Chapter 271

Chapter 272

At the same time, the cardinal who had talked with Lin Shu in the evening returned to his yard.

Turning back, closing the door and then turning around, all the drunkenness on his body disappeared.

He walked lightly to the door of the third room and rang softly.

“Archbishop, Lin Shu seems unwilling to accept our solicitation!”

After a while inside, there was an old voice: “Are you allowed to be the bishop?

“Yes, I did exactly what you said!”

There was another silence in the room, “How many things have been discovered about Bishop Tyson?”

“I only know that I disappeared after entering the pyramid. It is said that when I was inside, I stepped into the same secret room as Lin Shu!”

After speaking, there was a movement in the room. After the door was opened, an old man with white hair and long beard walked out.

He said to Bishop Link outside the door: “I see, you don’t have to worry about this, let me take over now!”

Bishop Link held the Code of Light in front of his chest and bent over and said, “Respectfully send the Holy Tribunal!”

As soon as Lin Shu fell asleep, the door of the room was knocked.


“I, Divine, Holy See of the Light!”

As soon as the voice fell, the door opened automatically, and an old man walked in. It was the person who was in Bishop Link’s courtyard just now.

“Please forgive me for visiting late at night, I have something to ask you!”

“You just broke in without my consent. If it weren’t for the sake of you being an old man, I would have cursed it a long time ago!”

Lin Shu cursed, “Go ahead, ask if you have any questions.

Divine didn’t get angry, and slowly walked to the table and sat down and said, “I heard that you have met Bishop Tyson?”

Lin Shu is not stingy: “I haven’t seen it!

“You don’t need to rush to deny it. I’m not here to pursue the responsibility, but we are missing a bishop. This position needs to be filled, so I hope you can take this position!”

“I am not a believer in the God of Light. My profession is an animal trainer, and I believe in the goddess of nature. Besides, I can’t do anything. How can I convince the people when I become a bishop in vain!

Lin Shu shook his head quickly.

“It doesn’t matter, your goddess of nature will not object. How many years has no one in this continent been able to contact the gods? Do you know why my Guangming Vatican is the only one? Because only I, Guangming Vatican, can still be contacted. God!”

Bishop Divine said that his eyes were full of piousness.

“When you become a bishop, you will be able to perceive the existence of the God of Light. Without the guidance of God, how far can you go if your talent is strong?”

…………For flowers

“Is there really a god?

Lin Shu asked.

He has never perceived the existence of the goddess of nature, even the phantom that he saw when he hit the beacon of light before was nothing more than a “skill special effect”.

If you are really targeted by the God of Light, how can you easily get rid of the beacon?

To put it bluntly, angels only exist on the same level as giant dragons. Two-winged angels are not even as good as ordinary black dragons. In Lin Shu’s eyes, they are more like angels controlled by the Holy See, specially used to fool the world.


But what if God really exists?

Thinking of this, Lin Shu no longer refused, but offered his own terms: “If you can prove that the God of Light exists, I would be willing to become a bishop!!

“Before becoming a bishop, you have to go through the blessing of the God of Light, and then you will feel the existence of God!”

Divine spoke and stretched out his right hand: “May you become stronger and stronger under the guidance of God in the future!”

“hope so!”

Lin Shu shrugged, he didn’t really believe that God really existed anyway.

But a trip to the Holy See of Guangming may be able to help him open up a business route?

Anyway, this old ladder said, you need to feel the presence of God to become a bishop. and,

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