Chapter 260

Chapter 261

In the next few days, as Lin Shu and Gu Nazha confirmed the relationship, and even had a substantial relationship, when he dealt with the death thief, his methods were much softer and he gave a lot of discounts.

During the period, Lin Shu also took the time to contract out the six-winged fighting angel. As for the colony of desert marching ants, he could not deal with it for a while, so he could only put it aside temporarily.

And today, there is no time to run around. Today is Lin Shu’s day to meet with the other major bandit organizations.

It is said that I have met with sand bandits in the entire dead desert, but in fact, there are no one out of ten of the four major sand bandits.

First of all, among the four great sand bandits, apart from the death thief and the devil thief who belongs to Prince Jack, the White Night Pirates 107 has already said a few days ago that the small land under his name was half sold and half handed to Lin Shu, the blood pirate Needless to say, with the help of the devil thieves who no longer conceal their identity and the prince’s army, they quickly swallowed all the blood pirates.

This shows that Jack did have the strength to dominate the death desert, but it was a pity that he met the tree.

Of course, I am not talking about this today, so I won’t mention it for the time being.

In addition to the four thieves, more thieves are more like sentinels, either because of their own greed, or because they were caught by the four thieves and became strong men, and the damage was very serious (cjdf).

Many sand bandits were even wiped out, and even the group leader failed to escape.

Those who came to the meeting were the sand bandits who stayed at home.

Further down, there are only one or two small resource points under the name, or the inaccessible quicksand bandits who can only make a living by robbery. Shalangshan Kasao was such an inaccessible commodity before.

Most of these representatives of the sand bandits, who didn’t know what the situation was, were seated one by one. There were ten thousand questions in their hearts that they wanted to solve, but they didn’t know how to speak.

But soon someone seemed to see through them, and stood up and explained the causes and consequences of the non-return canyon group.

Of course, the focus is on the tree’s identity as a strong sanctuary, which really shocked many people.

The subsequent mention of business circles and the change of behavior patterns are quite logical.

In the face of Lin Shu’s threat, no one was silly and jumped out to oppose it, but it made him feel a little boring when he was about to kill him.

“Ah, sand bandits? It’s just a group of bullying and fearful eggs!”

Things are almost done, and then it’s the turn of an extremely important thing for Lin Shu, the wedding!

The wedding in the desert is not as romantic as the prince and son in the fairy tale, and the melody is the enthusiasm and frankness.

But before the wedding, there is still a small show, that is, climbing the ninety-nine floor of the ladder!

The ladder here is not really a ladder to the sky, but ninety-nine levels.

Generally speaking, this is just a small show, with up to ninety-nine glasses of wine. Every sip is considered to be a step up a ladder, and in the end, you can get a beautiful girl in the flattery and blessings of everyone.

But now there is a collection of sand bandits from the entire desert of death, and there are many people who love Gunaza or the position of the ship “Gu Yi son-in-law” in private. Everyone saw that Lin Shu did not object and decided to give him something difficult. of.

In the end, Gu Yi decided to send ninety-eight people to show him in all aspects, and these ninety-eight people can be any skilled sand bandits, and they can also be used to lead them to the nose by Lin Shu. Dissatisfaction with walking vented inside.

Lin Shu patted his chest upon hearing the words and said: “No problem, this ninety-nine-floor ladder, I’m settled!”

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