, then pointed to the six-pointed star building in the middle and said, “You always see how to choose these six doors?”

The old man walked around the building again, and shook his head slowly after thinking for a while.

“I don’t know this. These six doors represent the six elements of water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder. If I have to choose, I will definitely choose the door that suits my attributes to enter.”

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