Chapter 250

Chapter 251

Lin Shu asked the two to keep the matter of killing Tyson secret, and Gunaza, who was holding the sacred artifact that the other party called to get, would naturally not refuse.

Even in order to keep it as confidential as possible, Sham deliberately asked Gunaza to receive the sacred artifacts in the space ring.

Since Tyson appeared here, there might not be no other big figures rushing over. When asked about this, it would be easy to think of the top of the hand-held sacred instrument Gunaza.

When the yellow mud fell into the trousers, he was not Yoneda Kyo.

After the three of them discussed it, they chatted, and naturally they asked about the strength of both parties.

Gunaza told the truth that she was inherited from the previous owner of the sacred artifact, and Lin Shu also stated that she was a trainer, and that her true life was actually called Lin Shu.

107 But except for the few young elites who have been teased by Lin Shu personally, most people will not have any reaction to this name. Woolen cloth?

This was also in Lin Shu’s expectation. In order to prevent them from leaking, he also deliberately took the matter of offending the royal family of the four countries to prevent them from leaking outside.

And Gu Nazha also feels empathy for Lin Shu. Didn’t she also conceal her identity to experience outside, for fear of being discovered by others as the daughter (cjdf) of the biggest sand bandit leader in the Desert of Death?

The two of them are invisible, and they are much closer, but they hang out and chat happily as an invisible person.

When Sham didn’t know whether to interrupt this kind of intimacy, the other six treasures outside finally decided the final victory.

The exits of all the treasures were opened at the same time, and the portal directly led to an illusory platform. Below the platform, a huge pyramid building was visible to the naked eye. The densely packed soldiers around the building blocked the water!

And there is a continuously rotating water and fire stick on top of the head, which continuously emits blue and red colors, completely isolating the entire pyramid from the outside world. Lin Shu and the others still have not been able to leave the scope of the pyramid.

Before everyone could take a closer look, they just glanced around, and found their own organization among the crowd and leaned forward.

Lin Shu naturally followed Gu Yi Gu Naza and went to the death thief.

“Why is this kid coming with you?”

Seeing Lin Shu next to Gunaza, Gu Yi’s face couldn’t help getting darker, and his eyes were so unhappy that he turned to Sham, as if to ask what was going on.

As soon as Sam was about to speak, he caught Gunaza who looked at him with a bad face, and could only sneer: “Uh, commander, I see Lin, this guy Leehom is very good, so I brought them here together.”

“Hmph, no matter how good it is, it’s an outsider, I’m afraid it wasn’t for the treasure we obtained!

A young man in the team snorted coldly, looking at Lin Shu full of hostility.

James “Shut up your mouth, believe it or not, I will go back and tear your mouth apart? Gunaza” said to protect the calf.

“You want to tear my mouth for an outsider?”

James looked at Gunaza in disbelief. He saw that she looked at Lin Shu and apologized, as if the meat that had reached her mouth was suddenly called away by a wolf who didn’t know where it came from. His heart was very painful!

“Okay, stop making trouble.”

Seeing that Gunaza still wanted to refute, Gu Yi quickly stopped.

James “has grown up in our regiment since he was a child. Isn’t it normal for him to see you bring an outsider back to ask about it?”

Sham stood up to make peace at this time: “Master, don’t worry, Leehom has no problem.”

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